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Some old dude (and by "old," I mean someone certainly older than HB or cip :) ) called in last night, who knew Deverell Biggs from way back, and discussed with Coach Miles what role Biggs might have on the team next year and what position Biggs might play.

They both kind of agreed that Deverell is more of a combo guard than a true point, and that he likes to shoot a lot more than he likes to play defense. Miles says he's been working on that, getting Biggs to play D a little harder.

Miles also said that Biggs gets out of control trying to make a fancy play too often and that he needs to tone that down and work on his shooting.

So, Deverell needs to work on ballhandling, distributing, shooting and playing defense. But, other than that ... ;)

After the recent discussions about Benny Parker and what he lacks, that wasn't exactly what I was hoping to hear about a guy many thought might be starting instead if he'd chosen not to redshirt. But it does come from someone who's been to a lot of practices and would know.


Watching Biggs player several times I can't really disagree with that assessment, he's got things to work on. However, I think the X-factor is he really is an elite level athlete that can make plays other guys simply can't. Wasn't he like a 6'8 high jumper in high school or something even better than that? I think having Miles working with him this redshirt year might be the best thing to clean up some of these things.


A couple observations on the Biggs comments: (i) Coach Miles wasn't so much dissing Deverell as agreeing in a jocular manner with the man who called that Deverell has some strengths and weaknesses, and (ii) Coach Miles clarified that Deverell's inclination to attempt the spectacular play is a good quality.

By the way, the quote Coach Miles tried to use in a recruiting subject context is this, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." The comment he was trying to make was pretty funny, but the fact that he wiffed on the quote made it hilarious!


That's true, Swan. Miles did say he likes a guy with a little bit of moxy, who's willing to attempt the spectacular. He said "you need a little of that." But you don't want a guy who's out of control because he's always trying to thread the needle on some spectacular pass or something. You need to have some balance. I suspect Biggs will benefit from the redshirt year and be a better player in his first season in a Husker uni than he would have been if he'd jumped into it this year. He should also have a better supporting cast around him.


I haven't gotten used to Miles on the radio yet. I listen to the post game on the drive home and sometimes I kind of cringe at his answers. I'm just not used to that kind of blunt honesty even in a playful manor. I'm used to stock answers and coachspeak. I'm not saying its bad, I'll get used to it. I even like it better than coachspeak. I actually have to pay attention to the answers instead of going blah blah blah in my head.


Red Rum, Miles actually talked about his honesty last night and how sometimes it almost comes off as harsh. He said something along the lines of when he talked to his team what did they want most from a coach. The players almost unanimously said they want a coach that is honest with them and pushes them to the limit. So I'm sure a lot of it is that Miles simply says it how he see's it and the players respect that. He doesn't beat around the bush with them. Now, he will make his sarcstic comments, but even those I think have a point to them. They come off as harsh, but then at the same time their is a lot of truth to them. I personally like a coach that tells it how it is.


Like bball23, I like a coach that tells it how it is. It gets so boring listening to a coach give the coaching stock answers, like Pelini's "we have to EXECUTE better" every time he speaks. Miles is refreshing to listen to. Now if we have losing seasons the next 4 years it might get old.


Deverell looks like a player. He has a serious skills, but sometimes a kid with those skills never had to push himself to refine those skills. If both Deverell and Coach Miles recogonize those weaknesses, and is willing to work hard to refine the game, we will celebrate the results.

I always look at the paths of two players...Strickland and Boone. Both had skills and talent. I always thought that Erick busted his a*# and refined his skills and it took him to the NBA. Jaron always seemed to underacheive or so it seemed. Let's hope that Deverell takes the path of Erick...


Watching Deverell at the one practice I have attended, he is very athletic. Great ups. Very quick with the ball. A good penetrator. He did tend to turn it over. He will add greatly to the team when he plays. It was evident that he needs some work to become a point guard who will enable others to score. It do think his ability to penetrate will add quite a bit when he has some shooters surrounding him, hopefully next year.


The thing I notice on game day about Deverell, which I finally was able to observe from a close view, is he's involved and invested.

He's the guy out there during the starting lineup call who is greeting the guys. He's the guy on the end of the bench that is the most visibly engaged with the team.

I'm not sure if Deverell will be the best player we have on the team for the next two years but unless my perception is off he's going to be the leader for the next two years.

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