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HolyBobpilgrimage last won the day on October 27 2017

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About HolyBobpilgrimage

  • Birthday 05/19/1991

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    Lincoln, NE
  • Interests
    basketball Nerd, Beer snob, and overall obsessed Nebrasketball nut.

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  1. Love it. Really needed a game manager PG, and the great size is huge for us. Need guard depth and he's perfect. Reminds me of griesel, and imo we missed him when he left, that's a rare commodity someone like that who plays hard on D, has size and versatility and can drive the paint too. Fred being Fred will also elevate any guy who comes here in their shooting, since he's a shooting coach. But we just need a ball handler who's reliable. Keep crootin! Need more wing size depth and a big man probably. I'm behind on news on mast and if he's back.
  2. A&M was just at their peak best, not much else to say. And all I gotta say is welcome to the party if you're new as a husker fan. This kind of pain is NOTHING, lol. We were forged in tougher stuff than this. As much as it hurts, we will bounce back. Love what Fred said post-game. My biggest concern is bouncing back and keeping the momentum immediately; I want to hit the portal, build a strong roster and continue the tournament streak. That's the name of the game here in NE. super proud of how amazing our fans are and how we took over Memphis from everything we saw. If we'd won that game, that 70-80% husker crowd would've goen NUTS. Oh well. GBR forever, very proud of this team. Heartbreaking. This is the emotions of March, this is why you gotta make it every year!! Omaha was so much fun. Might make it to regionals in Omaha every year if they hold them. It felt like cws, which us guys in my family already have the tradition of making the pilgrimage for every year. It was awesome.
  3. Hell yeah. Even I can appreciate other prem fans, football fans in north America. Love my Canadian brothers. Yeah for real, I think arsenal fans(and arteta), we're ready to sell players that are always injury-prone hurt 80% of the time. As amazing as party was, I'd sell him in a blink this summer. We've got some business to do this summer. I'm still jealous of Son! I'd spend 100 mil on him too, though that's a pipe dream lol.
  4. Haha I love it, (not your squad ) it's always awesome when I find fellow EPL fans online and esp rare with communities like this that mainly American... So it's sweet. I mean, one of my best old college buds is a Chelsea fan and we get along swimmingly. And there's a local Liverpool bar I like to watch games at in Lincoln, the Irish pub. Love it. Cheers! Enjoy the game today, and COYG (rice is the cheapest steal of £100M pounds I've ever seen. World class.)
  5. And fwiw, all the sessions today in Omaha were awesome. The last game was bit slow and boring, too much referee. But yeah had some good talks with iowa state fans (there were a ton of them obv) - - they're still bitter at fred, I don't know I blame them. But I love him. Love this team. Let's get a dub tomorrow. and as expected, quite a few husker fans representing in Omaha today. I have to guess the rest of our fans are in Memphis, at least that's what it feels like. GBFR! Let's DO this!! Husker Hoops double header after a full day of basketball for me. I took vacation for the whole week, I'm not missing this.
  6. As an arsenal fan, this might sound like a tangent, but we've greatly enjoyed OUR rice this season. I'd like to add a dab more rice from my husker hoops. The kid has talent. Excited for next year too.
  7. Huskers - 74 Trev and the culty-boys - 64 1 win, and exactly the one we need! GBR baby. Could see us upsetting Houston though if we take out TAMU at the knees, but that's just me. I believe.
  8. This is really cool data presentation, the quads and all. What site is this? Isn't kenpom.
  9. I don't have my sub to KP anymore, so thank you!!
  10. I've already started researching! Ofc Looks like a physical team, rebounding, not great shooting but they have great athletic guards - - watch out especially for their star, a short pure scoring guard in wade Taylor (#4). Top rebounder is andersson Garcia (#11) I think this is a good matchup, we got a good draw despite the media focus on trev. we will focus on rebounding, but play good D and we might blow these guys out, they're typical SEC fare with athletic teams you can't just out score but that don't play any D. If you D them up and play physical I think it's not that bad. TBD. I haven't watched much sec this year, but I checked out the sec tourney highlights from A&M, and they're hot rn. But we are too. Shouldn't be as bad as some say.
  11. Time to scout the aggies! Should be good. We can beat anyone, I love this team. All focus on game 1. This is gonna be fun. Glad we got a Friday game, I'll be in Omaha all day thurs
  12. Lol ofc we got Memphis. Just happy making it and we deserve this 8 seed. It's typical they'd go for the spice and give us A&M. Guess the rumors were true on memphis
  13. Lol yeah. I'm a huge soccer fan, and I'm jealous of spurs fans as an arsenal fan for having a player like son
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