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uneblinst's postgame chatter: vol 16; ed 33- Illinois

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41 minutes ago, cozrulz said:


I don't know.  That looks like a no call to me.  Offensive player jumped went underneath and jumped into the arm.


What do you mean - Wahl clearly pushed part of his body into Edey's arm.  You have to protect someone as fragile as Edey and call that foul on Wahl.

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What a grand tradition of hairstyles for Illinois basketball coaches.


It started with the "Lou 'Do," the ultimate combover that fooled nobody, especially Lou Henson's wife.

They followed that with Lon Kruger's '90s TV evangelist style.

Up next, of course, was @billselfstoupee in its earliest manifestations.

Next, silver-helmeted Bruce Weber and the utterly bald Jon Groce graced the sidelines.

Today, we're left with Just for Men Named Brad Underwood's dye job.


To the Illini and their magnificent coaching coifs! Hurray.



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Scrap this game. I didn’t want to play Illinois because I knew that’s exactly how it would be officiated. A win would’ve been meaningful but the loss is meaningless. I’m glad we’re not playing a third game in three days tomorrow. Mast’s joints need rest and recovery and everyone needs to get healthy and ready for the real tourney. 

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3 hours ago, jayschool said:

What a grand tradition of hairstyles for Illinois basketball coaches.


It started with the "Lou 'Do," the ultimate combover that fooled nobody, especially Lou Henson's wife.

They followed that with Lon Kruger's '90s TV evangelist style.

Up next, of course, was @billselfstoupee in its earliest manifestations.

Next, silver-helmeted Bruce Weber and the utterly bald Jon Groce graced the sidelines.

Today, we're left with Just for Men Named Brad Underwood's dye job.


To the Illini and their magnificent coaching coifs! Hurray.







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1 hour ago, doc1394 said:

That’s one of the most impressive 2 way performances I’ve seen an opponent play against Nebraska. Good thing is there’s almost no other player in the country that can do what Shannon did on both sides. Pretty easy to move on from that one and get excited about next weekend. GBR 


And get Rienk Mast an extra day's worth of rest. That might be the biggest benefit of taking an L on a Saturday. I sincerely wanted a B1G title to bookend that 1994 Big 8 title. But, alas, rest in order to get that proverbial monkey off NU's back might be worth it, now, especially if A&M were to come to Omaha to face NU.... how delicious would that be?!



Edited by AuroranHusker
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6 hours ago, 49r said:


Judging by how gassed everyone looked by the end of the game I'd say it's likely that whatever bug he (and Brice) has has been going through the guys.  Hopefully they can all get through it and be 100% for next week.


Amen to that. Maybe an L today helps them in the Big Dance by resting and recuperating for a couple days, maybe. GBR Always.


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6 hours ago, hskr4life said:

I’m mad.  I don’t handle losses well.  But I was just sitting here wracking my brain whether we’ve done enough for a 7 seed.  And then I had to smile.  I’m frickinf wondering if we did enough for a 7 seed.  Not whether we’d even get in or whether the NIT would take us.


special season indeed and I just had to sit back and smile


Yeah, as it was going the wrong way, my son was pretty chill. We just looked at each other, and said somethin' to the effect of we dancin' it will be aight.


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I'm still concerned about this team's composure under pressure....if you look at the bulk of their games in the last few weeks, you see a trend of us either blowing people out (15 pts plus) OR losing (although this ony happened twice). In those two losses, we were unable to get the lead out to an inapproachable point and folded down the wire. 


There's also the little issue of letting refs get into our heads, as I think they did (and with good reason, obviously, but still, you gotta get above that) yesterday. 


Hopefully I'm wrong and that this team can handle the pressure of a wire to wire game in the tourney. But it's just one of those things that strts sticking out as a trend if it lasts for 3-4 weeks. 



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9 minutes ago, tcp said:

I'm still concerned about this team's composure under pressure....if you look at the bulk of their games in the last few weeks, you see a trend of us either blowing people out (15 pts plus) OR losing (although this ony happened twice). In those two losses, we were unable to get the lead out to an inapproachable point and folded down the wire. 


There's also the little issue of letting refs get into our heads, as I think they did (and with good reason, obviously, but still, you gotta get above that) yesterday. 


Hopefully I'm wrong and that this team can handle the pressure of a wire to wire game in the tourney. But it's just one of those things that strts sticking out as a trend if it lasts for 3-4 weeks. 


Generally I'd agree, but this team has been resilient. The longest losing streak this season is 2. They can take a pop in the jaw from this Illinois game, turn around, and have a great game the next time around. Short-term memory.

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14 minutes ago, tcp said:

I'm still concerned about this team's composure under pressure....if you look at the bulk of their games in the last few weeks, you see a trend of us either blowing people out (15 pts plus) OR losing (although this ony happened twice). In those two losses, we were unable to get the lead out to an inapproachable point and folded down the wire. 


There's also the little issue of letting refs get into our heads, as I think they did (and with good reason, obviously, but still, you gotta get above that) yesterday. 


Hopefully I'm wrong and that this team can handle the pressure of a wirethen  to wire game in the tourney. But it's just one of those things that strts sticking out as a trend if it lasts for 3-4 weeks. 



Then I guess we're just gonna have to boat race the competition. Problem solved 😁

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3 minutes ago, HuskerFever said:


Generally I'd agree, but this team has been resilient. The longest losing streak this season is 2. They can take a pop in the jaw from this Illinois game, turn around, and have a great game the next time around. Short-term memory.


I agree that any head rot that happens in a game dissipates afterward...a trait common in teams as old as ours is. (we also can't forget that our team is frigging *old*)


But that still leaves the question of "in-game" psychology when you're playing in a sudden-death environment as all tourneys are. Maybe to think of this another way: is this a team really well built for the grind of conference play but not so much for the faster dynamics of tourney play?

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1 minute ago, tcp said:

But that still leaves the question of "in-game" psychology when you're playing in a sudden-death environment as all tourneys are. Maybe to think of this another way: is this a team really well built for the grind of conference play but not so much for the faster dynamics of tourney play?


I do worry that we fall behind and just throw up errant shots to try to reduce the deficit, but dig ourselves deeper.


But on that last point, I'd argue our team is better built for the NCAA tournament than some others in the Big Ten. We spread out our offense, any player can pick up the slack, and our defense closes those passing lanes in the paint.

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3 minutes ago, tcp said:


I agree that any head rot that happens in a game dissipates afterward...a trait common in teams as old as ours is. (we also can't forget that our team is frigging *old*)


But that still leaves the question of "in-game" psychology when you're playing in a sudden-death environment as all tourneys are. Maybe to think of this another way: is this a team really well built for the grind of conference play but not so much for the faster dynamics of tourney play?

I am less worried about this. I think this is the kind of team that is built to do well in a tournament setting. While I believe the refs changed the course of the game yesterday what I really noticed was how sluggish/tired/gassed we looked as the 2nd half progressed. I'm really buying stock in the silver lining that the loss may have been the best thing yesterday because they looked like they need rest and recovery from whatever is cycling through the team right now. 

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