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Everything posted by HB

  1. It all depends on to whom one talks. If the former employee is, for example, Jan Bethea, then you'll get a certain viewpoint. Horrid is a massive over-description, and usually by someone who has her own issues. If you talk to a player who perhaps wasn't doing things the right way and didn't earn being on the good side, you might get a certain viewpoint. Guess what, the same applies to me as an employer. Do things the right way, and get yourself on my good side. Those do get "treated better", because they have earned it and deserve the reward. The divorce comment is a cheap shot; there is a kid involved, and some other things that don't need to be gone into here. It's hard to understand how a coach's divorce should be a ground to justify getting fired as a coach. Which seems to be the implication. Again, I am willing to move on and support the current staff and team. I didn't post on here for a week, agreeing with the posters who said in another thread it's time to move on. But when I hear stuff like this making personal attacks and keeping the pot stirred, I will respond.
  2. McKewon has become an absolute Eichorst homer. #mancrush
  3. The feel-good quotes aren't going to matter to anyone negative recruiting on it. And they're just that; feel-good. Neither Miles nor Eichorst mean what they said about this. No love there. But Bounds really likes Miles, so I doubt this will help SE on that front.
  4. Another strange move by Shawn. 3 months before signing date.
  5. The only way I have a better year at work is if I retire.
  6. I agree. It's hard to tell the context from that quote. Mi'Cole certainly could have told Connie "I am not coming to Nebraska, but I respect your opinion; to the extent you are willing, please give me your thoughts on the following schools I am considering." I do have information that once the coaching change was made, the new staff did not strongly pursue Cayton. If that quote, which is only a positive comment about Cal, and nothing negative about Nebraska, gets to the level of "ugly", man, are we sensitive. Sorry if I wasn't clear enough with the semantics. Your reading to much into my comment. Ugly in the sense of everything thing that happened in the last 6 months or so ....combined...was ugly. Has nothing what so ever with sensitivity. But the totality of all the events was ugly..... OK, I thought you meant the fairly benign quote attributed to Yori by Cayton got things to that level. Thanks for the clarification.
  7. I agree. It's hard to tell the context from that quote. Mi'Cole certainly could have told Connie "I am not coming to Nebraska, but I respect your opinion; to the extent you are willing, please give me your thoughts on the following schools I am considering." I do have information that once the coaching change was made, the new staff did not strongly pursue Cayton. If that quote, which is only a positive comment about Cal, and nothing negative about Nebraska, gets to the level of "ugly", man, are we sensitive.
  8. Red Don, most of the discussions have been pretty civil, and it seems that whatever one's views are on the coaching change, and certain players; i.e. events from the recent past, everyone is still supportive of the new coaches and players, and hoping for the best. But occasionally someone puts something out there, and some further discussion occurs. But it isn't particularly "rancorous", certainly not by most message board standards. As to the well-paid "officials in authority", their decisions impact the University, state, and community. The culture they foster matters, and can be worthy of discussion. What do we strive for? Are we win at all costs? Are we what have you done for me lately? Do graduation rates and good citizenship of our players matter? Those things are important, and this is, after all, a message board. One of the best, which allows discussion without it getting too personnel or profane, and often has a considerable amount of humor. But the actions of those in power shouldn't just be rubber-stamped and forgotten, and never challenged. What took place in March and April was huge news. Not your basic coaching change, for sure. Most of those don't involve much risk, since the changes are based on poor performance vs. the most success in program history. This one has huge stakes. It certainly makes sense that some discussion would ensue on something like this. And perhaps not have an arbitrary cut-off moment. On most football boards in this state, they are still talking about firing Solich and hiring Callahan. This is going much better. Finally, there have been several parents and grandparents of players who post occasionally, but some of them do it anonymously. But I can tell you that any coach would not be comfortable with a parent posting anything critical of the coach, on a public message board. It would be no different from saying it to a reporter. So the coaches get pretty nervous with much of that, and understandably so. And so it isn't actually encouraged. You are correct that there doesn't need to be constant pot-stirring (there hasn't been), and we need to back our current coaches and players (everyone seems to be doing that). But on a message board I wouldn't want a moratorium on what we can discuss, or on rebuttals to provocative or inaccurate posts.
  9. Haven't heard anyone say it was a big deal. No one. Not one poster. Still seems like you have a larger point, but just don't quite want to say it.
  10. So what's your point? I presume it isn't that the Big 10 was down this year.
  11. Dude looks at least 30 years old in that picture. They ain't making 'em like they used to....
  12. Thanks for the info, RedKorn, and welcome.
  13. HB

    All-star game

    looked fine but I don't have any stats; didn't pay much attention as I had a couple of friends playing and wanted to watch Cascio-Jensen. Grace Barry had a good game also; a couple of inches taller and she's playing D1 somewhere.
  14. HB

    All-star game

    Watched it from my couch. Cascio-Jensen looked good. Shot it well and attacked the glass strongly, albeit against non-D1 athletes. Needs a lot of work on her handles to play power 5 ball. Has some potential if she does that.
  15. That's pretty damn funny, Cager.
  16. That's some funny stuff right there. And he got his "and one"!
  17. Wow, doom and gloom city for Husker fans!
  18. I do appreciate the civil discourse, but your last point about "what have you done for me lately" is precisely what I have been at odds with in your posts since Yori got canned by Eichorst. Your focus in apparently supporting the firing has seemed to be based on the conference record the last 2 years, and things that were going on in the moment, vs. the long term record of success. Perhaps I have misunderstood a multitude of posts on the subject. In any event, I didn't mean to hijack the thread, which was supposed to be about the Corn Nation article.
  19. Fair enough. Although it is interesting that despite some "chemistry problems", we were dong very well and were heading to the tournament after the road game at Michigan. It was only after we lost our starting back-court to injury that things went south. And even then there was plenty of "want to", despite what the author of the article said. I hope in business you had a longer lens than 2 years. This was a 14 year enterprise of superlative results.
  20. You are way, way, way too harsh on the prior coach. You're either very young, are related to a certain player, or have little perspective on college basketball in Lincoln Nebraska.
  21. But you did resurrect something, by naming a specific player. There is a returning player, rather than a graduating player, who contributed mightily to team chemistry problems. Perhaps with a new coach she will make some changes, but it isn't a given. Anyway, the article was amateurish.
  22. Brutal. My daughter just got back from the vigil by the Osborne/Berringer statue; said it was very moving.
  23. I love it when someone can post anything seeking internet clicks. To say expectations were high based on young talent meshing with Theriot, and then concluding we underachieved when Theriot wasn't full speed all season and didn't even play the last month is a bit disingenuous. While hindsight revealed some chemistry problems, I would like this writer to play back Natlie's press conference after the NIT game, and look Kyndal Clark and Theriot in the eye and mention a lack of "want to". Perhaps Row 6 can weigh in, but this is the first I have heard the Whitish is a pure point guard. And while I'm impressed with the early efforts on Stallworth and Kissinger (who always wanted to go to Nebraska), it is too early to call Williams an "ace-recruiter". Hope it turns out that way but too early to call it. Overall not impressed with the article. My guess is the author hasn't ever watched any of the new players. But I'm guilty of giving her a click.
  24. You apparently didn't learn the last time you went down this path......
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