I don't think we'll do this but I'm starting Walsh today since we don't control our own destiny. I'm saving Brockett to start Tuesday
The way MSU's pitching staff has been going lately, we probably can get 10+ runs again today, so might as well start Walsh and take our chances. Walsh mowed down MSU last year, so he may have their number. If we start Brockett on Tuesday, Sears & Mac stay close to their normal rest next week, and Brockett should be able to come back in the championship on Sunday.
Besides, I don't think PU will try at all today. They'll definitely not use any of their best arms vs Illinois - other than it being senior day, this game means nothing to PU, so they'll try to set themselves up to make a run next week. Plus, they're PU baseball, so anything they can do to screw over NU, they'll do it.
I don't think we'll do this either, but if we start Brockett today, I'm starting Walsh Tuesday for the same reasons. I also like Walsh in that big ballpark.
Don't think we'll do either one, though. That's probably why I'm not coaching.