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Alberts going to Texas A&M


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9 hours ago, HUD said:

One of the many things that ticks me off about the whole thing is the timing.  Especially for Men's and Women's BB.  Both programs doing well right now and just before  the men's Big Ten Tourney.  It just sucks all the air out of the room.  Which is self centered bullshit on his part.


The only thing that mattered to Trev....was Trev Alberts. 

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Maybe A&M wanted an answer.  A person has to do what they think is best for themselves and their family.  Hated to see it play out the way it did.  He’s gone, we thank him for his contributions and it’s time to move forward.

Edited by Cazzie22
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On 3/13/2024 at 10:38 AM, 12dozen said:

On other sites, Ronnie Green and Ted Carter leaving, plus a dysfunctional BOR have been mentioned as possible contributions to Trev entertaining an offer.

imo, this has a lot to do with it. that and the possible new president.

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The sports programs seem to be on an upswing, the huge stadium expansion is well in the works and he's paid very well at his alma mater.  None of this makes any sense to me, so it leaves me with this speculation.  How rotten are the apples in the administration apple cart?

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2 hours ago, caveman said:

The sports programs seem to be on an upswing, the huge stadium expansion is well in the works and he's paid very well at his alma mater.  None of this makes any sense to me, so it leaves me with this speculation.  How rotten are the apples in the administration apple cart?

It’s pretty obvious from Albert’s comments that lack of leadership at the top played a big role in his choosing to leave. The BOR better figure this out and get the right person in sooner than later or Husker sports as we know it will be an afterthought. 

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yes, there always is.  always!  But I do accept* TA's explanation that this was the basis for it.  Three times  in my own work history (once inside it and twice having a view from outside but very close up) I have seen organizations in a prolonged state of leadership instability. Many positions at multiple levels of management being occupied by people in an "acting capacity". It's a toxic environment with superiors in "lame duck" status and therefore being unable to really be sure that people with comply with the directions they give.  People wondering if they really have to be taking direction from a superior bc they wonder how long he or she will even be there.  Employees wondering who their new boss will be and those in the "acting capacity" not sure that they will be appointed to the position permanently and, if not, if they will have jobs to return to. It can be a real mess. 


*accept it as being true and accurate even if incomplete. But I still think he had a responsibility to put the enterprise and his staff above his personal interests.  He was a rare island of stability in a very unstable ocean and his leaving only accentuates the instability. 

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I don't live in Nebraska and I haven't in years, but I do work for the university.  That being said, I don't think much of the governor getting involved in this when in his statement he notes he doesn't fully understand or know Alberts' reasons for leaving.  Lots of people are implying Trev didn't feel like he was getting the support he needed from higher ups.  In what capacity?  He was just given a massive raise and contract extension.  Could it be he doesn't like being questioned about certain things by the higher ups (such as the findings in the report released last fall about his time at UNO, and the Scoggin lawsuit)?  I will always be suspicious of people who expect blind loyalty.  


As far as the change in leadership, we employees knew for a while Carter was leaving.  It takes time to hire a solid president.  Heck, it takes forever to even hire decent faculty in my department (often 1 or 2 years minimum, because it's difficult to recruit people to live in Nebraska).  My main department was without a chair for almost 4 years.  As far as the BoR being slow, they are actually still on course given past hires.  The last thing NU needs is to hire the wrong person as president.  

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