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Everything posted by trickey

  1. Nope...we are playing on Friday, per Nostradamus.
  2. This imaginary tournament and our lovable cast of characters reminds me of an eerily similar scene from Hollywood
  3. Norm, When we make the real tourney, I hope you can be as influential with that committee.
  4. You should ask this question to the ESPN (I think) idiots that carries them the sacks of $$.
  5. I have seen the type of team you are hoping for,,,,and these teams are extremely fun to watch....we should only hope that your hopes go straight to God's ears!
  6. So...if we can get you enough votes to win...you are buying a keg for the next watch party...right?
  7. I can't imagine why you would not do the reports as long as you enjoy writing them...if somebody does not appreciate the thoughts...they will figure out how not to click on the link! Thanks for all your efforts.
  8. https://twitter.com/CoachMiles/status/312557292702810112/photo/1 I have tried 3 x to post the twitter link again....I put it in earlier but the site drops it apparently! Dimes...Help!
  9. David does not look any to happy to cool down
  10. When do you suggest he should have called them... And if he did and then the game was such that you would have wanted to call TOs after made baskets etc.at the end ...would you have been upset he had used them? Either way may be right...but this time his way won...so I won't complain.
  11. Relax Cookie, I guarantee you we will win! Sorry, I was late to this thread.
  12. Wow nustudent...a true kiss of death..."They win 2 in the conference tourney and they should be a lock."...since they are going to lose to Michigan State tomorrow...I have to assume since they needed 2 wins here to be in they will be OUT. Since I hate iowa...I can revel in that thought process.
  13. I loved the play where 2 players cut to the basket from the same side after the ball entered the post! Purdue called an early second half time out to try to repair...as they were a man short in how they were playing...with the first man clearing and the second dunking! this type of coaching reminds me of later Tom Osborne era when you knew he would come out with some new wrinkle to jab the opponent in the second half. Great to see this from our young coach. I know he can coach... I think he can recruit... I believe he will WIN. (but sadly, probably not tomorrow) GBRGATA
  14. Miles...I am shocked with the reference to PBR...as I thought you only did Bitches Brew http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30Acy8Z9jkw
  15. no...as opposed to us...it means you have to sit on your post for minutes to hours before you decide they are worthy...I do not think either of us will reach this level!
  16. I see what you're saying. Good point. I'll try to knock it off. Norm...Do you need a great post-step program?
  17. more photos http://journalstar.com/gallery/news/photos-pinnacle-bank-arena-construction-continues/collection_6d1331ee-2e94-58d5-acba-32d7a655b45a.html#0
  18. the final 15 seconds look like how Andre gets half his fouls....for standing there and being big and strong...they bounce off... he gets charged (with a foul).
  19. It's as easy as pie to see your humor is squared....yet rounded down.
  20. x
  21. Well, you got your wish. If NU were to defeat Purdue, it would be to face Ohio State (which recently won at B1G champion Indiana). No matter what Thursday game you come out of...the reward is a killer opponent... Welcome to the BIG tournament! Yet, I would rather win and lose rather than just lose. And I believe in occasional miracles... Just not 4 in a row. GBR
  22. You were hoping he would take us to the North or South Pole?! Well we would have been at the top of the world! Or the bottom...
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