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No conspiracy that the SEC pays players

They're not the only ones. 


Don't fool yourself there.



Does it surprise anyone else that there hasn't been much heat on the B1G (or Big XII) in that department?  Other than O$U of course. 


There's so many ways to pay players under the table that I'd be shocked if there was a truly clean athletic department in the country.  Not saying the athletic departments necessarily know about the dealings. It's hard not to look at schools like Ole Mi$$ and Kentucky and accept they just magically landed all of these football recruits (and UK basketball...).  I'm extra skeptical of schools like Oregon and Okie light who have boosters with ungodly amounts of money.


Certainly DONU would never cross that line..


No conspiracy that the SEC pays players

They're not the only ones.

Don't fool yourself there.

Does it surprise anyone else that there hasn't been much heat on the B1G (or Big XII) in that department? Other than O$U of course.

There's so many ways to pay players under the table that I'd be shocked if there was a truly clean athletic department in the country. Not saying the athletic departments necessarily know about the dealings. It's hard not to look at schools like Ole Mi$$ and Kentucky and accept they just magically landed all of these football recruits (and UK basketball...). I'm extra skeptical of schools like Oregon and Okie light who have boosters with ungodly amounts of money.

Certainly DONU would never cross that line..

Speaking of Oregon and paying players I know a guy that can get you anything you want signed by any player for a price. My friend owns a frame shop and has a guy that has signing sessions with players from the team a few times a year. Not to the levels of Manziel but it spans about 30 players in the last 5 years.


Can we cut it with all the money innuendo every time we don't win the recruiting battle with an SEC team?

It goes a lot further than just Nebraska basketball losing out on a recruit to an SEC school. So, in a word, no. We can't cut it out. I don't think anyone on here truly believes that the only reason a recruit chooses an SEC school over another program is because of money. But too many players from SEC-land have come forward. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Do other programs outside the SEC pay players? Yes. But the SEC has the rep and the $EC joke always comes out. Is that fair? Probably not. But it's also not fair to assume that everything goes by the book when examining SEC recruiting. When a recruit heads to SEC-land, it's not fair to assume that money wasn't a factor.



Can we cut it with all the money innuendo every time we don't win the recruiting battle with an SEC team?

It goes a lot further than just Nebraska basketball losing out on a recruit to an SEC school. So, in a word, no. We can't cut it out. I don't think anyone on here truly believes that the only reason a recruit chooses an SEC school over another program is because of money. But too many players from SEC-land have come forward. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Do other programs outside the SEC pay players? Yes. But the SEC has the rep and the $EC joke always comes out. Is that fair? Probably not. But it's also not fair to assume that everything goes by the book when examining SEC recruiting. When a recruit heads to SEC-land, it's not fair to assume that money wasn't a factor.



I worked for the team a while back and Spinelli was recruiting a guy who was picking between us and Florida (yes, we've been in on big recruits up against "big boys" before the last two years... no these battles aren't always as public). The recruit picked Florida and more or less told Spinelli that he was getting a little on the side for his decision. Next day the kid (or his mom) owned a new Navigator.


I've heard Lee B. say before (speaking generally, don't remember exact wording) that friends he has in journalism in SEC regions have told him it's basically common knowledge how much players get from certain programs. A 4* point guard costs $x. A 5* center costs $y.


Dunno that I believe that as fact, but I do believe it is common knowledge that there are dirty programs everywhere, but that it is rampant in the SEC.


I'm not trying to say that there isn't money changing hands.


However *this*


When a recruit heads to SEC-land, it's not fair to assume that money wasn't a factor.



is the sourest of grapes


I'm not trying to say that there isn't money changing hands.

However *this*

When a recruit heads to SEC-land, it's not fair to assume that money wasn't a factor.

is the sourest of grapes

It's not sour grapes. I said "recruit" as in any player for any sport picking an SEC school over any other program located anywhere in the country. It's a known fact that SEC programs pay/have paid players. I wasn't even speaking in terms of our program and having our prospects choose another school.



I'm not trying to say that there isn't money changing hands.

However *this*

When a recruit heads to SEC-land, it's not fair to assume that money wasn't a factor.

is the sourest of grapes

It's not sour grapes. I said "recruit" as in any player for any sport picking an SEC school over any other program located anywhere in the country. It's a known fact that SEC programs pay/have paid players. I wasn't even speaking in terms of our program and having our prospects choose another school.


So, a player choosing an SEC school over any other school in the country (regardless of sport or talent of player) automatically leads you to believe the kid is getting paid?  You think it's THAT dirty?  Every player in the SEC is getting paid?  In every sport?


I'm not trying to say that there isn't money changing hands.

However *this*

When a recruit heads to SEC-land, it's not fair to assume that money wasn't a factor.

is the sourest of grapes
It's not sour grapes. I said "recruit" as in any player for any sport picking an SEC school over any other program located anywhere in the country. It's a known fact that SEC programs pay/have paid players. I wasn't even speaking in terms of our program and having our prospects choose another school.

So, a player choosing an SEC school over any other school in the country (regardless of sport or talent of player) automatically leads you to believe the kid is getting paid? You think it's THAT dirty? Every player in the SEC is getting paid? In every sport?

Nope didn't say that either. In fact I said that it probably isn't fair that money and the SEC is brought up. But it does get brought up. Also said that I don't think people on here actually truly believe that money is the sole reason a recruit picks one school over another.





I'm not trying to say that there isn't money changing hands.

However *this*

When a recruit heads to SEC-land, it's not fair to assume that money wasn't a factor.

is the sourest of grapes
It's not sour grapes. I said "recruit" as in any player for any sport picking an SEC school over any other program located anywhere in the country. It's a known fact that SEC programs pay/have paid players. I wasn't even speaking in terms of our program and having our prospects choose another school.
So, a player choosing an SEC school over any other school in the country (regardless of sport or talent of player) automatically leads you to believe the kid is getting paid? You think it's THAT dirty? Every player in the SEC is getting paid? In every sport?

Nope didn't say that either. In fact I said that it probably isn't fair that money and the SEC is brought up. But it does get brought up. Also said that I don't think people on here actually truly believe that money is the sole reason a recruit picks one school over another.


Really?  You didn't say any player in any sport picking an SEC school was getting paid?  Then what exactly did you mean in the above post?


I'm not trying to say that there isn't money changing hands.

However *this*

When a recruit heads to SEC-land, it's not fair to assume that money wasn't a factor.

is the sourest of grapes
It's not sour grapes. I said "recruit" as in any player for any sport picking an SEC school over any other program located anywhere in the country. It's a known fact that SEC programs pay/have paid players. I wasn't even speaking in terms of our program and having our prospects choose another school.
So, a player choosing an SEC school over any other school in the country (regardless of sport or talent of player) automatically leads you to believe the kid is getting paid? You think it's THAT dirty? Every player in the SEC is getting paid? In every sport?
Nope didn't say that either. In fact I said that it probably isn't fair that money and the SEC is brought up. But it does get brought up. Also said that I don't think people on here actually truly believe that money is the sole reason a recruit picks one school over another.

Really? You didn't say any player in any sport picking an SEC school was getting paid? Then what exactly did you mean in the above post?

Well I don't even know why this matters or remember how this topic popped up in this thread but in a final attempt to explain myself...here we go.

I don't have the opinion that every recruit is paid-not even close. Somebody here (I think dimes without retracing the thread) asked if everyone could stop throwing around $EC every time a recruit picked a school in SEC-land. I tried to explain why that wouldn't happen. Basically, it's a joke, the entire SEC and money thing, that gets brought up even though I don't believe that it's anyone's true opinion that it's so dirty that every player is paid. But it is still a fact that some SEC players have been paid. Then I was called out for having sour grapes when I mentioned nothing about any of our recruits or any scenario involving Nebraska. Finally, when I tried explaining that I meant recruit in a generic sense, it got taken that it's my personal opinion that every SEC recruit in every sport is paid.

Sorry for the confusion! Prince Ali would be a huge get if Miles can pull it off.


Seriously can we keep this thread to recruiting discussion of Prince Ali? I don't care about this other crap. Go make a thread about it if you want to discuss it.


Back on track


Pavelka straight up told a buddy of mine at the public scrimmage that Robinson was looking for a hand out.  I don't think it was exactly a secret.  Quite frankly, I'm not even against it.  We could at least give somebody's dad a job as the DoB ala Danning Manning/Mario Chalmers.

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