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Everything posted by trickey

  1. https://twitter.com/RobinWashut/status/342764213997010944 http://cincinnati.com/blogs/uc/2013/06/06/uc-to-play-nebraska-in-basketball-next-season/
  2. 49r..... You are right I did the dyslexic 3 squared! I hope this does not mean Norm does not have enough time for George!
  3. This is a trick question, Norm. There is no indication of the direction of travel of said Kiwi. Maybe the better question is "If a particular Husker beat-writer for the Omaha World Herald is unwilling to adapt to new information gathering sources (such as social media) because he doesn't 'get what all the fuss is about', and then proceeds to get scooped (by said media source) nearly a week before he writes a story regarding a topic for which he gets paid handsomely to be an authoritative source of information on...is said beat-writer still considered relevant?" How fast is he typing? 2 km/hr? At that rate, he should become irrelevant in roughly -2.5 x 365 x (24 + 23) hours. 2 and a half years ago. Sounds about right... High marks on the SAT math section, my friend. Norm....I see you used the new fangled 25 hour day in your formula. Is that so you will have enough time to see your namesake in Omaha this weekend? http://www.omaha.com/article/20130606/GO/706069969 "George Wendt coming to Omaha Beer Fest"
  4. I imagine there is a little party breaking out at the Mayweather Mansion!
  5. I wish I had this much idle cash! https://twitter.com/RobinWashut/status/341609918639505408
  6. Right...easier to look at the Rivals link http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/basketball/recruiting/player-Austin-Grandstaff-133795 as the cut and paste wasn't to successful
  7. Rivals reports this offer extended to Austin Grandstaff 2015 PG : Shooting guard Plano, Texas Plano West AAU: Team Texas http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/basketball/recruiting/player-Austin-Grandstaff-133795 other offers: School Interest Offer Alabama Medium Arizona Medium Offered Duke Medium Indiana Medium Iowa St. Medium Offered Marquette Medium Offered Nebraska Medium Offered North Carolina Medium Oklahoma Medium Offered Oklahoma St. Medium Offered Texas Medium Texas A&M Medium Offered UCLA Medium
  8. I did the same lurking thing for years...then the recruiting section finally made me sign up...then I lost my shyness when I realized if I said something stupid....I would not be in the first thousand to do so.... Keep posting.
  9. Norm...you forgot one part of the conversation....you had him say "We've put out feelers. Our people have been contacting their people, gauging interest, getting names, vetting them. This is a process. I want the right guy. This is important. Not something to rush just so I can go on vacation.".... but you left out "Besides, I've got the guy picked out and he is N...and bringing a grad transfer who has to finish up some work before we can announce both of them as N! Don't sweat it!"
  10. And a Rivals link with 45 pics http://nebraska.rivals.com/photofeature.asp?SID=928&fid=43436
  11. Here is an Omaha WH link to some pictures and a video http://www.omaha.com/article/20130531/HUSKERS/130539942/1002#photos-video-progress-at-huskers-new-home-pinnacle-bank-arena
  12. Gosh...My heart goes out to those always wonderfully gracious Buff fans. I hope nobody hits Mr. Bohn with a urine-bomb or slits his tires before he gets out of town.
  13. https://twitter.com/RobinWashut/status/339403719626084352
  14. If you are going to wish dead people a happy birthday (and Levon is fine with me, as I am a Band fan)...then you have to include one of our members' namesake....Miles Davis. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vqo3DRwlFO4
  15. I will give you the benefit of the doubt contained in your new post...OK, you knew....but driving while typing/texting is dumb...and dangerous!
  16. Yeah....if hang means beat more of them than not...then I get what you are saying!!!
  17. Since we have this type of player/position well covered...although he may be a great athlete, this is still not what we are looking for. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdCJRybAtso
  18. Way to take one for the team. Maybe that's what it will take to reverse the curse put on Husker Hoops. Kind of a slump buster concept. I guess I'm up for it if that's what it takes. HB...I have seen the Shim-shams too often....You are one sick puppy if you are out there willing to bust that!
  19. I will have more faith in TM's ability to orchestrate this recruiting thing I believe we will have a big man next year although virtually none of us currently would recognize his name. While we have missed on some that we would have loved to corral....(if we could have snagged JU this would not have been the fall back plan.) this is not yet the equivalent of bar closing time when they are kicking guys out the door. If I were a betting man (and I am)...I would wager a few bucks on signing a yet to be identified graduate (immediately eligible) player... This would fill an immediate need while leaving 2 scholarships open next year... I understand we may be taking this swing and yet we could miss...but I trust TM has a plan in action. Many transfers are hidden from view until they are gone from their school and declared to another. That is who we get....(I believe) Then, next year, after we put up somewhere near a 20 win season ...we may convince the next level of players that NU should/would/could be a good choice for the future. GATA
  20. I believe your health requires that you have at least one organic movement a day!
  21. https://twitter.com/RobinWashut/status/331252386473594880 I do not like this....but I do not have insider access....anybody able to translate?
  22. “I could see myself as a ’2′ or a ’3′ but I’m going to be all over the floor and hitting the glass either way,” Harris said. ”Basketball is a grinder’s sport; you’re going to get little injuries and you have to play through them. If coach is going to let me then I’m going to play.” WOW...Love this attitude!
  23. Midnight Madness is a must. Also when are they going to need the volunteers to flush the toilets, because I'm in. Haha! I've thought the same thing! Well then...You 2 are either kinky or too old fashioned....as I suspect we have infrared self-flushing toilets...We don't need no stinkin' hands!
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