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I support all sports from the state of Nebraska, but when it's an in-state game, I'm for UNL over the other schools for obvious reasons.


I feel that there's not as much animosity between UNL and UNO in sports, unlike UNL and Creighton.

  On 4/4/2015 at 3:14 PM, HuskerFever said:


  On 4/2/2015 at 7:52 PM, 49r said:

Go Mavs!!! Take the title!!!







For those interested, the semi-final game is on Thursday, April 9 at 4 p.m. (CDT) on ESPN2 against Providence.


And speaking of collegiate hockey, does anybody have any new information on the Breslow Center (http://facilities.unl.edu/projects/john-breslow-ice-hockey-arena)?




Last I saw was that the foundations were being worked on, but that was already a month ago (the Maryland bball game)....

  On 4/4/2015 at 3:14 PM, HuskerFever said:


For those interested, the semi-final game is on Thursday, April 9 at 4 p.m. (CDT) on ESPN2 against Providence.


And speaking of collegiate hockey, does anybody have any new information on the Breslow Center (http://facilities.unl.edu/projects/john-breslow-ice-hockey-arena)?



I understand Breslow will be operational this fall.  (The LJS article announcing groundbreaking says it should open in August)


Speaking about collegiate hockey, here is an article I saw in Cornnation.com:


( redface.gif Sorry, I couldn't find anywhere else to post this - Its not a Fall Sport, its not a Spring Sport, and its definitely not Basketball)


The article is about Arizona State (of all places) adding Men's Hockey to their Athletic programs (they play UNO just before Christmas, Dec 19 & 20, 2015) and the possibility Az State will be invited to align with B1G (as B1G's 7th hockey team). In that event, speculation is who would become the conference's 8th team, evening out the schedule.




Big Ten Hockey Expansion Could Include Arizona State...And Maybe Nebraska?


Earlier this month, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported that multiple Big Ten schools are quietly discussing adding hockey........

Instead, from what I've heard for at least the past year, Nebraska is by far the closest to jumping up to Division I hockey........

We've discussed Husker hockey several times before, and I still consider it somewhat unlikely...but getting potentially less that way. In two years, Nebraska will be fully vested in BTN and will also be able to fully benefit from the Big Ten's next television contract. That could mean another $30 million in revenue each year, which goes a long way towards funding new sports.




  On 4/4/2015 at 8:45 PM, Red Don said:


  On 4/4/2015 at 3:14 PM, HuskerFever said:


For those interested, the semi-final game is on Thursday, April 9 at 4 p.m. (CDT) on ESPN2 against Providence.


And speaking of collegiate hockey, does anybody have any new information on the Breslow Center (http://facilities.unl.edu/projects/john-breslow-ice-hockey-arena)?



I understand Breslow will be operational this fall.  (The LJS article announcing groundbreaking says it should open in August)


Speaking about collegiate hockey, here is an article I saw in Cornnation.com:


( redface.gif Sorry, I couldn't find anywhere else to post this - Its not a Fall Sport, its not a Spring Sport, and its definitely not Basketball)


The article is about Arizona State (of all places) adding Men's Hockey to their Athletic programs (they play UNO just before Christmas, Dec 19 & 20, 2015) and the possibility Az State will be invited to align with B1G (as B1G's 7th hockey team). In that event, speculation is who would become the conference's 8th team, evening out the schedule.




Big Ten Hockey Expansion Could Include Arizona State...And Maybe Nebraska?


Earlier this month, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported that multiple Big Ten schools are quietly discussing adding hockey........

Instead, from what I've heard for at least the past year, Nebraska is by far the closest to jumping up to Division I hockey........

We've discussed Husker hockey several times before, and I still consider it somewhat unlikely...but getting potentially less that way. In two years, Nebraska will be fully vested in BTN and will also be able to fully benefit from the Big Ten's next television contract. That could mean another $30 million in revenue each year, which goes a long way towards funding new sports.






Not gonna lie, this would be A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Imagine the rivalry between the Mavs & Huskers in light of the USHL's Lancers & Stars for many, many years... git-r done, Eichorst. Gotta use that 'new' B1G $$$ that's set to come on a BTN gravy train in 2017 (which would be Arizona State's 1st yr in Big Ten Hockey, if it's comes to pass).


Not sure if knowing some of this makes me a MavSker - since there's no Husker Hockey, I do love some UNO hockey - but here goes anyway ;)


Programs certainly can jump to D-1 after having successful club programs - UNO's first coach, Mike Kemp, coached UNO's club team for a short time, then came back to UNO when they went D-1. Arizona St is promoting its club coach to become its D-1 coach - ASU has been one of the top club programs in the nation recently. Penn St has also had a pretty successful club program over time before its D-1 jump.


So while it would be possible to "elevate" club hockey to D-1 over time, I would be completely shocked if NU ever adds D-1 hockey. I'm just not sure NU wants to risk its currently strong hoops season ticket base by adding hockey. There's only so much money to go around in the winter. And then where would they play? Playing in PBA would not work well - UNO has found this problem at Century Link, it's too big, which is part of the reason for the new UNO Community Arena. And fighting with hoops for winter dates is tough. To play in PBA you'd almost have to cap tickets at 5000-7000 and curtain off the upper areas, just to create scarcity and demand.


NU would have an advantage with the Breslow center providing a practice area that has ice all of the time - that's another problem UNO has experienced with Century Link, as they have limited practice time there - they kind of have to be practicing nomads, kind of like what NU hoops was doing before the new practice facility was built. I even think last week & this week the Mavs are having to practice at Ralston Arena because their lease has run out at Century Link and they have no ice anywhere else they can get on consistently. At Ralston, they're probably having to work around the Lancers' practice/game schedules too, although I do think there's always one sheet of ice available at Ralston. Seems pretty silly a team prepping to play for the national championship has to practice this way, but I believe that's the case. UNO's new arena will solve this problem, as they'll always have at least one sheet of ice available for practice, personal workouts, etc.


Ultimately though, I'm not sure NU would want to step on UNO's toes for hockey, as that's the money making sport at UNO. Adding NU hockey would inevitably partially cannibalize UNO's ticket base. Then there's always that rumor floating around that UNO agreed to drop football when it moved to D-1 in exchange for NU agreeing not to add D-1 hockey.


Plus there's the money angle. I believe the two most recent teams to jump to D-1 hockey - ASU and Penn St - both had huge private donations, and then they're using that money as a partial or full endowment to guarantee funding of the program for a long time. I think PSU's was around $100M and included construction of a new arena (5000-6000 seats I believe) as well as funding for a women's team.


So even though NU will be getting a huge pile of money in a couple of years - when we become eligible for a full B1G share & the new B1G football contract is negotiated - that they could use to add hockey, I just don't see it, short of someone providing a huge private donation specifically for a hockey program, like Penn St received. Maybe NU adds something like lacrosse, which would allow them to make use of the new soccer facility during the spring and where they could add women's and men's teams more easily. Or maybe they use all that new money to lower ticket prices across the board.  ;)


I'd love to see D-1 Husker Hockey & the B1G would love to see NU add hockey to add to B1G Network programming on Friday nights in the winter, but I don't think it'll happen in my lifetime. So I guess I'll have to keep being a MavSker for hockey.  ;)


Not sure how schollies are dished out in college hockey, but I believe the mavs have a roster of about 25 men.  By adding a team on the mens side, Title IX will create a need to balance athletic funding.  I am not sure how it all works, but problems would exist that would need to be fixed. 

  On 4/5/2015 at 3:36 AM, huskercwg said:

Not sure how schollies are dished out in college hockey, but I believe the mavs have a roster of about 25 men.  By adding a team on the mens side, Title IX will create a need to balance athletic funding.  I am not sure how it all works, but problems would exist that would need to be fixed. 


I know we have a women's club team as well. I'm not sure whether or not that would translate to bumping up both men and women teams, but it would be a possibility. It would also enable the university to get better use out of the ice complex as well.

  On 4/5/2015 at 3:36 AM, huskercwg said:

Not sure how schollies are dished out in college hockey, but I believe the mavs have a roster of about 25 men.  By adding a team on the mens side, Title IX will create a need to balance athletic funding.  I am not sure how it all works, but problems would exist that would need to be fixed.

  On 4/5/2015 at 2:05 PM, Bugeaters1 said:

Doesn't the club team play in Fremont as of now? So when the Breslow center gets built won't they move into there. That will save money on the travel going to and from Fremont.

Yep, that's true


Providence ahead at 2-0 at end of 2nd.  Providence a more polished team, but Mavs are young- big majority of their players are freshmen & underclassmen, which should bode well for the future.

  On 4/9/2015 at 10:47 PM, Red Don said:

Providence ahead at 2-0 at end of 2nd.  Providence a more polished team, but Mavs are young- big majority of their players are freshmen & underclassmen, which should bode well for the future.


It ain't over 'till it's over!

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