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Big Ten Officiating

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It wasn't just us complaining about the Big Ten officiating this year. Other fans did too. And I often wondered if poor officiating in the Big Ten might affect the conference's recruiting. At the very least, I could see it having an impact on player retention and people entering the portal.


The gripe wasn't about losing games and blaming the ref. The gripe was about having a level playing field and feeling like you got a fair shake. If you have a rule, but the rule isn't enforced evenly or equally, then you don't really have a rule at all. And if you only apply that rule against me and not against others, then I'm going to feel like the system is unfair.


I grant that some of the most contentious areas are judgment calls that can often go either way.  But the problem is when the calls always seem to favor the blue team over the red team.  If the same action is a block whenever I'm on defense and a charge whenever I'm on offense, I'm going to lose faith in the officiating. And I have lost faith in the officiating.


The officiating is bullshit, and I don't feel like they're even trying to make it look like they're being even-handed anymore. That's all. That's it. Thanks for letting me vent.

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When there were two refs, I knew each of their responsibilities.   Now with three refs, I am unsure what the responsibilities are for each position. 

But as the three refs rotate, they each shift responsibilities and they each have their own nuances and they each see things slightly different.  Then you factor in their egos, the speed of the game/players and the size of the players.

Contact should be a foul.  That is what the rule book says.  But hey, let's tweak the rule book and yet not change the rule.  We will simply judge whether or not the contact actually impedes the player, and oh yeah, it different if it is big on big, or small on small, and is completely different if it is small on big.  Traveling, oh yeah, I remember when it was a violation.  We will only call 3 seconds a couple times a year, we need to let fans know we can count...lol.

I keep hearing how difficult refereeing is, hmm.  Adherence to the rules is hard.  Thank gawd police don't have that issue, right?

If it is too hard for humans, computerize it.  It can be done.

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When I ref I try to think that all 10 players are my kids and try to be fair as possible. Sometimes I miss something but hope that my partners would catch what I missed. I think it would be helpful to work as crews instead of sending three guys that only work together 4-5 times a sesaon. Just like the players the refs would learn their partners tendencies.

Also if you watch the refs at a game all 6 eyes are on the ball rather than watching what is going on away from the ball. So that's where the missed the original foul but catch the retaliation. 

And like huskerpapa said traveling and 3 seconds have become obsolete. And it seemed like a couple years ago the "moving screen" would get called at least 4-5 times a game and that seemed to get pushed to back burner in last year or 2.

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Nobody minds if a ref misses an occasional call. We're all imperfect humans and don't expect perfection. AND I think MOST officials WANT to do a good job. But there are ENOUGH bad officials that a way to weed them out needs to be found. Not just in the B1G, referees seem to be deciding how the game is called on the fly. And they seem to LIKE the knock down, drag out brutish kind of play of schools like Illinois. And they seem to cave in to coaches like Underwood and Painter who must scare (?) them as games go on. What can Izzo do to them that Hoiberg can't. I wonder???


Conferences need to tell officials to call the game according to the rules! My greatest gripe is how a player driving into the lane INITIATES contact with a defender and yet the defender get called for the foul. A close second is when a defender goes straight up and the offensive player jumps INTO him and yet the defender is whistled. Is that really how the rules are written? In addition, the evaluation process of referees (is there one?) and how they score needs to be PUBLICIZED. Has anyone ever seen a list of how refs grade out? PAY them enough to do the job (if we can hand out million dollar checks to players surely we can figure out a way to pay refs enough!) but make continued employment contingent on how they grade over a season.

Edited by KZRider
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17 minutes ago, KZRider said:

Nobody minds if a ref misses an occasional call. We're all imperfect humans and don't expect perfection. AND I think MOST officials WANT to do a good job. But there are ENOUGH bad officials that a way to weed them out needs to be found. Not just in the B1G, referees seem to be deciding how the game is called on the fly. And they seem to LIKE the knock down, drag out brutish kind of play of schools like Illinois. And they seem to cave in to coaches like Underwood and Painter who must scare (?) them as games go on. What can Izzo do to them that Hoiberg can't. I wonder???


Conferences need to tell officials to call the game according to the rules! My greatest gripe is how a player driving into the lane INITIATES contact with a defender and yet the defender get called for the foul. A close second is when a defender goes straight up and the offensive player jumps INTO him and yet the defender is whistled. Is that really how the rules are written? In addition, the evaluation process of referees (is there one?) and how they score needs to be PUBLICIZED. Has anyone ever seen a list of how refs grade out? PAY them enough to do the job (if we can hand out million dollar checks to players surely we can figure out a way to pay refs enough!) but make continued employment contingent on how they grade over a season.


One of my pet peeves is when the offensive player TRAVELS into contact, and a foul is called on the defender.

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20 minutes ago, KZRider said:

Nobody minds if a ref misses an occasional call. We're all imperfect humans and don't expect perfection. AND I think MOST officials WANT to do a good job. But there are ENOUGH bad officials that a way to weed them out needs to be found. Not just in the B1G, referees seem to be deciding how the game is called on the fly. And they seem to LIKE the knock down, drag out brutish kind of play of schools like Illinois. And they seem to cave in to coaches like Underwood and Painter who must scare (?) them as games go on. What can Izzo do to them that Hoiberg can't. I wonder???


Conferences need to tell officials to call the game according to the rules! My greatest gripe is how a player driving into the lane INITIATES contact with a defender and yet the defender get called for the foul. A close second is when a defender goes straight up and the offensive player jumps INTO him and yet the defender is whistled. Is that really how the rules are written? In addition, the evaluation process of referees (is there one?) and how they score needs to be PUBLICIZED. Has anyone ever seen a list of how refs grade out? PAY them enough to do the job (if we can hand out million dollar checks to players surely we can figure out a way to pay refs enough!) but make continued employment contingent on how they grade over a season.


When did the hand check become legal?  This has changed a lot over the years.  It is not even a hand check but a hold.  This has filtered down to high school as well and has made the game so much more physical.

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