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Everything posted by KZRider

  1. Huskers -- 75 Canes -- 71
  2. LOL. one of the poeple on that board was seriously concerned about Vooch's size and 3 point shot. "They do have a center who is over 7 feet in sophomore Sergej Vucetic, but he only weighs about 240 pounds, and is known for shooting the 3. " May have mistaken him with Pitchford... but I mean seeing a 7 foot center on another roster is probably cause for concern for another team who doesnt "know" our team. i know. it's just funny to see anyone worried about vucetic they should be worried about serge. if he gets in the game, it means we've won. Well, then, START him for crying out loud!
  3. UMass is a high flying squad that will test our D. Hold them to about 70 points and we win. So, NU -- 75 UMass -- 69
  4. I should also have said that we didn't drop off much when we went to our bench. A lot of times in the past the first five could play with the other teams but the second wave would get abused. Don't think that will happen this year.
  5. Like what I see especially from Petteway and Pitchford. Both of them shot very well from outside and Pitchford as tough inside. The "Dunk City" team got no dunks and Pitchford was a big part of why. Shields was a force to be reckoned with. I thought FGCU would limit him more. Either they weren't as good as expected or Shields is a very special player. I like the latter idea. As well as Tai played, I expected him to be even more explosive than he was. You know the kind of guard that can just kill you off the dribble and take it to the hoop. I still believe he is the key to how well this team will do this year.
  6. If we play anywhere as well as against FGCU, NU -- 81 WIU -- 65 Does 80+ points still get Runzas?
  7. This is just a puff piece LB wrote because he had to say something and there isn't much negative to harp on. I think he is still miffed because the athletic department shared news with the public through the LJS -- especially Rosenthal -- instead of through him. His reporting surrounding the firing of Doc and the process of hiring a new coach was pointedly personal in its attacks and quite often factually incorrect because he didn't have access to the AD. The OWH, -- LB in particular -- is COMMITTED to Creighton and will continue to be as long as they are even a reasonably good BB program. If there is any warming with regard to Husker BB on the part of the OWH (and LB) it is only because things are coming together that help them sell papers. Those things would seem to be -- Tim Miles is entertaining -- Perhaps our new AD is working with them a bit more and -- There is an excitement about the potential of NU winning that has been absent before. I think LB can barely stand it!
  8. Except, of course, that final game of the NCAA tournament which I want US to win!
  9. You mean he's even taller? Nice!
  10. I LOVE the prank Bo pulled but it only work because you believe that it COULD really happen. It was so perfectly in character and what a great sell job by Thad R! It was beautiful.
  11. I remember how cool it was to get a pair of PF Flyers which I also wore to school as my regular shoes in the late 60's. Money was tight with 8 kids in the family so dedicated basketball shoes wasn't happening. The motto that they would help you "run faster and jump higher" did not necessarily prove true for me. They were, however, an improvement over the work boots I played most of my early "basketball" in out shooting at a hoop nailed to the side of our dairy barn. They were black high tops with the white toe, sole and shoestrings along with the patch on the ankle.
  12. The football v basketball is so tough because the margin for improvement is so much smaller. The football program is historically a national force and, when relatively slight improvements can be at the top of the charts again. The basketball program has a much wider gap between where we are and becoming a national force. So, my excitement level for both is different but intense. Oh, and I voted for Erstad though Yori was a tempting choice. Yori's team really performed terrifically last year and looks to be good again. Erstad, however, in his 2nd year at the helm of a program in deep trouble very nearly had them in position for a CWS run. They were that close. And his incoming recruiting class has a lot of talent.
  13. Probably can't Carl Crawford though he did sign to be a Husker before going to the MLB.
  14. Our tradition is to read the Declaration of Independence with friends as part of a back yard BBQ and watch the "Capitol 4th" PBS concert.
  15. How much did those tickets cost, anyway? If I paid that much for a seat I sure would stay through the whole thing no matter what just to get full value!
  16. This:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mp7UiTz7JC8 Made me think of the 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins.
  17. This is a trick question, Norm. There is no indication of the direction of travel of said Kiwi. Maybe the better question is "If a particular Husker beat-writer for the Omaha World Herald is unwilling to adapt to new information gathering sources (such as social media) because he doesn't 'get what all the fuss is about', and then proceeds to get scooped (by said media source) nearly a week before he writes a story regarding a topic for which he gets paid handsomely to be an authoritative source of information on...is said beat-writer still considered relevant?" How fast is he typing? 2 km/hr? At that rate, he should become irrelevant in roughly -2.5 x 365 x (24 + 23) hour With math skills like these, I'll bet we could figure out the max airspeed velocity of an unladened European swallow!
  18. It WOULD be a nice to get something in trade for Agau.
  19. While I can appreciate that players can run faster and jump higher, the game itself is a much poorer offering to my way of thinking. However, I'm more attracted to strategies and finesse in sports than raw power. I'm sure there are many who would disagree with that. It has led to my not bothering to watch the NBA at all. Haven't seen more than a few minutes of a televised game in quite a few years.
  20. I am desperately drinking all the koolaid there is with regards to Tai Webster. And anything anyone says that causes questions makes me nervous. SO STOP IT! This whole "let's be realistic" crap isn't all it is cracked up to be. So, at least for the next couple of months, let me live in my fairy tale world thinking Tai Webster will be the greatest basketball player ever to wear Husker Red! Otherwise, my wife will start sleeping with a gun under the pillow and I'll rack up huge credit card bills and there's a real chance I'll develop a chemical dependency that leads to a downward spiraling life of decadent crime. You really want to do this to me! I thought we were friends!
  21. If I wanted to watch a sporting event where people get pushed and hand checked and generally beat up I'd watch hockey -- which I don't. The NBA is dreadfully dull to watch IMO. Dribble down the floor. Pass the ball to the guy making a billion dollars a year and let him shoot it. I used to watch the NBA when the Lakers and the Celtics did this thing called running an offense. Kevin McHale was a marvel to watch. And Magic dishing to Kareem or Worthy. Beautiful. Nothing at all like the NBA of today so I'll just keep it turned off.
  22. Don't like expanding the monitor checking though I recognize there might be occasions when it would be good to do. I think, though, that it should be something a coach can request at the cost of a timeout (giving an extra timeout might be needed) rather than something generated by the officials. I dislike what reviews do to the game. Only exception to that I would make would involve time on the clock issues.
  23. Playing in a conference still called the Big Ten is precedent enough for keeping the name for our board, too! So, unless there is some other good reason, I say leave it alone.
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