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Everything posted by kldm64

  1. He was a great singer, very rich but over weight. Guess 2 out of 3 ain't bad
  2. Does anyone have a link to the interview Kobe did on the Ticket where he talked about the coaches or players not being accountable?
  3. I blinked and missed it
  4. People don't pay near as much attention to Nebraska basketball in the off-season as they do for Nebraska football. When you have stations like The Ticket and Sipple constantly selling how good every NU player is and how good each new recruit is all year round, people start believing it and the expectations are very high by the time the fall gets here. They don't do that for NU basketball.
  5. Frost hasn't saved his job yet. Doesn't matter what changes he made in the off season cause if he doesn't win at least 6 games next year, he will be fired. Honestly, he should have been fired at the end of this season. No question, they have made some nice moves in the off season but no way am I drinking the Kool-aid this offseason. Nebraska football is a genius at winning the off-season hype only to be let down in the fall. It's said when men's athletics at Nebraska has become "just wait till next year" kind of program.
  6. The light show is more of a volleyball thing. It works well there but hate when they take volleyball things and try and make it happen at basketball games as well. They were trying to push the "3 claps" at basketball for awhile and so glad that didn't catch on either.
  7. Personally, I hope this is the one and only season we have to listen to that song and the drum.
  8. Doc is not a big fan of playing zone but I agree they need to at least switch to it once in a while. One could argue that as a reason why Doc should not be retained on the coaching staff for next year.
  9. Were you told from a biased and unnamed source that I'm filthy rich and married to a super model as well?
  10. Pretty much Cupcake City next season.
  11. It was announced he will be out indefinitely.
  12. Nobody is more disappointed with the results under Fred than I am. I was ready to start building his statue outside PBA as soon as he signed on to be our coach. However, when you step back and look at it, Fred had to recruit and entire team in a short period of time for year one which was a disaster for obvious reasons. Then basically had to flip almost the entire roster again for year 2 so not surprised we didn't win alot of games. And that brings us to year 3 when expectations were high based on the returning players and a very impressive recruiting class. We lose 2 of our top 7 players to injury and both players were very key pieces this season. Not trying to make excuses for Fred but can understand why the record is so bad in 2 1/2 seasons. I think Fred still needs to improve on his coaching philosophy as can't have an NBA mentality to give players as much freedom in the college game. He also needs to look at his coaching staff. He needs to make some changes and decide if Doc is really adding any value at this point or even Armon. He needs to take a hard look in the mirror and make some tough decisions. I can understand the people that want him gone as well as the people that think he deserves another year. Pretty hard to convince me that he should be gone when you bring back Frost from a 3-9 record and he has yet to make even a bowl game in 4 seasons. Trev is earning his paycheck with dealing with the men's programs at NU right now.
  13. I think our chances gets slimmer and slimmer with the amount of losses that Nebraska especially not even being competitive in some games. Not even sniffing post season is not helping our cause either
  14. Not just now but think we have officially been the Rutgers of the Big Ten for several seasons now in both football and basketball
  15. Of course I don't say the gentleman huskers but you can't just call both the men's women's team the Nebraska Huskers. If we just say the Nebraska Huskers are undefeated right now, I might think that Fred deserves a raise. I hear the local media as well as other people call them the Lady Huskers all the time. It's not wrong to say note which gender team you are referring to.
  16. No worries. Just curious if it mattered saying it one way or the other.
  17. What's the difference if you say Lady Huskers or Woman's Basketball team?
  18. Yea, but we only lost to W Illinois by 1 point so technically, we are better than UNO.
  19. I've had season tickets for 17 years now and have sat through my share of bad basketball season but this might be the worse one ever. Even with the roster flip the last 2 years, still felt like we could win more than 7 games. I drank the Kool-aid and really thought this was going to be the breakthrough year. Man, was I wrong. This team is in no way enjoyable to watch. They are doing less with more talent. Fred doesn't seem to have any answers or a clue to how to even fix it. He just let's this team have free rein to shoot whenever and from where ever it wants to. I used to think Doc had to short of leash when he pulled players for making one mistake but Fred has way to long of leash. We have no movement of offense, the ball just sticks in Verge's hand or Bryce. I watch other teams where the ball moves quickly and it ends up with an open shot. Fred talks how good of shooting team this is and I'm sure in practice, that is true but in a game, it feels like everyone has to create their own shot and we never get wide open looks. Can't tell if it's a chemistry issue or Fred is just allowing games to be a showcase for the kids to try and get to the NBA but either way, this is an absolute train wreck. I keep hearing that if we fired Scott and Fred who are you going to get but at this point, I'd almost take my chances. Can it be any worse? We might not even get to 7 wins this year. I felt when they kept Frost that the standards have definitely been lowered at Nebraska that you keep a coach who has a horrible winning percentage and can't even make a bowl game in 4 straight years. I'm thinking the same thing about Fred who most likely won't reach double digits wins in three straight years. Fred did great things at Iowa State but has done nothing since then. It's looking more and more like this is not a match made in heaven. It might be time to look in a new direction as you can tell from the crowd size that people have no interest or faith in Fred anymore. As much as I was thinking we'd be building statues of Fred outside PBA, I think it's time to part ways after this year.
  20. Kevin was sitting directly across the court from my seats but not close enough to share his food with me.
  21. I'm assuming that is already going on. I'm sure they have had many conversations already.
  22. Worse yet, I'm actually flying there to go to the game in person. I might be the only Nebraska Basketball fan in the stands.
  23. Totally agree with you that if you are a lottery pick, you go. If you happen to fall to projected 2nd round, then it might be to his benefit to come back another year. No question the kid has NBA skills and I do expect him to be a one and done player. It all depends on where his draft status is at the end of the year. Now if some nice business wanted to throw a few million dollars his way via NIL to stay, that might help as well. :)
  24. I have to disagree. There are many cases where coming back to college increase someone's draft status. I do agree with you that Bryce is on everyone's draft board but most of that is based on him being a 5 star player coming out of high school. I see some weakness in his game with the glaring one being his outside shot if not great and defensively, he needs alot of work. He also struggles trying to guard or rebound against guys who are stronger. No question at all that he has NBA talent and most likely, he will take his shot at the end of the year but disagree that another year can only hurt him. I actually think another year would improve his draft stock.
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