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  • hhcmatt

    uneblinst's postgame chatter: vol 16; ed 8 - Creighton

    No way to sugarcoat what was a historical beatdown.

    After a game like that you have to hope that it motivates you in your next one as opposed to carrying over


    To quote the lyrical poets Garbage: "Pour your misery down on me"

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    12 hours ago, HuscurAdam said:

    All that said, the thing I was MOST disappointed with was Trev Alberts and the athletic administration allowing students in BLUE to occupy the entire front row in the baseline student section for the second consecutive year (at home). It is an embarrassing look for the program and should have been easy to anticipate and prevent. If you didn’t want to simply tell them to move, then you could have blocked off the first couple of rows and directed students that actually support their school to those seats. Instead, CU gets a boost because the students they can see from their bench are blue front and center. It was disgusting and an absolute FAILURE by Alberts and his team to allow something I have never seen at another program to happen for a second time.       

    This can't be overstated enough.

    It looked to me like they got into the game before the gates opened?

    This definitely needs to be addressed.

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    1 hour ago, Faux Mike Peltz said:

    Jeezus guys. We get our poop pushed in by the sweater vests, I get subjected to endless heckling today at work by the legal department and Napa winery folks in blue and we think Tominaga is the problem here?? He was arguably the ONLY player yesterday that came out and EMBRACED the atmosphere and gravity of the game. Mast didn’t. Allick was weaker than Bekka out there. Wilcher looked like he couldn’t stay in front of Alison Weidner in a leg brace, Boogie hoisted up a shot that looked like he was shooting a half court shot for a weekend stay in Denver, Brice was wide eyed the first 15 minutes, and JL out of control at times and the take is KT is the issue??? Laughable. CU’s game plan was to shut down and deny KT and he kept us in the game in the first half. He came back with ZERO NIL deals. Yes he wants to prove he can play at the next level, but he loves it in Lincoln and playing for Nebraska. Unreal. 


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    1 hour ago, Faux Mike Peltz said:

    LOL. No he didn’t. It was the second half and he was only in his second or third game back from injury. He went to the bench and didn’t play the rest of the game. It wasn’t a message. Stop trying to make stuff up. 

    First, I sit behind the bench, I sure as hell know what I saw. You are not even talking about the same incident. Second I didn’t say he was why we lost, just pointing out an unfortunate trend

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    I personally think it is ludicrous to call out any of our players at this point in the season. We have started 7-1, and yes, as a TEAM, we laid an egg against Creighton.  Specifically calling out our best offensive player because he over celebrates???  Should he get back on defense, absolutely; but I have not seen him blow any defensive assignment, more so, than any other player.

    I thought "our team" and the entire coaching staff, struggled against Creighton.  We had a poorly constructed and/or implemented game plan.  If we tried any in-game adjustments, they did not work, or again, "the team" failed to execute.

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    It's best to move on. Hopefully the team does that, because Minny can cause problems for NU. I sure expect to see a different Huskers squad on Weds. than I witnessed on Sun. This is a B1G game, the other was supposed to be a riveting in-state matchup that went awry. The stakes are much higher going forward in the league. GBR


    Edited by AuroranHusker

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    12 hours ago, Faux Mike Peltz said:

    Jeezus guys. We get our poop pushed in by the sweater vests, I get subjected to endless heckling today at work by the legal department and Napa winery folks in blue and we think Tominaga is the problem here?? He was arguably the ONLY player yesterday that came out and EMBRACED the atmosphere and gravity of the game. Mast didn’t. Allick was weaker than Bekka out there. Wilcher looked like he couldn’t stay in front of Alison Weidner in a leg brace, Boogie hoisted up a shot that looked like he was shooting a half court shot for a weekend stay in Denver, Brice was wide eyed the first 15 minutes, and JL out of control at times and the take is KT is the issue??? Laughable. CU’s game plan was to shut down and deny KT and he kept us in the game in the first half. He came back with ZERO NIL deals. Yes he wants to prove he can play at the next level, but he loves it in Lincoln and playing for Nebraska. Unreal. 


    Respectfully, I think you missed the point. I'm noticing a season-long pattern. Not just the CU game. I even described a situation from the exhibition game where he seemed more concerned about not getting a call than the fact he rolled his ankle.


    It's something I think needs to be nipped in the bud while the season is still young.


    What you said about the other players in the CU game was certainly true. And I'm OK with you calling them out. But KT is not above reproach.

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    9 hours ago, Huskerpapa said:

    I personally think it is ludicrous to call out any of our players at this point in the season. We have started 7-1, and yes, as a TEAM, we laid an egg against Creighton.  Specifically calling out our best offensive player because he over celebrates???  Should he get back on defense, absolutely; but I have not seen him blow any defensive assignment, more so, than any other player.

    I thought "our team" and the entire coaching staff, struggled against Creighton.  We had a poorly constructed and/or implemented game plan.  If we tried any in-game adjustments, they did not work, or again, "the team" failed to execute.


    My concern wasn't that he celebrates or over-celebrates. My concern was that, all season long, he has been getting his pocket picked and then looking at the refs and shrugging his shoulders like, hey, why didn't I get a call there? Every time he gets picked, every time he gets bumped, he's looking around for a ref to complain to.


    I'm sure other teams will see this and try to get into his head.


    He had 16 points in the first half against CU, gets T'd up at the end of the first half, and went 2 for 8 shooting in the 2nd half, including I think 3 missed layups, and O fer from 3-point range, and scored just 4 more points after halftime.


    Now, maybe I'm overthinking this and it's not really an issue. We'll see how things go from here. And I'll be happy to withdraw these comments if the progress of the season proves me wrong.

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    One thing that, I think Norms point speaks a little to of, is that Big 10 referees are known for giving guys reputations.  With as much passion and emotion that Keisei brings, we do not want him getting a reputation as a complainer or someone they need to keep an extra eye on.  The last thing we need is Kelli or some other referee giving out quick techs because Keisei has that rep.

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    On 12/3/2023 at 10:03 PM, HuskerFever said:


    Anything that involves "Tied for largest losing margin in the series" warrants a bit of reaction.

    I don't disagree but acting like season is over after 1st loss to a good team (yep threw up in mouth) seems like over reaction. 

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    On 12/4/2023 at 2:13 PM, Norm Peterson said:


    Keisei, quit whining to the refs and just get back on D.


    This behavior has been going on for awhile now. When he rolled his ankle, he got up and limped down court gesturing at the officials like he was more mad about the no-call than in pain from getting hurt.


    Keisei, quit acting like a prima donna. Go back to being the lovable sharpshooter who played like it was just a joy to be on the floor. We liked that guy a lot.

    I noticed that too and you won’t find a bigger Tominaga fan than me.  Playing wise, he was the only guy on our team that looked like he knew he could compete with those guys.  The moment wasn’t too big for him at all.  However, he needs to knock off the looking at the ref when he doesn’t get a call crap and bust his ass back on defense.  Fred’s job is to work the ref.  He needs to remember what made our run the second half of last year was the team competed with an edge and got after the other team.  I hope he gets refocused on the right things.  Starting tonight!

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    To throw my $0.02 on the Keisei thing, I love the kid, as we all do. However, I also love LeBron, and I HATE that he complains so often (as does almost the entire NBA) when something goes against him. Just get back and play defense, offense, whatever.

    Edited by jason2486

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    I am puzzled; I guess that is nothing new. 


    I  just re-watched five late season games from last season.  Fun games!  Many fans seem to be critical of Keisei's "antics" this year.  I don't recall hearing those complaints last season.   Yet, I see zero differences from last year to this year.  Same reaction after a made basket, same chirping and interactions with the refs, and same (ahhhh) exaggerated or embellishment foul or no-call reactions. 


    So what has changed?  



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