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With Tai here and IF we got the two other Aussies we could be the Southern Cross, don't want to say the Land Down Under because that wouldn't be for Tai, I think?

If we got the 2 Aussies and with Tai and Serg we could be the United Nations.

Still working on something better.:)


Right now, I think I like "Canopy Street" (where all the bars are near the place where the Huskers play  :) ).  Or, if you want to kind of model it off Devaney Dungeon, then Pinnacle Penthouse.  But "Canopy Street" has a certain ring to it, IMHO.  And if we trademark it first, we can print our own damn t-shirts.



I'm in the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it camp".

So, you're saying we should still be playing our games in the Devaney Center?


I've maintained the Devaney Center was a sub par facility for a long time, so no, I don't think that's what I'm saying.  ;)


Well, if our hoops team no longer plays at Devaney, it would be inconsistent? if we continue to call ourselves by a name that no longer applies, right?

If that's a thing we're shooting for, then, ok, but I don't think it's that big of a deal, it's got some name recognition, too, it at this point...

I tend to think there is nothing wrong with the Devaney Dungeon myself, but I guess I'm old school or I just haven't heard any options that have a better ring then the old name yet.

...or maybe it's just this...


I said the following when the new board opened up shop last year...


Since we'll be playing in the PBA for the next 30-50 years, my vote would be for "The Bank Vault". Only problem there would be if Pinnacle somehow goes broke, can't pay the installments, and have to sacrifice the naming rights. But really, that probably wouldn't happen for at least a decade. By then we'll be using like... I dunno... telepathy instead of the internet, have space cars, robot housemaids, and boys named Elroy. That is, if the world doesn't explode in two months.




But I've recently started to have thoughts similar to this...


If that's a thing we're shooting for, then, ok, but I don't think it's that big of a deal, it's got some name recognition to it at this point...


Just start typing "devan..." into google and you'll see "devaney dungeon" appear on the autocomplete list. That means people are searching for the keywords "devaney dungeon" and google has made the connection and placed some amount of importance behind it.


That's really not something you want to throw away. It will take some time for new keywords to be established. And if you choose something that's a bit generic (The Bank Vault), that's going to be more difficult to rank first, on page one, in google. Right now we're dominating the top half of page one for the search term "Devaney Dungeon", and I doubt there's anything that will ever come close to challenging that. I don't think that can be said for many of the names suggested in this thread.


And just like the concern over naming the board after a company that currently owns the arena's naming rights (which may/may not last the full contract term), we probably shouldn't be naming it after a coach either.


I say we keep the current name.

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