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Frankie Fidler - Transfer -> Mich State

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48 minutes ago, cipsucks said:

Thanks, jimmy.  Whenever I click on this thread, I automatically hear a violin.  I have no idea how you did it, but please let me know.  I can use this as psychological warfare!

I trust you watched the whole 2hr25 minutes of it. Actually, the 1972 movie is one of my favorite musicals but I could not seem to download it.

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24 minutes ago, jimmykc said:

I trust you watched the whole 2hr25 minutes of it. Actually, the 1972 movie is one of my favorite musicals but I could not seem to download it.


You've managed to download it for me.  I'm working on breaking the curse....

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My fiddle of gold didn't work. I still get the fricking audio every time I click on this thread without clicking on jimmy's post. Make it stop, please. On the other hand, I might have died and entered the gates of hell.  If that's the case, jimmy, for posting this, I'll be seeing you shortly.  Or maybe, I'll be joining you shortly.

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