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And I know they're reading this right now.

 Are you a Creighton Bluejay fan?Do you like to hate-read Nebraska basketball forums but just don't feel like you have that edge any more?Introducing: HHC Ironic Hate Reading Shirts Available by clicking the link on most every page and following directions , you can now furiously read every single post on this forum in luxurious 100% cotton.  Copy and paste our text into your forum wearing this red shirt that lets people know "I'm on top of things....way over the top on things." How many shirts can I put you guys down for?


Get one before they are all sold out.


Rest assured if I ever see Gibbs in Omaha out and about, there will be a verbal altercation in hopes of baiting that douche into taking the first swing. 

Kick him in the nuts, OK?  Best way to end a fight quickly.  And then we can start a thread offering prayers for him and his family while he recovers.


Rest assured if I ever see Gibbs in Omaha out and about, there will be a verbal altercation in hopes of baiting that douche into taking the first swing. 

And the best part is those sweater vests they all wear can work a little like a hockey jersey in a fight. Just throw off your gloves, pull the sweater vest part way over their head, and go to town. 


Rest assured if I ever see Gibbs in Omaha out and about, there will be a verbal altercation in hopes of baiting that douche into taking the first swing. 

Take it from a criminal defense attorney...it is not the first swing...but rather, it is the credability of the witnesses...Now, I will grant you that if the other side strikes first, your story should carry the day...since it is the truth.

Yet, the truth doesn't always prevale...(see O.J. and Zimmerman)


Mafia types gather up their trusted guys...and knock the snot/life out of some *&^%$#@!!!*...it may be impossible to prosecute. Hence, why organized crime gets caught so rarely.


As for GG, I imagine that Instant Karma will get him one of these days.

And in the BigE...perhaps sooner than he thinks! Yet, not as soon as I desire.




*   "of course", I must issue this strong disclaimer...I am a known follower of Ghandi, King and Mandela....I would prefer non violence to solve all of life's situations, if it will work...yet it is not the solution, it may be possible Nelson was right about that next step!



Rest assured if I ever see Gibbs in Omaha out and about, there will be a verbal altercation in hopes of baiting that douche into taking the first swing. 

Kick him in the nuts, OK?  Best way to end a fight quickly.  And then we can start a thread offering prayers for him and his family while he recovers.


I found today that I've been quoted liberally over on the Bluejay board, including about half of the above post.  BUT ... they did not put in the part where I said we'd start a thread praying for his recovery after royalfan kicks the crap out of him.  (Not sure Gibbs has nuts to kick, but it's worth a try.  He seems to have that neutered-male look to him and I wonder if he might not be a eunuch.) 


Anyway, I insist that they include the part where I said we'd start a thread praying for him and his family after he gets beat up.  To leave that part out really just drops the ball in my opinion.  Very irresponsible message board posting practices IYAM.


Rest assured if I ever see Gibbs in Omaha out and about, there will be a verbal altercation in hopes of baiting that douche into taking the first swing.

Kick him in the nuts, OK?  Best way to end a fight quickly.  And then we can start a thread offering prayers for him and his family while he recovers.

I found today that I've been quoted liberally over on the Bluejay board, including about half of the above post.  BUT ... they did not put in the part where I said we'd start a thread praying for his recovery after royalfan kicks the crap out of him.  (Not sure Gibbs has nuts to kick, but it's worth a try.  He seems to have that neutered-male look to him and I wonder if he might not be a eunuch.) 


Anyway, I insist that they include the part where I said we'd start a thread praying for him and his family after he gets beat up.  To leave that part out really just drops the ball in my opinion.  Very irresponsible message board posting practices IYAM.

Since I don't/won't go over to any of their sites, but I would guess that this is as busy as they have been in some time or will be for the rest of the year.


The Creighton peeps think that video was heavily edited.


I didn't upload this for the benefit of Creighton fans.  


The animated gif on the front page shows my take from that sequence of events: That Grant Gibbs dived at TP on the ground with the ball and proceeded to give him the business instead of getting up to go after the ball.


The subsequent movie is for the benefit of the people on this board to see the entire play and events afterwards...if you have a different opinion, state it.


No, Dimes, no different opinion from me.


If the Creighton fans are asking whether I'm going to believe them or my lying eyes, I'm going with my lying eyes.  The video shows what it shows.  The fact they have to play the "heavily edited" card says a lot, in my view.


The fact they have to play the "heavily edited" card says a lot, in my view.


I challenge you to make your next quote or paraphrase of what a Creighton fan posts on some other board to be one you find to be a well thought out and rational point that would benefit this site.  I hope I'm waiting forever.



The fact they have to play the "heavily edited" card says a lot, in my view.


I challenge you to make your next quote or paraphrase of what a Creighton fan posts on some other board to be one you find to be a well thought out and rational point that would benefit this site.  I hope I'm waiting forever.


Upon re-reading this, not sure I'm clear on your point.  Am I being chastised here for mentioning what a Creighton person had to say about the video?




The fact they have to play the "heavily edited" card says a lot, in my view.


I challenge you to make your next quote or paraphrase of what a Creighton fan posts on some other board to be one you find to be a well thought out and rational point that would benefit this site.  I hope I'm waiting forever.


Upon re-reading this, not sure I'm clear on your point.  Am I being chastised here for mentioning what a Creighton person had to say about the video?



I'm saying there is a heck of a lot better use for your and everyone else's time then letting us know what the most biased Creighton fans have to say on anything.



Do it here or in my office at work when I scratch myself with the door open.

Or when you're sitting at your desk and you break wind just as someone walks in.


That's bad but is it worse when you do it just before the elevator doors open on your floor and there are folks waiting to get on?





The fact they have to play the "heavily edited" card says a lot, in my view.


I challenge you to make your next quote or paraphrase of what a Creighton fan posts on some other board to be one you find to be a well thought out and rational point that would benefit this site.  I hope I'm waiting forever.


Upon re-reading this, not sure I'm clear on your point.  Am I being chastised here for mentioning what a Creighton person had to say about the video?



I'm saying there is a heck of a lot better use for your and everyone else's time then letting us know what the most biased Creighton fans have to say on anything.


Oh I get it. That is why my thread about Jimmy Motz tweeting that Terran Petteway is a thug got deleted.


Wow.  He did say that.  And much more.  What a prick.  I say that with a tone of amazement in my voice because, while I knew he was, well, kind of a prick, I didn't realize his prickishness ran that deep.


BUUUUUT, let's just say the apple didn't fall far from the tree, m'kay?  Just sayin.

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