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Everything posted by HB

  1. Very insightful post.
  2. Wow, I would love to have a debate on the last sentence, but it's a hoops board so I will refrain.
  3. Seriously, that guy looks at least 30 years old. What the hell is in the water these days?
  4. Nothing to be nervous about; its been apparent for quite some time she wouldn't be physically able to keep playing. We'll be moving on without 3 players with returning eligibility from last year, which many have known for a long time but Sam finally decided to put it out there vaguely. The coaches are in charge of timing the announcement, but this has been done for awhile.
  5. Kearney Man, is that you?
  6. Another game I can't root for either team.
  7. Your scenario explains certain Omaha people liking Creighton hoops Not the hate and d-bag actions toward Husker hoops, when they choose to support the home state football team. Screw the sweater vests; got no use for 'em. My favorite basketball team other than the Huskers is whoever plays Creighton, and usually whoever plays Iowa.
  8. OK, Birds, rather than just coming on here and down-arrowing a legitimate opinion, what do you think? Please give us your view on the subject, rather than just doing your "drive-by" thing.
  9. Then consider me a fraction. Actually, I don't have a problem with a pure Creighton fan. But I despise the Jaysker. I know someone who has the audacity to state "we" when talking about Husker football, yet he hates Husker basketball and cheers for us to lose in all games, not just the Creighton game. Makes no sense. Down with the Jaysker.
  10. I suppose it has or will become F-Iowa. Truly a low life form and it pains me to even mention the word. Would have no problem with it being F-Creighton, but lately it hasn't been competitive enough to call it a rivalry.
  11. Speaking of athletic department folks: Eichorst to Texas as an assistant AD! Couldn't happen to a nicer program. Hook 'em! ??
  12. In Nebraska, not "at" Nebraska. High school.
  13. Unless he graduates by August, I think he would still have to sit out a transfer year. And since he is in Nebraska working a camp right now, I wouldn't think he is taking a lot of school getting ready to graduate. But I have no info on that; just speculating.
  14. You may get your wish. Keep an eye on this one, as a walk on.
  15. Interesting that despite the lack of abundant support from his ADs the past 3 years(deserved or not; not trying to open up that discussion), Tim is still being Tim publicly, and is still very supportive of the local scene. Interesting that his daughter is going to attend UNL. And Coach represented Saturday night in Hebron at the Cattlemen's Ball, making a $5k donation. Was back at it last night at the Git R' Done Foundation event, making another sizable donation at the auction. Taking the high road.
  16. He was every bit as hamstrung by a very mediocre staff and a vacillating, incoherent recruiting approach than he was by facilities. It was never gonna happen.
  17. Depending on what happens in the draft.
  18. Ah, the good 'ol morning paper. Soon to go the way of Kodak film and the rotary dial telephone. Progress, I'm told.
  19. Eric in Scottsdale may be the lamest twitter dude ever.
  20. Yes. Very good. Since the prognosticators tend to pick based on the prior year, my guess is they will have Iowa too low in the preseason predictions.
  21. Sounds like someone may just know something........
  22. Yeah, and you told everyone about Sheldon Jeter. Multiple times. People should listen to Norm. I just don't get why they don't.
  23. HB

    Emily Wood

    Yes, and on her nuptials this weekend! Outstanding young lady who will be missed. Glad to see her staying in Nebraska, at least for now.
  24. Jacob, any idea why Wingett kind of blew up at the end?
  25. Signed, sealed, and frigging delivered! (Washut the new Rosenthal. It's official). ?
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