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Everything posted by HB

  1. Better develop a right hand, or we'll be seeing some more of what we saw last night.
  2. Yeah, that's a very impressive SW Baptist team that lost 3 times to UNK last year, the last time by 29 points. And just whose skill set at guard fits "run and gun", and why?
  3. That is so right, Red Don. I desperately wanted those two things to happen in my lifetime. One has now happened. Get the other one, and I'll be ready to meet my maker. Well maybe not quite, but it would be a big friggin' deal. I was going to start a thread last night, but I was too much of a basket case to type.
  4. Yeah, but it involves change. And you know my position on that....
  5. Good one, Cip. Actually, I own nothing, but I am from outstate!
  6. Haven't gotten mine yet either.
  7. Sorry Dimes, have to miss. Really bad job. Had to bail on Mellencamp tonight also.
  8. Gotcha. I think. Since my kids are out of the house, I need to hire Dimes by the hour to come out to my office and show this old guy how to do stuff.
  9. I understood exactly zero of that.
  10. Nothing at all surprising about this.
  11. 1. I still hate change. 2. I lost 3000 posts. That is all.
  12. That's what I thought about Andrew White when he said he was taking his name out of the draft and returning to "college basketball".
  13. Mine as well. Fire it up!
  14. More over-thinking 101 by that guy
  15. Miles got asked what...two questions? WTF Actually 3; two from the same reporter, but your point is still valid. One on lack of veterans, one on the sophomore class and how they are different from a year ago, and one on whether he talked to Thibs prior to the pro exhibition at PBA yesterday (the Nuggets coach spoke to the team, Miles wasn't able to talk to Thibs).
  16. Few questions. A couple from the Journal Star, and one from the Minneapolis-St. Paul Tribune. On and off in just a few minutes. Nothing earth-shattering. Pitino up now.
  17. I'd give him/her a raise.
  18. I think that price is yet to be paid. I'm thinking another crushing Bartman-esque event in the NLCS. Game 7, bottom of the 9th type of deal. I thought of that the second I typed it. 50+ years as a Husker basketball/Cubs fan has me conditioned for it...
  19. I knew there would be a price to a 100 win Cub season....
  20. RIP. Coach Milt. A life well lived, to the end. A true Husker legend.
  21. Fun game tonight; finally back to the hotel. Hour and a half train ride. Will never live in an urban area. Both teams left some points out there, but we were the more talented team. Nice win. And our fans: unbelievable. I don't know what it looked like on TV, but easily, 70% was in red. Of all the K-State and KU games back in the day (and Notre Dame), I've never seen anything like it.
  22. Eppley looked like a tailgate outside of memorial stadium this morning. Just landed in Chicago. Cloudy. Seems As if we will take over the stadium again tonight. GBR
  23. Article shed no light on the how or why. Crazy
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