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Does Cook need to go?


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I am watching the Huskers right now and we are getting beat.

This the same type of team that kills us every time.

Speed and jumping kills us, always have and always will.

We also can't block, have not been able to since Farmer graduated.

Have lost the last two years in Nebraska by teams that might not be as good as we think we are.

We seem to wear down horribly by the end of the season.

I know Cook has had a great record and won a couple National titles, but is it time for a change?

Just want to see what others think.

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I am watching the Huskers right now and we are getting beat.

This the same type of team that kills us every time.

Speed and jumping kills us, always have and always will.

We also can't block, have not been able to since Farmer graduated.

Have lost the last two years in Nebraska by teams that might not be as good as we think we are.

We seem to wear down horribly by the end of the season.

I know Cook has had a great record and won a couple National titles, but is it time for a change?

Just want to see what others think.

mark it down. Oregon will beat PSU in 4.
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I'd be a proponent of keeping him. It's somewhat similar to people who want Pelini gone. Yet Pelini has made Nebraska only one of four programs in the last 4 years to get 9+ wins every year. Mind you, he still can't get it done in the big games (Big 12/B1G & bowl games). I can see it either way, but you sure need a coach that can keep the program going in the right direction.

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That is why I asked this question. We lose in the Big Championship game, win 10 games and there are quiet a few who are calling for Bo's head.

Cook has better over all resume, but really hasn't done all that much the last couple of years and nothing.

Just wanted to see what people where thinking. Slow men's BBall week you know.

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That is why I asked this question. We lose in the Big Championship game, win 10 games and there are quiet a few who are calling for Bo's head.

Cook has better over all resume, but really hasn't done all that much the last couple of years and nothing.

Just wanted to see what people where thinking. Slow men's BBall week you know.

He won a big 10 championship and went to the Elite 8. I wouldn't call that not doing all that much the last couple of years.

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What's disappointing is how we faded each of the last two seasons. We start out hot, reach #1 both years, then wear down and fizzle out. We should be like a steamroller come tourney time, Cook's resume' though gives him a long leash.

I disagree on the "we should be like a steamroller come tourney time" take. That's when we play GREAT teams. It only makes sense that we should steamroll at tourney time if we have superior talent. We don't have that anymore. Nor do we have the dominating player teams usually have that win national titles. I realize people can then say "well, who is in responsible for the recruiting?" But realistically, we're not going to have superior talent or a superstar each and every year.

Another take could be that superior coaching allows us to start out hot and reach #1. As the season wears on, talent equalization takes over. That's closer to my take, and I watch a lot of volleyball.

Our recruiting of athletes has fallen off a bit in recent years. The competition continues to rise as the money involved increases and more schools emphasize volleyball and the depth of quality coaches increases.

I really find it sad when people don't appreciate conferences championships and elite 8 appearances, and equate it to "doing nothing".

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Okay but if we are the 4th seed in the tournament means 4th best in the country.

Elite 8 finish and getting beat in our own state and after totally running them the first game.

Then I just sit there and watch, knowing that we have no answer to the speed and can't block.

Yeah I guess I don't think we did much with what we had.

I guess you can call me a spoiled brat, but Cook team's under achieve at the end of the year. Or are to highly ranked during.

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Okay but if we are the 4th seed in the tournament means 4th best in the country.

Elite 8 finish and getting beat in our own state and after totally running them the first game.

Then I just sit there and watch, knowing that we have no answer to the speed and can't block.

Yeah I guess I don't think we did much with what we had.

I guess you can call me a spoiled brat, but Cook team's under achieve at the end of the year. Or are to highly ranked during.

I certainly won't call you any names; you've been a quality poster on this board for years and are a standup guy. Plus you have an unmatched appetite! :)

But I disagree about under achieving, certainly this year. Oregan had a more talented team, and the best player on the floor. Again, it's how one looks at it. The success in the first set could have been great coaching and having the team really ready to go--indeed overachieving--and then the more talented Ducks settled in and got it done. As opposed to us choking or under achieving. It's competitive out there, and we've done quite well. I am concerned where we're at with recruiting, but if we start firing coaches who win conference titles and make elite 8s, we're a disgrace to higher education and intercollegiate athletics, and we've lost all perspective. And I would take a proven winner over hoping to get someone who will make final fours every single year.

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Just feeling like a brat today. :D Nothing you said.

I think the national perception of this program hurts the team and fans.

I think that when we were rated #1 the first time, Cook said we are only the 10th best team right now.

This gets some of us(me :) ) too excited about how good we really are.

This then causes an over inflated view of how good we are and then we(me :) ) get bend out of shape when we don't as far as we've been told we will go.

I am the one who usually believes that a coach should always be given the time to be better. I think that Coach Cook is the best we will most likely ever have. I am hoping that next year I can get tickets for my wife and I so that I can "help" more than just sit at home and yell at the TV.

I mean we play better basketball when I "help" at their games. ;)

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I think this thread is more about comparing volleyball to football than it ever was about John Cook.

I suppose if someone figured out how to insert the brain of Terry Pettit into a new body, I'd be down with that as an alternative.

(I'd also be down with this for Devaney as football coach though please don't share this with Kansas St as immortal Bill Snyder will destroy us all.)

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Christy Johnson is a good, young coach at ISU. She has built that program from nothin'. At some point, John Cook will retire. He's not a whole lot younger right now than Terry Pettit was when he retired. And when he does walk out with that gold watch, Christy might be someone to take a look at. Another program that has been built up from nothin' is Creighton. You have to give Kristen Bernthal Booth a lot of credit. And, as a Lincoln kid, she'd be someone to keep an eye on.

But John Cook is only half a dozen years or so removed from winning it all. And he keeps the program at a high level. At this rate, he's not going anywhere unless and until he wants to.

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He has three of the top recruits in the nation coming in next season, and just scored a top transfer. I think Cook will be fine. I think the new conference schedule and the much bigger grind that this conference seems to be on the team is something that the team and Cook are still getting adjusted to. I think he'll get a handle on exactly what he needs to do to get back to the final 4 and the national championship. Sometimes, it just takes a little of getting the bugs worked out.

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