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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. There was a nice article in the Mpls. Star Tribune yesterday about a 6'10" gunner that we have offered a scholly to. He is from up on the Iron Range (Grand Rapids) and hopefully like MANY people from that part of the state, has a strong dislike for the Twin Cities. Perhaps he would feel more at home in the cozy confines of the Star City. His name is Alex Illikainen.
  2. I was under the impression that if Hawkins was going to play this year, he was actually going to PLAY. If you would have told me before the season started we'd be getting absolutely ZERO from Fuller, Hawkins & Rivers I flat out wouldn't have believed it. I thought Hawkins was the more likely Redshirt candidate, but Fuller approached Miles about it, so there you go... Certainly a strange and humbling game, is it not?
  3. Biggs & Petteway should be starting in the backcourt from here on out.
  4. IF we had won the Michigan & Purdue games, I would be feeling OK about where we are. 0-4 is sorry. Petteway better than I had hoped. Pitchford and Webster, not so much. I thought we'd overall be scoring at a much higher clip, and getting ALOT more off the bench. A couple wins would help us immensely.
  5. The re-cap of the game on the ESPN board sounded like they were surprised we HAD a basketball team.
  6. They had SO many easy lay-ups in the post I wanted to scream, or throw a beer through the TV.
  7. National Runners-UP vs. 0-6
  8. After we beat Texas with JBD & Co., we had a REAL chance to make the Tourney, then we preceded to lose 1 or 2 point games against Iowa St., Colorado etc. to finish the season. Yes, these games are a tuff, tuff pill to swallow.
  9. Let's step out back, you give me half your money, I'll kick you in the ba**s, and we'll call it even...
  10. WE need to start beating some quality opponents. That better start tonight against Michigan!
  11. As someone who has spent 20 years in the TwinCities, AH brings up an interesting and valid point. What's funny is many basketball fans also like hockey, but hockey fans, in general do NOT like basketball.
  12. Not bad for a State with less than 2 million people. But it is worth mentioning Nebraska leads All-time series vs. Creighton 25-22
  13. This could, and SHOULD be a win. Like an old man once told me, "Here come the Huskers, & boy are they pi**ed"!
  14. R.I.P. Phil, the template for Rock n Roll...
  15. They're advertised all over the ribbon board, and I was SHOCKED when I went to get one and they said NO DICE. Thank God this oversight has been corrected.
  16. I had us at 10-8 when it started, and I'm stickin' with it. ( until that's mathematically impossible or I sober up)
  17. 1.Will Pitchford ever develop a low post move? (baby hook, turnaround j, anything?) 2. Will Tai ever trust, or TAKE a jump shot? 3.Will Rivers ever again see meaningful minutes? It seems pretty obvious moving forward we should start: Biggs, Petteweay, Shields, Smith & Pitchford Then we have some size to compete, AND the ability to attack the rim.
  18. Starting back court for Nebraska: Tai 0-4, Ray 0-0. What else do you need to know?
  19. I think our "knock out" punch might be if Ray, Walt, & Co. get hot from behind the arc.
  20. 40 minutes of Hell! Where is it? We should be coming at people in waves...
  21. Ernie Shavers
  22. I imagine we'll take our lumps early in the Conference season, but we SHOULD be vastly improved by B1G tourney time, then we make our run...
  23. Who is this Bozo? Let's just board up the arena now and not even field a team.
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