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Everything posted by HB

  1. True, had nothing to do with the outcome if the game. But that doesn't excuse gross incompetence. There needs to be accountability for such inconsistency. Just because it doesn't affect the outcome doesn't mean it should stand .
  2. The Maryland player created the contact by hurling her shoulder into our player and they gave us the foul.
  3. On Amy for throwing her arms up. After a despicably disgusting call
  4. We are. Typical brutal hose job. I hate this league with a passion
  5. Well, I only have 2 of the 3, so I'm feeling pretty good.
  6. It wasn't a bad call
  7. Roby just has to be better as a junior. Just has to be.
  8. Then screw those guys. We get violated all night and finally get a call. F them all to hell
  9. I agree they do that. Was surprised the guy had the guts to call it. But screw them anyway for selectivness in calling the game. If I was this bad at my job I would have gone bankrupt several times.
  10. That's because they suck. Ref the game, and not the player or the time. They are so bad and Inconsistent they are sucking the joy out of the game. May give up watching the sport
  11. Let's just say it ain't number 1. This will happen within 48 hours of the last game. We don't fire people during season. With Penn State's win last night, it's likely we finish 14th. In year 7 that sorta takes all the suspense out of the equation. This will go down without much controversy. And then this thread can get to 100 pages or more with all the successor speculation.
  12. Gonna be a problem having 2 guys on the floor at the same time who can't shoot a faceup jump shot. The defensive pressure on the other 3 will be ridiculous.
  13. Was thinking Trueblood myself, but I like what you got.... ?
  14. Per tweet from Chris Heady, "probably no Nana tomorrow for Nebraska. Been sick the last two days per miles." Geez, this is getting ridiculous. If we didn't have bad luck we wouldn't have any at all. Ball due to start bouncing our way.
  15. Much better, Papa.
  16. Not to mention that ridiculous Jayhawk that takes up most of the court at Allen Field-house.
  17. As long as we're fantasizing: Do we then win a game in the Dance? That might just be important in giving a fantasy answer.......
  18. Oh Jimmy, that was sarcasm about Manning, right? 2-8 and 9-13 and he's likely to get fired.
  19. Showing loyalty to coach at this time is a great gesture by Donovan.
  20. Not that it matters, but it's his dad and step-mom.
  21. Coach said Leah was there early today, before shoot around. I guess it paid off!
  22. Nice comeback win.
  23. Not sure I've ever felt worse for a guy than Glynn. Really good guy. This is painful.
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