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HuskerActuary last won the day on July 11 2023

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  1. Connor needs to shoot the ball with more arc. Go back and watch it. That thing barely gets above the rim. It's simple science that you increase your odds by shooting the ball higher in the air.
  2. I love all things Torvik, but I've always found his chance-of-making-tournament odds questionable. I am a big fan of the T-Ranketology and TeamCast though.
  3. I knew everyone else would feel that way, which is why I said to downvote away. But this would be like taking medical advice from a random stranger on whether they should go to the doctor or not. Weather and its potential impact is a serious topic. I'll stop now. Just hoping folks think twice in the future. Unfortunately, not everyone in the general public is capable of making weather decisions for themselves, so they will do what they read, not considering whether it's from the NWS or a basketball fan.
  4. With this W going in the books + improved efficiency rankings, we are now back in the field in T-Rank's projected bracket. Second-to-last team in the field.
  5. My point is that you should not have given out weather advice, especially for Omaha where you don't even live. Turns out, it was pretty freaking terrible advice. They ended up closing the interstate because of so many accidents. Leave the weather advice to the National Weather Service and other professionals next time. Thanks.
  6. FYI for anyone traveling back to Omaha after the game
  7. I love this website, but I need to call out how irresponsible of a tweet this was. The roads are absolutely terrible in Omaha and between Omaha and Lincoln (can't speak for Lincoln). What did you do, go to weather.com and look at the forecast? Do not try to play armchair weatherman in an attempt to get more people to come to the game - leave it to the experts. I sure hope no one there are no injuries - or worse - tonight due to this. [And yes, he later tweeted more than two hours later that people should plan accordingly after I called him out on this on Twitter. Just please - leave the weather forecasting to those who know what they are doing. I'm sure most of us know that Jake Muhleisen's grandparents died in an accident after a Husker basketball game on icy roads.] Downvote away. Don't care.
  8. Not gonna lie, I'm considering not making the trip from Omaha. Freezing rain / drizzle is no joke.
  9. I should have said "little downward movement if we lose by a respectable margin." After today, our NET will tank. We are now the eighth team out on Torvik.
  10. A projected 9 seed on Torvik. That goes up to an 8 seed if we win today, and little downward movement if we lose.
  11. I saw that the "Missing Bo" topic was posted in the Hardwood section, so I assumed you were talking about Bo Spencer...
  12. I'd argue that for as long as Merritt Beason continues to be mediocre and we can't figure out whether Landfair or Krause is the answer, I highly doubt we win it all. We've had an incredible run of top 10 wins, with many sweeps in there, but last night exposed us pretty badly. Bad day for Husker athletics.
  13. Yeah, this. Bahe is fairly unbiased these days in my opinion when in positions when he should be (like last night).
  14. Thanks Steve!
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