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Everything posted by HB

  1. More than it used to be. In the old days they often just used radio station employees. Now a lot of ex-players, etc. for color. I think it is pretty prevalent to use locals for color who are not full time broadcasters. We've had Davison, Markowski, Jake. Matt Coatney is the play by play guy for women's basketball, and has always had a fulltime job outside of radio.
  2. Damn, that sounds like me. Thanks for those quotes Lady.
  3. I got you by 28 consecutive years so don't make too much too much of your misery.
  4. Well then Joe should have stopped it since Joe was the head coach. You sure about that memory?
  5. I'll be damned, they are making refunds! As they say, "Never mind....."
  6. Already got my tickets to that. Very choice, I might add.
  7. I'll be waiting by the mailbox for my refund for the Baylor series..... ?
  8. No worries; thanks.
  9. Well, my post didn't say anything about making the NCAA tournament. Not one word. You might want to re-read it. It referred to the fairly considerable number of public statements directly from the mouth of the AD, which anyone could easily look up or play from recordings from any of Jimmy's Ebays. And I wasn't talking about "inferences", but direct statements by one Bill Moos. So don't "for the record" me twice, when you didn't even read the damn post.
  10. Speaking of pieces of paper, i have heard that a bachelor's degree is required to coach at a D1 school, and that Lue does not have one. Is this all urban legend, or is their something to it?
  11. I made a trip from south central Nebraska to Lincoln late yesterday afternoon. The highways and interstate from York in were fine--dry pavement and normal speeds. The roads in the city limit of Lincoln are still bad.
  12. No way he "sticks with Miles" barring a miraculous late season run. Zero chance. Moos only extended him a year, and said he was looking for consistently successful seasons. That he really needed to string good conference finishes together. The challenge to Miles was crystal clear. Moos couldn't have been more clear about the expectation, and it couldn't be more obvious that we didn't meet it. I can't fathom that Moos would now excuse what he said had to happen, e.g. "Well, I didn't account for an injury to one guy:" The list will be longer than 5 guys. Whether one is a die hard Miles fan or not, the writing is more than all the wall. It has been in a series of public statements by the athletic director.
  13. And massive number of strikeouts. Not sure what our approach is at the plate but we sure don't put it in play.
  14. NU. 68 Purdue. 67 yeah, I know. I'm deluded.
  15. Leaving ina few minutes for the Railyard
  16. PaPa, did she ever recover??
  17. Perlman and Pedey and their reign of terror wasn't about major boosters. It was more about major egos.
  18. He had to. Green did not want to fire Eichorst. Bounds had to pull rank and do the right thIng. If he hadn't Scott Frost would not be our football coach. JB Milliken subscribed to your philosophy, and let Harvey Perlman ruin athletics at Nebraska. Sometimes the President has to step in.
  19. I think we'll be willing to pay what we have to pay. And I agree we should. If we strike out on a big time "as close to can't miss as possible" hire, I don't think it will be because we wouldn't pay enough or per one of your earlier posts, care enough. We'll be up to the challenge, but that still doesn't guarantee our first choices would agree to come here. At that level we'll need some stars aligned, and it will take more than just money.
  20. Even if we threw more money at it they would choose Kansas 10 times out of 10.
  21. and, it would be helpful if Tanner Borchardt is allowed to defend basketball players.
  22. What I know: Mrs. HB and I will show up, and we will be ready. What I think: The Huskers will show up, and play with great effort.
  23. True, it's more complicated than I wrote. But the main points were that this is a way different situation than 2007, and Bounds has the chops that the original poster was questioning. Which you are agreeing with.
  24. Perhaps this just proves your point, but if it wasn't for Bounds, Eichorst doesn't get fired when he does (trust me, Green wasn't gonna do it). So yeah, Bounds has the chops, if it was indicated; he's done it. But the reason that isn't necessary here is because this AD will make the hire. In the other 2 instances there was no way the current AD was going to get to make the hire. Moos is gonna make the hire, that's what the vote of confidence was about a few weeks ago.
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