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uneblinst's postgame chatter: vol 16; prologue - Doane


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Oops, forgot to wait for the post game thread.  Copy and paste:


Boogie can play.  Can he play with everyone else?


KT plays thousands upon thousands of minutes of basketball this summer without a scratch and then gets hurt in an exhibition against Doane.


JL looks like a guy that will fill up a stat line without looking like he did much.


CJ had a solid game. Couldn't believe how big he looked compared to Doane's  players.


Rice. Love his potential.  He will get knocked around in conference play but will learn from it hopefully.


Sam needs to play.  Will not make as many plays as he did today, but he will make some.


Williams took one for the team and played the post. Might be best coming off the bench.


Diop:  Of course he gets sick when he has a chance to play major minutes gaining valuable experience.


Not sure how much our other bigs  would have gained playing today except game conditioning.

Edited by Navin R. Johnson
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Well, I will start with the obvious, there really isn't a lot you can take away from this exhibition.  Once we got rolling, we pretty much did what we wanted, whenever we wanted to do it.  That said:

* Keisei's injury looked bad, but certainly didn't look like the dastardly high ankle sprain.  He also came out after half without a wrap, ice or boot.  So I am hoping for the best.

*  Am I the only one who thought Eli looked an awful lot like Bryce McGowan?  Both his shooting style and his shot selection. 

*  Brice looked solid.  Sort of played out of position but he played fundamentally strong.

*  Sam is fun to watch.  Let's just call him a scappy dude.  He is going to get minutes this year.

*  Boogie did some good things.  He does remind me a bit of Palmer; but it is hard to draw major conclusions.  

*  JL is pretty special.  He struggled with his shot today, yet he pulled down 10+ rebounds and did a good job distributing the ball.

*  LOL - Burt has grown.

*  CJ, was solid.  He made an outstanding interior pass and played consistently.

*  Jake did fine as well.  He looks comfortable wile on the floor.


Hey, it is an exhibition game and we were without half our team.  So reality is that until we get our front court back, we really won't know how good this team is.


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Re-Watched a bit of the 2nd half...


1. We can't take much out of this at all.  Much like we can't take a whole lot out of the Utah scrimmage.  I'd much rather prefer a charity exhibition like Illinois and KU, Wake and Alabama, etc. have all played.


2. Count me in on the Eli Rice train!


3. I said about Boogie in the game thread "he's eerily similar of some of the early Hoiberg players" but I liked some of what I saw in the 2nd half.  Can he play within the system and avoid hero ball as much as possible?  Can he accept a more limited role if need be?


4. We need to get healthy fast.  Or all of these cupcake games that we could have used to mesh and gel will be for naught.  Not that we should lose any, but this was our chance to grow early as a team.


5. Oof on the 3 point shooting.  Disappointing considering the opponent and the fact that we played a guard heavy lineup.


6. Sam WILL get minutes this year and that doesn't mean things have gone sour.

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JL looked stronger, shot was off all night. Hopefully he’s not overthinking it playing the point. He does get it up the floor in a hurry. Will be interested in how he handles pressure. Looks lIke the starting 1 for sure.

Boogie has good size and vision, willing passer. Defense was not great and a little sloppy with his handle.

Rice looks great when taking good shots, smooth stroke but forced it a few times.

Williams was very passive, hopefully more aggressive when the games are real. I think he will fit in nice.

Sam is Sam, great energy and hustle that will get him on the floor. Took a couple bad shots which is not normal.


They had a small lineup, there guards all seemed 5’10”ish, so hard to take much from the actual game other than hoping Keisei is OK. 

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10 hours ago, hskr4life said:

Re-Watched a bit of the 2nd half...


1. We can't take much out of this at all.  Much like we can't take a whole lot out of the Utah scrimmage.  I'd much rather prefer a charity exhibition like Illinois and KU, Wake and Alabama, etc. have all played.


2. Count me in on the Eli Rice train!


3. I said about Boogie in the game thread "he's eerily similar of some of the early Hoiberg players" but I liked some of what I saw in the 2nd half.  Can he play within the system and avoid hero ball as much as possible?  Can he accept a more limited role if need be?


4. We need to get healthy fast.  Or all of these cupcake games that we could have used to mesh and gel will be for naught.  Not that we should lose any, but this was our chance to grow early as a team.


5. Oof on the 3 point shooting.  Disappointing considering the opponent and the fact that we played a guard heavy lineup.


6. Sam WILL get minutes this year and that doesn't mean things have gone sour.


Add my name to the list of people saying Sam H will play and have a role this year. He just has that little je ne sais quoi where he adds value beyond what you'd expect from a little guard. He has a steadying hand. It's like he's protection against entropy. When he's on the floor, he's going to be doing the right things. At the right times. In the right spots. And that makes it more difficult for the rest of the cats to scatter. And when you want everyone on the same page (or, as Greg McDermott might say, "on the ...") having him out there helps.


Also, #4 is a point very well taken. You count on the early season cupcakes to help you work out the kinks without risking getting boatraced by St. Johns, for example. This year we had a schedule that set up very nicely for that purpose and having half the team out for one reason or another kind of impedes that whole gelling thing.


Wish I hadn't seen the still photos of Keisei's injury. He came back out not on crutches and didn't have it wrapped and iced and I was thinking he'll walk it off. All I can say is it's a good thing he's young.

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-Eli Rice--long athletic and can shoot

-Hoiberg--really thought he was one of our better players on court that 1st half

-Boogie--I liked his game and thought he didnt try to force things, really got us going in 2nd half

-Wilcher--solid but need him to make his 3s



-kesei's injury  good grief we cant catch a break.

-3 point shooting overall needs to be better

-Emotion-didnt see guys celebrating or high fiving like last year...  Do they get along??  Just something I noticed



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12 hours ago, ConkintheCorner said:


-Eli Rice--long athletic and can shoot

-Hoiberg--really thought he was one of our better players on court that 1st half

-Boogie--I liked his game and thought he didnt try to force things, really got us going in 2nd half

-Wilcher--solid but need him to make his 3s



-kesei's injury  good grief we cant catch a break.

-3 point shooting overall needs to be better

-Emotion-didnt see guys celebrating or high fiving like last year...  Do they get along??  Just something I noticed





I really liked how Brice Williams and Jamargues Lawrence both let the game come to them instead of forcing the action at times like a Jarron Coleman. Both styles can co-exist if they can all work toward a common goal. I sincerely hope that all of these dudes can learn to play to their strengths and limit their weaknesses collectively. If they can maneuver into some type of sync as a unit prior to Big Ten play, I think they can become a special group. Time will tell, let's hope we're dancin' and celebratin' late in the season, that's likely the telltale sign that they "work well together," tbh.

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20 hours ago, Breslin Petteway said:

Eli is a scorer. His corner 3's looked silky smooth. Like any freshman his shot selection and defense needs work. I thought there were 3-4 plays where he could have gotten an easy steal if he was engaged. If he can guard he will play.

I had visions of Jamaal "Silk" Wilkes, so your description is spot-on.

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