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From an operational standpoint, this was a much smoother year than the one prior. We only had one hiccup in our schedule (Ohio State), which actually worked out in our favor; however low stakes that game was in the first place. Fans returned to the arenas, hopeful for a strong performance from their teams. Husker fans, as usual, found ways to support their team even in some of the worst times in Nebraska basketball history. Last year taught us to appreciate the game we love, and that appreciation may have been one of the few things getting us through this season.


There's some things to be hopeful about next season, and Hoiberg's team gave us a little glimpse of that at the end of this season. But beyond that, this team is going to have to learn how to take and maintain a lead for the full 40 minutes. Let's hope by next March, the announcers aren't talking about whether Iowa or Nebraska has the best corn; let's sow our way into a favorable seed.


So the time has come. Here are your final results for the 2021-2022 Husker Hoops Central Challenge. Ken Pomeroy takes hold of his first honorary HHCC 1st place finish. Once he took control, he never let go of that position, even with a small turnaround performance by Nebraska at the very end. The outcome may have been different if we won our first round game in the Big Ten tournament, but c'est la vie.


In usual fashion, KenPom is an honorary guest picker, so Ralph Wiggum takes gold, BLB115 takes silver, and LNKtrnsplnt gets on the podium with bronze. Congratulations to our HHCC winner! As always, thank you for taking part in HHCC this season. This game continues to be what it is because of your participation and interaction throughout the season. Hopefully next season we're predicting more wins over the course of the year and Ken Pomeroy gets knocked off the podium!

2021-2022 HHCC Final Standings (End of Week 18)


^1    KenPom    938    NC    *
1    Ralph Wiggum    989    NC    *
2    BLB115    1037    U2    *
3    LNKtrnsplnt    1044    NC    *
4    ConkintheCorner    1051    D2    *
5    Crush78    1055    NC    *
6    BjoeHusker    1065    U2    *
7    HuskerFever    1065    NC    *
8    Cazzie22    1066    D2    *
9    jimmykc    1071    U6    *
10    Vinny    1094    D1    *
11    TheNovice    1097    NC    *
12    brfrad    1100    D2    *

13    aphilso1    1111    NC
14    hskr4life    1136    D2
15    demone    1141    D1    *
16    AuroranHusker    1146    U1    *
17    hhcmatt    1155    U1    *
18    Huskerpapa    1177    U2    *
19    Noah121    1192    NC    *

20    roscoe    1193    U1
21    emwilliams    1205    U2    *
22    NUtball    1236    D6
23    UnicamMan    1244    D1    *
24    Bugeaters1    1278    NC
25    REDZONEDAN    1284    U1
26    Silverbacked1    1287    U1
27    bb33ch    1312    D2
28    SkersHoops    1325    U1
29    throwback    1343    U3    *
30    hal9000    1366    D2
31    Busch Light    1414    D1
32    Handy Johnson    1426    U1    *
33    1sdpad2    1457    D2
34    twinswingohuskers    1466    U1
35    Nebrasketball1979    1499    D1
36    4NUfans    1541    NC
37    nuhusker7    1670    U1
38    doc1394    1720    D1
39    basketballjones    1764    U1
40    tcp    1773    D1
41    Cowboy Kermit    1828    NC
42    Jurgey    1832    U2
43    huskers29    1847    D1
44    HuscurAdam    1850    D1
45    MichHusker    1935    NC
46    cornfed24-7    1957    NC
47    NeeandMe    1981    NC
48    DudeAbides    2030    NC
49    huskerbaseball13    2156    NC
50    uneblinstu    2463    NC
51    HolyBobpilgrimage    2502    U1
52    northwillriseagain    2542    D1
53    BugeaterZ    2573    NC
54    The Jazz Huddle    2623    U1
55    pmd9    2634    D1
56    Rosno    2646    NC
57    nubest79    2661    NC
58    NU Follower    2668    NC
59    Husker Hoops Penitent    2784    U1
60    75unlgrad    2812    D1
61    huskerbill85    2814    U2
62    bigred4    2822    D1
63    EAbby    2835    D1
64    dustystehl    2862    NC
65    colhusker    2946    NC
66    hguy44    2957    NC
67    Blindcheck    2986    NC
68    Cornyfan1    2986    U3
69    Klas3131    3008    U7
70    jsthusker    3023    D2
71    Nighthawk    3029    D1
72    Go Big Fred    3031    D3
73    BigTate    3035    U6
74    thrasher31    3049    D2
75    Nebrasketballin    3064    D2
76    Jugular    3096    D2
77    Red Don    3112    D2
78    timofarmer    3118    D1
79    Buglem    3124    D1
80    Ron Mexico    3124    U1
81    a0t0w0    3133    U1
82    jason2486    3140    U7
83    CanadianHusker    3142    NC
84    jayschool    3152    D4
85    HuskerPower #nato73    3167    D1
86    Bill Self's Toupee    3173    D1
87    bball23    3176    D1
88    Swan88    3186    NC
89    CamHuskerbballfan    3188    D2
90    HuskerCager    3193    NC


Biggest Rise        Klas3131    U7
Biggest Fall        NUtball    D6


(U# = Up, D# = Down, NC = No Change)
^ = Celebrity member: KenPom (Ken Pomeroy)
* = Did not miss a game prediction


Game #32 neut. Northwestern Results (69-71 L)


Picked NU: 26 (65%)
Average NU Score: 74.7
Average Opp Score: 72.4
Average HHCC Score: 31.5
Median HHCC Score: 34.0
Mode HHCC Score: 38


1    jimmykc    -27
2    KenPom    13
3    Ralph Wiggum    15
4    BLB115    16
5    Bugeaters1    17
6    Klas3131    18
7    Silverbacked1    18
8    TheNovice    18
9    aphilso1    20
10    BjoeHusker    21
11    REDZONEDAN    21
12    Noah121    22
13    roscoe    23
14    Cazzie22    25
15    emwilliams    26
16    Jurgey    27
17    BigTate    29
18    LNKtrnsplnt    32
19    Huskerpapa    33
20    brfrad    34
21    HuscurAdam    34
22    ConkintheCorner    36
23    nuhusker7    36
24    UnicamMan    36
25    SkersHoops    37
26    Cornyfan1    38
27    Handy Johnson    38
28    hhcmatt    38
29    hskr4life    38
30    Crush78    39
31    AuroranHusker    42
32    demone    42
33    HuskerFever    42
34    jason2486    42
35    bb33ch    45
36    throwback    48
37    Vinny    48
38    twinswingohuskers    49
39    CanadianHusker    66
40    huskerbill85    66


# of NU Big Ten Tournament Wins: 0
# of Correct HHCC members: 15

aphilso1, BjoeHusker, BLB115, Bugeaters1, emwilliams, HuskerFever, jimmykc, Jurgey, KenPom, Klas3131, Ralph Wiggum, REDZONEDAN, Silverbacked1, TheNovice, UnicamMan


Didn't Miss a Game Prediction: 22 members

AuroranHusker, BjoeHusker, BLB115, brfrad, Cazzie22, ConkintheCorner, Crush78, demone, emwilliams, Handy Johnson, hhcmatt, HuskerFever, Huskerpapa, jimmykc, KenPom, LNKtrnsplnt, Noah121, Ralph Wiggum, TheNovice, throwback, UnicamMan, Vinny


Husker Hoops Central Challenge Wall of Fame:

2021-2022: (1) Ralph Wiggum, (2) BLB115, (3) LNKtrnsplnt; (^1) KenPom
2020-2021: (1) HuskerFever, (2) REDZONEDAN, (3) hhcmatt; (^2) KenPom
2019-2020: (1) Crush78, (2) Cazzie22, (3) aphilso1; (^5) KenPom
2018-2019: (1) Nebrasketball1979, (2) aphilso1, (3) demone; (^12) KenPom
2017-2018: (1) jimmykc, (2) Husker4Life, (3) hhcdimes; (^9) KenPom
2016-2017: (1) Husker4Life, (2) Crush78, (3) 1sdpad2; (^2) KenPom
2015-2016: (1) aphilso1, (2) Silverbacked1, (3) MichHusker
2015-2015: (1) 1sdpad2, (2) HB, (3) hhcdimes
2013-2014: (1) Buglem, (2) HB, (3) tcp
2012-2013: (1) HB, (2) Row6Seat10, (3) hhcdimes
[Unknown / Unarchived Results Prior to 2012]


Winningest Member:
1: 1sdpad2, aphilso1, Buglem, Crush78, HB, Husker4Life, HuskerFever, jimmykc, KenPom, Nebrasketball1979, Ralph Wiggum


Most Podiums (#1, #2, or #3):
4: hhcmatt
3: aphilso1, HB, KenPom
2: 1sdpad2, Crush78, Husker4Life
1: BLB115, Buglem, Cazzie22, demone, HuskerFever, jimmykc, LNKtrnsplnt, MichHusker, Nebrasketball1979, Ralph Wiggum, REDZONEDAN, Row6Seat10, Silverbacked1, tcp


Most Top 10 Finishes:
7: Crush78, hhcmatt, HuskerFever
5: HB, KenPom
4: aphilso1, BjoeHusker, Buglem, Husker4Life, jimmykc, UnicamMan
3: 1sdpad2, BLB115, tcp, trickey
2: AuroranHusker, Cazzie22, colhusker, ConkintheCorner, huskerbaseball13, LNKtrnsplnt, Ralph Wiggum, REDZONEDAN, Silverbacked1, WinningbyMiles
1: 4NUFans, 75unlgrad, BenJammin63, brfrad, Busch Light, demone, DorothyLynchHometownHero, emwilliams, hhccmatt, hskr4life, huskercwg, MichHusker, Nebrasketball1979, NUtball, Row6Seat10, TheNovice, throwback, Vinny


Appreciate the efforts @HuskerFever -- it made a bitterly disappointing season (except for about a week) a little bit less bitter by focusing on HHCC standings, which for me, improved dramatically that one glorious week! Props to all who made it a point to predict every single outing, it took a lot of stick-to-it-iveness to wade through the slop.




Thanks HuskerFever for doing this. It is always a highlight to see how I finished the week. And after the winter I had with all of the sickness I dealt with to finish in the top 25 is wonderful.


I am not proud of the fact that at a certain point I was in the high thirties or low forties and resolved that I wouldn't pick Nebraska to win again.  I kept to that methodology up to the first game of the tournament (I believe). The result is that I ended up in the teens.  I would rather have won games way more often and finish last in this contest...oh well. 

9 hours ago, AuroranHusker said:

Also, just curious, how many Top 25 finishes overall does everyone have in HHCC, @HuskerFever?


There's a chance there may be some discrepancies since there's been some username changes over the last 10 years, but here's what I'm seeing (adjusting the names I can recall right off):


Most Top 25 Finishes:


10: Crush78, hhcmatt, jimmykc

9: HuskerFever, UnicamMan

8: AuroranHusker, REDZONEDAN

7: aphilso1, BjoeHusker, Bugeaters1

6: KenPom, colhusker, HB, hskr4life, Noah121, NUtball, Ralph Wiggum

5: Buglem, Husker4Life, Trickey

4: BLB115, emwilliams, huskercwg, LNKtrnsplnt, MichHusker, tcp, throwback

3: 1sdpad2, 4NUfans, brfrad, Cazzie22, demone, hal9000, Huskerpapa, jayschool, LK1, Silverbacked1, swoof, TheNovice

2: ASCHusker, berlinblackshirts, cjbowbrow, ConkintheCorner, DorothyLynchHometownHero, huskerbaseball13, khoock, roscoe, Row6Seat10, ShortDust, twinswingohuskers, Vinny, WinningbyMiles

1: #GOT IT, 75unlgrad, BenJammin63, Bigredstyle, boomer1, Busch Light, Dead Dog Alley, Handy Johnson, HolyBobpilgrimage, husker8282, HuskerCager, Jugular, Marv, Nebrasketball1979, NeeandMe, northwillriseagain, nuhusker7, pmd9, Red Don, runsoastowin, TheGov21, TheKamdyMan, uneblinstu, waverlydude

13 hours ago, HuskerFever said:

Husker Hoops Central Challenge Wall of Fame:

2021-2022: (1) Ralph Wiggum, (2) BLB115, (3) LNKtrnsplnt; (^1) KenPom
2020-2021: (1) HuskerFever, (2) REDZONEDAN, (3) hhcmatt; (^2) KenPom
2019-2020: (1) Crush78, (2) Cazzie22, (3) aphilso1; (^5) KenPom
2018-2019: (1) Nebrasketball1979, (2) aphilso1, (3) demone; (^12) KenPom
2017-2018: (1) jimmykc, (2) Husker4Life, (3) hhcdimes; (^9) KenPom
2016-2017: (1) Husker4Life, (2) Crush78, (3) 1sdpad2; (^2) KenPom
2015-2016: (1) aphilso1, (2) Silverbacked1, (3) MichHusker
2015-2015: (1) 1sdpad2, (2) HB, (3) hhcdimes
2013-2014: (1) Buglem, (2) HB, (3) tcp
2012-2013: (1) HB, (2) Row6Seat10, (3) hhcdimes
[Unknown / Unarchived Results Prior to 2012]


Winningest Member:
1: 1sdpad2, aphilso1, Buglem, Crush78, HB, Husker4Life, HuskerFever, jimmykc, KenPom, Nebrasketball1979, Ralph Wiggum


Most Podiums (#1, #2, or #3):
4: hhcmatt
3: aphilso1, HB, KenPom
2: 1sdpad2, Crush78, Husker4Life
1: BLB115, Buglem, Cazzie22, demone, HuskerFever, jimmykc, LNKtrnsplnt, MichHusker, Nebrasketball1979, Ralph Wiggum, REDZONEDAN, Row6Seat10, Silverbacked1, tcp


Most Top 10 Finishes:
7: Crush78, hhcmatt, HuskerFever
5: HB, KenPom
4: aphilso1, BjoeHusker, Buglem, Husker4Life, jimmykc, UnicamMan
3: 1sdpad2, BLB115, tcp, trickey
2: AuroranHusker, Cazzie22, colhusker, ConkintheCorner, huskerbaseball13, LNKtrnsplnt, Ralph Wiggum, REDZONEDAN, Silverbacked1, WinningbyMiles
1: 4NUFans, 75unlgrad, BenJammin63, brfrad, Busch Light, demone, DorothyLynchHometownHero, emwilliams, hhccmatt, hskr4life, huskercwg, MichHusker, Nebrasketball1979, NUtball, Row6Seat10, TheNovice, throwback, Vinny


1 hour ago, HuskerFever said:


There's a chance there may be some discrepancies since there's been some username changes over the last 10 years, but here's what I'm seeing (adjusting the names I can recall right off):


Most Top 25 Finishes:


10: Crush78, hhcmatt, jimmykc

9: HuskerFever, UnicamMan

8: AuroranHusker, REDZONEDAN

7: aphilso1, BjoeHusker, Bugeaters1

6: KenPom, colhusker, HB, hskr4life, Noah121, NUtball, Ralph Wiggum

5: Buglem, Husker4Life, Trickey

4: BLB115, emwilliams, huskercwg, LNKtrnsplnt, MichHusker, tcp, throwback

3: 1sdpad2, 4NUfans, brfrad, Cazzie22, demone, hal9000, Huskerpapa, jayschool, LK1, Silverbacked1, swoof, TheNovice

2: ASCHusker, berlinblackshirts, cjbowbrow, ConkintheCorner, DorothyLynchHometownHero, huskerbaseball13, khoock, roscoe, Row6Seat10, ShortDust, twinswingohuskers, Vinny, WinningbyMiles

1: #GOT IT, 75unlgrad, BenJammin63, Bigredstyle, boomer1, Busch Light, Dead Dog Alley, Handy Johnson, HolyBobpilgrimage, husker8282, HuskerCager, Jugular, Marv, Nebrasketball1979, NeeandMe, northwillriseagain, nuhusker7, pmd9, Red Don, runsoastowin, TheGov21, TheKamdyMan, uneblinstu, waverlydude



Keep in mind that in the KenPom era, KenPom dominates all these lists!  😁

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