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I have a confession to make. 


I haven't always been Norm Peterson on this board.


When I first joined a message board, it was Rivals and I started with a Norm something else, which I quickly found I had to change because it was being used by someone I didn't want to be confused with in a different forum.


Then, I joined Scout just to get a flavor of what the various message boards were like.  But I didn't use the Norm handle just because I guess I assumed you had to have a different handle for each board.


Then, I saw the posts on Rivals about Dave starting HHC and so I came over and joined that one as well, with yet a different handle still.


At some point, I figured out that, if you went to someone's profile on HHC and they entered their actual name, it was visible for all to see.  I hadn't realized that when I first joined.  But knowing that people might know who I was, I was always pretty tame in my posts under that old handle.  As a result, I actually got a bunch of positive karma, which I thought was pretty cool, considering I wasn't trying.


Then, when the old, new board came into being, I decided to register as Norm Peterson like my Rivals account.


And it was funny because Dave sent me a welcome PM saying something to the effect of "I was wondering when you'd finally register here."  I had to laugh but I didn't tell him that I was already registered previously under a different screen name.


But after I joined as Norm Peterson here, I was careful not to put my actual name down in my profile.  Not only that, but a lot of you may remember that when you joined here, if I checked out your profile and saw that you put down your real name, I sent you PMs letting you know that people could see that information and, if you wanted it hidden and not known, you needed to change your profile.


For the record, I never kept track of the names of the people who had their real names in their profiles.  So, if I sent you one of those PMs, rest assured I have long since forgotten who you were.


But I always ended the PM with a ...


Best regards,




Jimmy and others, I don't know if you remember when one of those Pius kids went out with a blaze of glory over on the Rivals board.  I think it was Thunderbolt88, was the handle.  You might call it "suicide by moderator."  In all honesty, it was pretty funny.  I think his friend's handle was McCrayzie.  Good times.


Jimmy and others, I don't know if you remember when one of those Pius kids went out with a blaze of glory over on the Rivals board.  I think it was Thunderbolt88, was the handle.  You might call it "suicide by moderator."  In all honesty, it was pretty funny.  I think his friend's handle was McCrayzie.  Good times.


I think both of those guys have posted here lately, if I'm not mistaken, under different handles...


Jimmy and others, I don't know if you remember when one of those Pius kids went out with a blaze of glory over on the Rivals board.  I think it was Thunderbolt88, was the handle.  You might call it "suicide by moderator."  In all honesty, it was pretty funny.  I think his friend's handle was McCrayzie.  Good times.

I would have forgotten about those two if Jimmy hadn't brought them up.  Good times indeed.  


Can you summarize their "blaze of glory" Norm ?  I don't remember that.



Jimmy and others, I don't know if you remember when one of those Pius kids went out with a blaze of glory over on the Rivals board.  I think it was Thunderbolt88, was the handle.  You might call it "suicide by moderator."  In all honesty, it was pretty funny.  I think his friend's handle was McCrayzie.  Good times.

I would have forgotten about those two if Jimmy hadn't brought them up.  Good times indeed.  


Can you summarize their "blaze of glory" Norm ?  I don't remember that.


I think he had decided he liked HHC better than the Rivals hoops board, and this was during a period where people had lost confidence in Barry Collier and there were arguments about whether Collier should be fired or not, but there were also arguments about whether we needed to keep bringing up how he should be fired in every new thread. 


My take on it was that Thunderbolt88 wanted to be able to bash Collier without constraints and there were people who still supported Collier on the Rivals board who didn't want to read it all the time and so Thunderbolt88 effectively flipped them his middle finger and went over to HHC -- in a way that would not allow him to return to Rivals.


He just kind of left in a blaze of "F" bombs and then came over here and bragged about how he'd gotten himself banned over there.  I mean, if you could get past the profanity and the fact that you might have not been sympathetic to his argument, it was actually a funny and very memorable moment.


In terms of it being memorable, I would rank it right up there with Pigskin Pete arguing that there shouldn't be so many seats for "them handicaps" people in Memorial Stadium.


I have been a faithful "lurker" of this board since August 2005, I had moved to CT in July of that year, ahead of my family, I stumbled upon the board fill up free time

HuskerCWG likes to tweak me for not posting, correctly I might add. I continually come back because of the quality of content. It is the posters and quality of what they share that makes this board.

Thanks to lead-posters like huskercwg, HB, Norm that set the high quality tone that others follow

I miss Kidney :)


mainly just for the reason that i have found a brotherhood that is just as apt and able to nerd out on nebrasketball with ;)

But also for the serious perspective, extra info and ideas I may have been too blind to see myself. I like to think we aren't too blindly fanatic, but obviously we are a BIT biased to be fair...


I love this board, i love you guys (and girls, w/e); its like a big husker family lol. Some of the funniest things I've seen has been on this board, and the history i've had the chance to experience with you guys I am so proud of. Thank you all. 


mainly just for the reason that i have found a brotherhood that is just as apt and able to nerd out on nebrasketball with ;)

But also for the serious perspective, extra info and ideas I may have been too blind to see myself. I like to think we aren't too blindly fanatic, but obviously we are a BIT biased to be fair...


I love this board, i love you guys (and girls, w/e); its like a big husker family lol. Some of the funniest things I've seen has been on this board, and the history i've had the chance to experience with you guys I am so proud of. Thank you all. 

Ahh shucks but you're still not getting my beer.


Actually Norm I remembered what brought me here. You posted something about this board on Rivals football board about Iceweasle's ceaseless posts. I am here thanks to you. I don't consider you an oracle but I do like to read your posts and some times even agree. Thanks tux


mainly just for the reason that i have found a brotherhood that is just as apt and able to nerd out on nebrasketball with ;)

But also for the serious perspective, extra info and ideas I may have been too blind to see myself. I like to think we aren't too blindly fanatic, but obviously we are a BIT biased to be fair...

I love this board, i love you guys (and girls, w/e); its like a big husker family lol. Some of the funniest things I've seen has been on this board, and the history i've had the chance to experience with you guys I am so proud of. Thank you all.

Ahh shucks but you're still not getting my beer.
Haha no probs. wasn't trying to suck up anyway, but I just genuinely like this board. I may have gone a bit overboard with the mushy stuff.



mainly just for the reason that i have found a brotherhood that is just as apt and able to nerd out on nebrasketball with ;)

But also for the serious perspective, extra info and ideas I may have been too blind to see myself. I like to think we aren't too blindly fanatic, but obviously we are a BIT biased to be fair...

I love this board, i love you guys (and girls, w/e); its like a big husker family lol. Some of the funniest things I've seen has been on this board, and the history i've had the chance to experience with you guys I am so proud of. Thank you all.

Ahh shucks but you're still not getting my beer.
Haha no probs. wasn't trying to suck up anyway, but I just genuinely like this board. I may have gone a bit overboard with the mushy stuff.


I got the reference ...




mainly just for the reason that i have found a brotherhood that is just as apt and able to nerd out on nebrasketball with ;)

But also for the serious perspective, extra info and ideas I may have been too blind to see myself. I like to think we aren't too blindly fanatic, but obviously we are a BIT biased to be fair...

I love this board, i love you guys (and girls, w/e); its like a big husker family lol. Some of the funniest things I've seen has been on this board, and the history i've had the chance to experience with you guys I am so proud of. Thank you all.

Ahh shucks but you're still not getting my beer.
Haha no probs. wasn't trying to suck up anyway, but I just genuinely like this board. I may have gone a bit overboard with the mushy stuff.

I got the reference ...


Okay, I already posted, but I have another reason...


I cannot stand ANY other message board except shaggy bevo. (only because they hate everything and the posts are generally highly inappropriate)


A guilty pleasure of mine is searching other teams boards when they lose.  I LOVE basking in their misery. 


At HHC?  I don't care what the outcome is.  I'll hear real talk no matter what.  Rarely any over reaction. 


Simply refreshing.  Not to mention Norm constantly teaches me of real life-off the radar problems like kudzu. 


A little background on the site to add to many who never knew this or have long ago forgotten.


I was living in Charlotte, NC. from 2004-2006 for my radio career and had just graduated from UNL. I had a ton of connections within the program at that point - both current players who were friends, and connections to the coaching staff - and I had a huge passion for Husker Hoops, with a journalism and radio background.


I went through a particularly tough breakup in the spring of 05 and needed something to throw myself into. I've always been passion and work oriented.


In my one bedroom apartment in Charlotte, depressed as all being, missing home and not knowing a soul because my ex was my ENTIRE social life, I somehow decided to start a Husker basketball blog. My love of the program had kept growing in the months since I left Nebraska - absence always makes the heart grow fonder. Heck, I took that same ex to Knoxville, TN (3.5 hours away) and spent New Years Eve there just a few months earlier to see NU pull off the road win after Marcus Neal knocked down free throws at the end of regulation.

Anyway, within 3 days or so of starting that blog, maybe a week, I found out I could (with the help of HHCGarrett/AKA Garrett Wright) launch an actual website by using Microsoft Front Page. We bought the "Front Page For Dummies" book at Barnes & Nobel and I bought the software and mailed it all to Garrett. He was working with Husker Vision at the time so he completely separated himself from any articles. He published, I wrote and researched. And wrote. And researched. (Anyone remember when Garrett took video of EVERY SINGLE DUNK from the slam dunk contest and had them ALL on-line after 6 hours of overnight work?).


Anyway, content - articles - that's right - HHC once had DAILY ARTICLES YEAR 'ROUND. Maybe some of the real old posters remember that or Dimes or someone who knows how can go back and pull off screen shots from years passed.


I interviewed, for this site (just a few):


Jay Bilas

Paul Splittorff

Fred White

Danny Nee

Barry Collier

Stu Lantz

Doc Sadler

Eric Piatkowski

Erick Strickland

Greg Doyel

Ricardo Patton

Mike Anderson

Quin Snyder

Paul Millsap

Scott Drew

Richard Roby


And around 100 other players and coaches. Articles were done for three seasons.


We had weekly "Then & Now" features with former Huskers. I once found a guy who was homeless living in New York (Gerard Myrhtill). I once single handedly found Jose Ramos for the 90-91 Reunion. Nobody else could find him from the basketball offices. I called him on the phone and he was blown away I located him. Kind of cold at first but soon opened up. He went to the Rebounders Club banquet that night and publicly complained that I wasn't given an invite to attend the banquet since I had been the one to get him to come to Lincoln.


Beau Reid once wrote for this site. John Turek. Cary Cochran. Randy Lee. Andrew Drevo. Bruce Chubick. Matt Coatney.


This site was MY LIFE for 3 years. Literally. 20-30 hours a week. Thousands of dollars of debt for lots of stuff I later found out I didn't need.


I should also give a shout out in the early days to Jerry Trickie of NU SID for working with us and giving us media access, as well as to Scott Cunningham for moderating and the graphics work.


By 2008, maybe 2009, the site went from interviews and features and post game STORIES (with quotes and interviews) to just report cards. Then by 2010 or so, to just a message board with report cards.


So at one point, this was a full service site - message board was secondary.


I eventually couldn't afford to keep buying every media guide known to man to research interviews, as many road trips to see games, as much hosting space and paying photographers, but more than that, I was both jaded by a few incidents from the university that I won't ever publicly mention (because that's not my style) and I just flat out ran out of time. My career has taken over further and not allowed me to do what I once did.


Nowadays, Dimes is the one who runs this site. Its essentially 100% his. He does EVERYTHING. He has SAVED THIS SITE. SINGLE HANDEDLY. Scott and I help occasionally but anymore, its Dimes (as you know) and several others who have stepped up and kept this site going.


I hope that no matter what happens to me in the future, or Dimes, that you posters will ALWAYS promise to keep the site going. I don't want to see this site ever go away. It's nothing I can take credit for anymore - the last 3 years are all Matt (Dimes). He occasionally asks my opinion but I defer to him 9 times out of 10.


But it's sure cool to read all of your memories of HHC, how you found it, etc.


Hard to believe a heartbreak in Charlotte nearly ten years ago, in a small one bedroom apartment, and a random 1 AM idea to start a blog, led to a site that once broke three steps of the Barry Collier leaving for Butler process, once got quoted in the KC Star, Lawrence Journal World and The Sporting News, and now is going on ten years strong.


I love you all, even if I am a "has been" in the world of HHC. :)

Go Huskers,



Thanks, Dave, for the background.  Great story of initiative and perseverance and working through adversity!

And thanks for creating a place like this with lots of fun people (in an electronic-ink / don't-actually-know-who-they-might-be sort of way). 


I don't post often because 

A. I tend to overreact (I know of one particular time here that is still very embarrassing)

B. I'm not that informative

C. I'm  not that funny.


However, I absolutely love this sight and the program though. I have not been to many games. I have listened to most of them on the radio. And for some reason, I think that has made me such a huge fan.

 I do know the biggest fans are here and it is not even close.  Generally someone always sees something I don't and offers perspective of why something is working or not. That is what I appreciate the most. 


  • 2 weeks later...


I was just looking around tonight to see if any other websites had anything about the basketball game. Nothing really out there but thought I would look at what people were saying about the football team. Holy crap, I really think there are guys over at some of those sites who are not mentally stable.

I know we will always have civil decussions on here and that is what I truely love about being on here. Ain't ever going any where else, it scared me.:)

P.S. I didn't know that Kenny Bell was that hated by so much of the fan base. One guy said that he will cheer extra loud when they say Kenny's name on Saturday because it will be the last time he has to hear it in Memorial Stadium.

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