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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/2019 in Posts

  1. The issue here isn't about keeping Miles; it's about what sort of roadblocks or self-sabitoge we will come up after that happens.
    3 points
  2. Not sure I took it as lack of resources- I do agree with Jack when he was talking about the lack of Committment by the Administration to go “all in” on Nebraska basketball. And I think he meant that historically, previous administrations haven’t always been. It’s largely what had Lee B write that article that put the shim shams on notice. It’s what partially or nearly fully contributed to Roburt Sallie making it on campus and then his admission gets botched and he gets ruled ineligible. I remember a very prominent member of the upped administration at NU, told me “if he were a football recruit and this happened, someone’s getting fired” I get the facilities, from Hendricks to PBA, are a commitment, but there’s more to committment than just buildings and facilities.
    3 points
  3. You didn't actually listen to this if you think it was a pro-Miles rant. He is essentially saying that the administration has no more excuses, a sentiment that should extend well beyond firing the coach.
    3 points
  4. Had we practiced more on our one-second defense we would have won this one.
    3 points
  5. playing with mred's bracket generator, it looks very favorable for the huskers to receive anywhere from the 5th seed to 7th seed. i believe if the huskers win out, that would pretty much guarantee the 5th seed (and, that puts them in maryland's bracket---6 or 7 seed would be very interesting if the huskers play well in the BTT). with that 6 or 7 seed, it wouldn't shock me if they made it to the BT championship game. i believe huskers could still end up with that 5th seed even if they split the last two games. will depend on other outcomes. lose both and you will end up in maryland's bracket. minnesota appears to be the team to watch for husker fans. if minny should beat rutgers and lose to michigan state, that would give the huskers a 6th seed (should huskers split last 2). no matter what, it seems the minny-msu game will be the one to watch as far as being in the "1" or "2" bracket (like i stated, unless huskers win last 2). i also think it would be advantageous if msu loses at least one of their last 3, but, win the game against minny.
    3 points
  6. But the apple was just so delicious.
    3 points
  7. I thought we’d be in the mix for a B1G title, all the smart guys on TV had us no worse than 4th. Now we’ll be lucky to finish .500, disappointing doesn’t even scratch the surface.
    3 points
  8. I know I'm in the minority, but I don't want Miles gone, unless Moos has a proven winner lined up. Miles > Doc > Barry Don't see the point in bringing in another mid-major "up and coming" coach, losing half the team and a majority of the recruiting class. If only he had an offensive coordinator.
    3 points
  9. Anyone catch Jack Mitchell sound off during the after show on KLIN today? Holy crap, he nailed it in my opinion. I think he posted part of it on his Twitter. Basically, he remarks how the Nebrasketball fan base is a unicorn, that we continue to show up despite records, tourney possibilities, blizzards, and want to win so bad, yet have to put up with an administration that hasn’t always (if ever) put appropriate resources into the basketball program. He doesn’t say his opinion on whether or not he thinks a change should happen, but begs whomever is making the decision to fully go all in on the coach and fully support him and not handstring his recruiting by being wishy washy. I highly recommend giving it a listen-
    2 points
  10. Some of it is because of a lifetime of basketball being an afterthought. Some of it is because we've kept a coach around where it very much seems like he's been on the chopping block for 4 years (him not winning is definitely part of that) It's inevitable that Miles is going to be fired and the point is that doesn't fix anything. Is hiring a mid-major guy or assistant while leaking stories of the big names we *almost* hired any different from hiring Miles or Sadler or Barry or Nee or Cipriano? Is 'we couldn't spend enough because we're paying the football coach an awful lot and the academic side is doing poorly so here' so this is the hire a commitment to basketball? It's not about not believing Bill Moos can't spend money on a guy he knows he can win; he's done it with Mike Leach and hopefully Scott Frost. The issue is whether or not we will make our biggest hire since picking up Harry Good in 1946 from Indiana because Branch McCracken was back from the war. Do that and there is your buy-in. Otherwise we're just gambling that an Athletic Department that really doesn't seem to know how to achieve basketball success is gong to get lucky. I'll go to bat for whomever we hire but for the love of Jumbo Stiehm get very, very serious here.
    2 points
  11. With any grouping of people, you will have the good, the bad and the ugly. That observation is age old, and fits any race, religion, class, gender et al.
    2 points
  12. Let's keep the 1% talk to the 1% of coaches please and thank you
    2 points
  13. Theres a whole thread about this, but once again... that comment was blown wayyyyy out of proportion. It was simply Miles being Miles. Bad timing? Maybe. Shot at the fans and school? Not a chance. The only reason he had to issue the Twitter response was because of reactions like this.
    2 points
  14. That's cute you guys, your one off anecdotes are heart warming. But I think the only way out is to EAT THE RICH. I can counter your anecdotes with stories of well heeled loons being absolute wankers in social settings that set my teeth on edge. Granted, I've had the misfortune of working in restaurants and retail in college, and as an adult, I spent a decade in the financial service industry. So I haven't seen people at their best. Again, obviously, I'll admit I'm painting with a big brush instead of contributing to the myth of the kind and benevolent rich overlords, but in my experience, the most irrational and demanding customers end up being those with the most money. The fatal flaw is that people who have big bucks think they got there because they are smarter than everyone else, or work harder than everyone else. It's never that simple. Way too easy to overlook the good fortune you've had along the way and think that you are something special. Hell, in this world, if you've got a stable fam situation, 2 parents, and maybe they read to you everyday when you are a kid or make sure you get involved in "enrichment" activities as a kid, you've got a helluva leg up right there. God forbid you have to service investments for some small business dude who made it big and thinks they've got vision and the rest of the world has glasses. Sure. Most folks are decent. Nice even. But in my experience, a noxious attitude towards the great unwashed often lurks beneath the surface. Greed. A lack of humility. A lack of compassion. Hubris. This is what I think of when I think of the 1%. Are there exceptions to the rule? Of course. Your mileage may vary, but I'm basing my opinions on actual real world interactions too. I can't just sit here, on a snow covered Sunday morning, and let people talk about rich people in glowing terms. A bridge too far.
    2 points
  15. Nebraska Vs. NorthWestern 1-1 Nebraska Vs. Minnesota 1-0 Nebraska Vs. Purdue 2-0 Northwestern Vs. Nebraska 1-1 NorthWestern Vs. Minnesota 0-2 NorthWestern Vs. Purdue 0-2 Minnesota Vs. Nebraska 0-1 Minnesota Vs. NorthWestern 2-0 Minnesota Vs. Purdue 1-1 Purdue Vs. Nebraska 0-2 Purdue Vs. NorthWestern 2-0 Purdue Vs. Minnesota 1-1 This is how the four teams that are tied shakes out.
    2 points
  16. I agree with this. With Cope, we probably win today and Wisco. Maybe even @Illinois.
    2 points
  17. this narrative's getting pushed a little hard. we were 2-5 in Copes last 7 games. We're 2-6 since. That's pretty consistent. Pinning this on Cope's injury is just transference. The Titanic was already half sunk.
    2 points
  18. you can speculate we'd have won more with copeland, but at some point you can't make any more excuses. miles has had 7 seasons to prove himself, and i don't think he's done enough. as miles said himself, moos put him on notice and miles has not delivered.
    2 points
  19. When we were down 2 at crunch time we: - Forced Edwards to throw up an air ball then watched as they converted an uncontested put back. - Had Allen throw up a desperation 3 as the shot clock expired. - Watched Palmer commit a silly reach in foul on the following possession. Ballgame... these are the type of plays that are the difference between winning and losing.
    2 points
  20. Why are we still talking about Roby? We need to look at the bigger picture. This is revolutionary. How can we capitalize on this and get all of our players hitched up in long term relationships before they commit to Nebraska so they don't transfer?
    2 points
  21. -JPJ had his hand wrapped and I noticed it in the PSU game. Unsure of how much that is effecting him. -Glynm wanted to go right at carsen all night. Didn't back down and defended him very well I thought -the more I watch amir, the more I like him. So smooth driving the ball. Good passer as a freshman. Had that freshman mistake in the first half with the inbounds play but he responded very well. Great defender also. Hope we can keep him -roby I thought would have the advantage against eifert, but didn't look too take the action to him. Part of that was with haarms in the lane. He's all of 7 feet.
    2 points
  22. Chuck Taylor

    In state kids?

    Yeah, I'm quoting myself from 2016 after reading Jacob Padilla's article. At the time of this post, there was a lot of discussion about missing on Khryi Thomas and Patton and some people on the board were thin skinned about the criticism. That missed the point. The point was that there were kids who could fill out the roster and provide stability. We didn't just "miss" on Thomas and Patton, we also didn't see the value of Thurman, Hagedorn, Chandler, Logan Strom (redshirting at UNO) and a bunch of others. We went years with an empty scholarship that could have gone to one of these guys. Who should we have given a scholarship to? I don't know, that was Miles' job. I think he finally started offering guys because of the embarrassment of the misses, not because he suddenly realized that his recruiting philosophy might have been his undoing. He ended up with a thin roster that a couple of Nebraska kids could have saved.
    2 points
  23. Perlman and Pedey and their reign of terror wasn't about major boosters. It was more about major egos.
    2 points
  24. And kudos to my LJS paper delivery person who delivered. And whoever decided to change the starting time to 1:00 (for those not yet aware of this).
    2 points
  25. 1 point
  26. I can!! - And Will! Nebraska - 77 Michigan - 71
    1 point
  27. In more ways than one. I need my damn water supply to thaw out.
    1 point
  28. I feel bad for the staff; they care and they want to succeed. It likely tears them apart that they could not find the answers. I feel bad for the players. I cannot be convinced that they don't care. They want to win. Perhaps they tried too hard (other than against PSU). Perhaps the burden of expectations were insurmountable. I feel bad for the fan base. We care. We want to win. We show up in blizzard conditions for goodness sake. Dang...I feel sorry for myself, as it looks like we need to start over again. I keep thinking we are a big man away, then we are a PG away, then I think we just lack a bit of team chemistry, then it is a depth issue, then it is this or that...every flippin year!!!
    1 point
  29. Maybe he didn't have the resources for a Final Four, but he certainly had resources for more than one tourney bid in 7 years. I get that people like TM, but I don't understand this need to shift the blame beyond where it lies. He has a D-1 conference winning percentage under .400 in TWELVE years. What on earth says he's a great coach who just needed support?
    1 point
  30. I was listening to 590 AM and they brought up a good point. They said it was Miles trying to use humor, and the fact he was telling fans not to feel sorry for him if he gets let go.
    1 point
  31. In my dreams we open up another checkbook and offer TM a front office job, like a recruiting coordinator.
    1 point
  32. I don’t buy the “lack of resources” bit anymore and there was someone in the crowd yesterday, initials T.O. that might chime in with his 2 cents when/if it comes to a new hire...
    1 point
  33. I don't know if he needs to go the assistant route. He is a good coach and recruiter. The problem for him is that the Big 10 has 13 others like him. Even, Chambers is a good recruiter. This league is unforgiving. Our next coach is going to struggle. Underwood took Okie State to the dance in 1 year. Illinois hasn't came close. It sucks for Miles that his best year came when the Big 10 was down, and the quad system came into effect.
    1 point
  34. http://klinam.streamon.fm/listen-pl-704
    1 point
  35. Nah, that's not really how it went, tho... It was *0-3, which includes the game Cope went down against OSU (a game in doubt at the time of injury). NU was 2-2 before that. Then, post-injury, those NU two home wins came against teams reeling with long losing streaks. And barely were won. Barely.
    1 point
  36. Miles may very well leave Nebraska with a losing record overall. I’m not sure sure he is >>>>Doc or Collier. And he does have an offensive coordinator. His name is Mike Lewis. Either Lewis has failed to live up to expectations or Miles has not given him full reign. Either way...we just don’t have enough shooters. That’s a recruiting issue.
    1 point
  37. I don't think it's a foregone conclusion Miles is gone. I think Moos considers Copeland's injury, who he can get to replace Miles.
    1 point
  38. Thank goodness for young love
    1 point
  39. I appreciated that the team showed some heart and hustle today. Amir is a dude. Not much left to mention. Just another game lost when it sure seemed like NU could have been in the clutches of victory. That Grady Eifert kicked our tails on the boards and putbacks.
    1 point
  40. We're just not a smart basketball team. we don't communicate well or consistently on the court. most of the teams in this league have improved over the course of the season. we're one of the few that has gotten demonstrably worse. fortunately, that phase ends in a few weeks. I have to have a team that plays hard and plays smart, and I'll sacrifice some talent for that every time. And I'll take the Mites over this club every single time for that reason.
    1 point
  41. Based on score, effort, whatever you want to go by, NU was competitive. NU should have won the game. Some will bring up rebounds but when there’s 9 missed threes by one dude...I don’t know. There were some bad ones where all we had to do was box out (45) but most of the time I wasn’t terribly concerned about effort etc. Amir’s foul was clean on the sideline swipe. Purdue shot ninety whatever percent from the line. But what bugged me about flow was Roby seems like he can get hacked with no call but he gets fouls called on him. The dunk was horrible. Palmer is going through something that is unexplainable at this point. His shots just will not fall. Cope plays today and we win by double digits easily. We all know what’s coming in two weeks though.
    1 point
  42. there was enough talent from nebraska to win the 2016-17 ncaa championship. Tra-Deon Hollins/mike gesell (if he redshirted)/Malik Hluchoweckyj Khyri Thomas/Nick Billingsley/Triston Simpson Tre'Shawn Thurman/mitch hahn Mike Daum/Tyler Hagedorn Justin Patton/akoy agau/borchardt
    1 point
  43. Forbes is one of the very few midmajors Im intrigued by. I think we need to stay away from that route, but if thats the way we go, he's the guy
    1 point
  44. AuroranHusker


    Dusty eels.
    1 point
  45. I am not convinced that he shouldn't be retained. I understand the responsibilities and accountability that a head coach has. I also understand and agree the program isn't where it is expected to be. I also understand that there have been holes and issues with the retention of front court players. But I believe that recent issues have been compounded by the lack of administrative support and the moving puzzle pieces that exist. If Coach Miles is jettisoned, I will understand it and support the next coach. But I would be fine with a retention decision. The likelihood of that is remote to say the least.
    1 point
  46. atskooc

    Cryptic tweet is cryptic

    I'm thisclose to downvoting you for not including a semicolon reference here.
    1 point
  47. Kearney Man has had a few with about this many down arrows.
    1 point
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