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Ive been a nebrasketball fan for several years now, and I'm still lovin it, especially with Tim and co. running it now. But one thing I thought I'd bring up is the perturbing lack of respect of fans to STAY FOR THE GAME and not leave early. I realize there is a need to "beat the crowd" just like at the bob, but especially at this new arena with the fans leaving in front of the student section behind the basket with about 6 minutes left, it really ticks me off; it seems like a lack of respect.


I've seen several others mention this so I thought I'd bring it up. What is the best way to deal with this as fans? I feel they could at least go up the stairs to leave at court level, though the big exit on the court is so convenient and inviting.

I know that the teams we have played so far havent been great (except FGSU), so there is a propensity to leave early, and im sure it will even out when we hit the B1G play. But my question is, is it a good thing to base your actions on what happens, i.e. leaving en masse if we are losing badly? I feel we should stick with the team no matter what, through the highs and lows. I believe in Tim. they need the support. Why leave if you paid for the tickets? Why not stay? I stayed even in the hard times at the bob, and believe me, we had some rough spots ;)

ok, I'm rambling. but this really bothers me.




control what you can control and don't worry about what others do so much. it's not prison. they can leave if they wish. you can stay if you wish.

we have an entire generation of trained "time monkeys"; people for whom a minute "wasted" is a sin next to serial killing. I'm guessing the people who leave are like that. The ones I know that leave games early are. Sitting around when a conclusion is foregone is akin to wasting time, so they move on with their highly structured day.

Just be the fan you want to be and be happy with that. Maybe you having fun will persuade some others to stick around and share in that.


control what you can control and don't worry about what others do so much. it's not prison. they can leave if they wish. you can stay if you wish.

we have an entire generation of trained "time monkeys"; people for whom a minute "wasted" is a sin next to serial killing. I'm guessing the people who leave are like that. The ones I know that leave games early are. Sitting around when a conclusion is foregone is akin to wasting time, so they move on with their highly structured day.

Just be the fan you want to be and be happy with that. Maybe you having fun will persuade some others to stick around and share in that.

yeah you're right. maybe im too hard on them, and I don't mean it as blanketing over all. It just bothers me since we want unity as a fan base when we are starting up here. Its understandable to leave early, just dont walk in front of us students!! lol

(if you can't tell, I'm not really mad. just frustrated, and a bit peeved) :P


yeah you're right. maybe im too hard on them, and I don't mean it as blanketing over all. It just bothers me since we want unity as a fan base when we are starting up here. Its understandable to leave early, just dont walk in front of us students!! lol

(if you can't tell, I'm not really mad. just frustrated, and a bit peeved) :P


If there are 4000 fans leaving early, consider that we have 4000 more fans actually attending a game like this so we're seeing some improvement.  It's much more noticeable this year because there is no way to leave out of the North part of the arena so it becomes this swarm of people walking behind the basket. 


My silver lining is that it makes it easier for me to leave my spot with all the early birds out of the arena.


Ive been a nebrasketball fan for several years now, and I'm still lovin it, especially with Tim and co. running it now. But one thing I thought I'd bring up is the perturbing lack of respect of fans to STAY FOR THE GAME and not leave early. I realize there is a need to "beat the crowd" just like at the bob, but especially at this new arena with the fans leaving in front of the student section behind the basket with about 6 minutes left, it really ticks me off; it seems like a lack of respect.


I've seen several others mention this so I thought I'd bring it up. What is the best way to deal with this as fans? I feel they could at least go up the stairs to leave at court level, though the big exit on the court is so convenient and inviting.

I know that the teams we have played so far havent been great (except FGSU), so there is a propensity to leave early, and im sure it will even out when we hit the B1G play. But my question is, is it a good thing to base your actions on what happens, i.e. leaving en masse if we are losing badly? I feel we should stick with the team no matter what, through the highs and lows. I believe in Tim. they need the support. Why leave if you paid for the tickets? Why not stay? I stayed even in the hard times at the bob, and believe me, we had some rough spots ;)

ok, I'm rambling. but this really bothers me.




I have said the same thing in every post-game rant of mine.  For me, I cannot understand the "want" to leave the game early (unless you are a doctor that has to go to an emergency)...But Nebraskans are Nebraskans, they are going to start bugging out at the ten minute mark in the second half.  Then we have a fire drill after the final 4 minute time-out.


So here is my very strong recommendation (a second recommendation if you include the total overhaul of the concession area).  DO NOT allow exit on the floor in front of the students and band.  First of all, they walk between the conductor and his band.  HOW RUDE is that.  Secondly, it is a major distraction to the students/band and fans that are attempting to stay engaged with the game.  And finally, it looks like s**t if/when we are on television. 


If people are in such a hurry to leave, at the very least limit that specific exit to emergencies, and before and post game.  It can't be that darn difficult. 


I had a priest tell me once of his frustration of people bugging out of mass right after communion and before the final blessing.  He thought (amongst other things) that it was rude.  He compared it to an invited guest leaving a dinner party prior to dessert.  We have a lot of people leaving before dessert, but given how a lot of these people look, they must be running over to Ivana Cone for that dessert!


What fan base doesn't have a group who leave early? We only get so many minutes in this life and we all get to choose how to apportion the time we have here. As long as no one is harmed it doesn't bother me if someone else feels they have something more important to do. As for me, if I pay for something then I want to get my moneys' worth and stay to the bitter end for anything. I usually watch the credits roll at movies too.


I do believe that if they are leaving in front on the students that maybe you remind them that there is still some time left in the game.

Could come up with a tasteful but to the point "cheer" like "the rats are leaving the ship". Wait that is for the other teams crowd.

I will always remember people leaving against Kansas the year we came back and beat them. It was funny to see some of those people trying to get back in as we got closer and closer. Then the almost fight as people stood in the doorway area blocking the people's view.

We used to yell at this one couple who always left early that they could catch the end of the game on 1400.

Not much you are going to do, just the way it is. and yes it is rude.


I tend to do both depending on the situations Im in.  If I am on vacation for a game or event I always stay to the end or if the game is still in question.  If I am at a game or event close to home I usually leave early because I have to get home to get our kids or other things going on and the extra 30 minutes I saved getting out of the garage is worth it.


You are fighting a losing battle if you want to keep people from leaving the games early.  That is not unique to Nebraska or unique to basketball either.  


I don't really get that bothered by people leaving early but at PBA I do wish we could find a way to get them to not leave by going down to the floor of the arena.   That does look bad and it is rude to the people trying to still watch the game.   Maybe the students or the band need to post a sign that simply says "please don't walk in front of us while the game is in progress".   It may take a few games but that may influence a few people to go out the other way.  Beyond that I don't know how you stop people from being rude.


I have come to accept people leaving early.  That likely will not change.  However, those that leave should not be allowed to block views of others or cause a distraction.  That can be managed.  Where they are able to exit can and should be controlled.


You are fighting a losing battle if you want to keep people from leaving the games early.  That is not unique to Nebraska or unique to basketball either.  


I don't really get that bothered by people leaving early but at PBA I do wish we could find a way to get them to not leave by going down to the floor of the arena.   That does look bad and it is rude to the people trying to still watch the game.   Maybe the students or the band need to post a sign that simply says "please don't walk in front of us while the game is in progress".   It may take a few games but that may influence a few people to go out the other way.  Beyond that I don't know how you stop people from being rude.

Maybe if they gate off that exit from 5:00 left until after the clock runs out.  Have someone monitor that exit so you don't have any fire code issues.  But just have someone stand there and tell people, "I'm sorry, but you cannot use this exit until the game is over."  Might take a game or two before the slacker fans those who choose to allocate their time differently figure it out.  But eventually they'll realize they can't duck out that particular door and maybe that'll be enough incentive for them to allocate their time to watching the rest of the game.


I'll volunteer to man that exit for the next home game.


I understand the idea behind the OP and I express a similar view. There isn't anything you can really do about it. I do like the idea of chording off the area behind the bucket and make the early leavers (?) use another exit.


I sit opposite of that side so I stare at a lot of empty seats for the last 3:59 of game time. How does the other side look? That is the side the folks at home would see.


It drives me nuts too, but the crowning jewel is when all those people leave and the opposing team's fans come down and filter into the seats. Probably won't happen so much now that our opponents are all a fairly long trip away, but I vividly remember the days the Iowa State or K-State fans would fill in the lower seats at the Bob and there would be more purple than red down there.


IIRC, last year Miles called a timeout (in the Purdue game, I think?) to make the team watch people leave. I remember reading his rationale in some article after that, and thinking, "right, but that's EVERY game, this isn't unique."


No idea how you can make them stay, short of air-lifting traffic out so it's not so hard to get home. But it's irritating if nothing else.


I find it more than a bit ironic that a "student" is the OP for this tread about "loyal" fans.  I say that because I attended the Western Illinois game and with 3 minutes to go before tipoff there was all of about five "students" in the entire south side of the arena (Lower Bowl).  I am pretty sure they started letting other "non-students" come down from the 200s and 300s to sit in those seats.  "Students" get lower bowl tickets practically for free, yet are the most fair weather bunch I have ever known (and I am not talking about the core group of students that come to every game like Jadler, or even you Skerfan, I am talking about the rest). 


Students should ALWAYS take the lead in attendance and in bringing the most energy and excitement to ALL games.  So Skerstudent, if you truly want to be a "loyal" fan, I suggest you take some of your frustrations out on your fellow "students" who have cheap tickets to lower-bowl seats and don't even bother to show up at all.


I am not going to complain about fans leaving a few minutes early of a blowout game.  What most students often don't consider (and this is somewhat understandable) is that other people have famlies and jobs.  This includes variables such as young children, early morning work schedules, wives they haven't seen all day b/c they went straight to the game from work, etc.  Some people would rather spend their last 30 minutes before bedtime with their spouse and children at home as opposed to watching that last minute of Menke and KyKurkoski on the court and then getting stuck in 30 minutes of traffic to do it.  Some maybe brought their young children to the game and need to get them home for bedtime.  Students, on the other hand, probably don't have  anyone to get home to and don't have class the next day until 10am, so of course they are in no rush.   


I am just happy the non-student fans are at the game and I hope they continue to come every game this year and for years to come.  We had over 10,000 in attendance for South Carolina State.  That is double what we would have had in years past.  Now, we do need to get a bit more energy, but I am telling you, that is where the STUDENTS come in.  It must start with the students.  The students must fill ALL of their seats every game and bring the energy.  Look at the big time programs like Kansas and Duke, etc.  Those students are absolutely fanatical for every single game, no matter how lame the opponent.  The energy is palpable and rubs off on everyone else.  Time for the students to step up.  If they do, the rest will follow.



I am just happy the non-student fans are at the game and I hope they continue to come every game this year and for years to come.  We had over 10,000 in attendance for South Carolina State.  That is double what we would have had in years past.  Now, we do need to get a bit more energy, but I am telling you, that is where the STUDENTS come in.  It must start with the students.  The students must fill ALL of their seats every game and bring the energy.  Look at the big time programs like Kansas and Duke, etc.  Those students are absolutely fanatical for every single game, no matter how lame the opponent.  The energy is palpable and rubs off on everyone else.  Time for the students to step up.  If they do, the rest will follow.


I agree 100% about the importance and benefit of an active and enthusiastic student group at the games.   I think it is still too early to really draw any conclusions but so far my reaction to the student group in the new arena is mixed.   We have clearly been getting more students than we did at Devaney - but they also have not been fililng the area allotted to them. 


Over the years the student seating at Devaney was gradually taken away as student attendance declined.   Most on here probably don't remember but originally the entire A level on all sides of the floor was set aside for students at Devaney - and for a number of years all of those seats (bleacher seats to be technical) were generally full.  As student attendance dwindled and the need for donations increased the student section was carved away.   UNL alloted more floor seats to students in PBA than they were getting for the last few years of Devaney.    If they don't fill them then you can count on those student sections being carved down and the seats sold to paying customers.   We will see what happens when conference games start.  But if the student sections are not full of students for most of those games then I certainly would expect that some of the student ticket area will be reduced.  I will not like it if that happens - but you certainly can't blame the administration.


My bigger concern is that the students who are there don't seem to be as active as they were at Devaney.  I don't feel nearly as much energy coming from the student section as I hoped there would be - especially given that the numbers are at least up some from what we had at Devaney.  I think a large part of that is due to them being farther removed from the court.    If I could change one thing about the PBA seating it would be to eliminate any "courtside seating" on the end where the students are located and allow the students to freely populate the floor area all the way up to the edge of the court.   You may have a few rows of students on the end who essentially have no "seats" - but personally I don't see anything wrong with that.  It would make for a much more visible student section than we have now.  (As an extra benefit this would also make it impossible for people to walk through there if they were leaving the game early).

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