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Everything posted by KZRider

  1. Was this Morrow's best statistical game? Seemed like he played very well coming back from that foot issue.
  2. How many games has he missed in his career let alone in this season? He's been a remarkably healthy young man. Wish and pray for a speedy recovery and NOT just so he can get back out on the floor again.
  3. We Need a CenterWhere have all the big men gone And where are all the good posts? Where's the rebounding Hercules To clean glass when we need it most? Isn't there a wide bodied NBA type? Who can hold down the paint and live up to the hype? We need a center We're holding out for a center but there's none in sight He's gotta be big And he's gotta be strong And he's gotta be up to the fight We need a center We're holding out for a center but there's none in sight We've gotta find one And it's gotta be soon Or next year we'll continue our plight Please tweet this at Tim miles! Without counting, I think it is more than 140 characters but I don't get Twitter.
  4. Norm. That. Hurts. I may have to go see a shrink now.
  5. We TOOK 17 more shots than MD did but MADE 4 fewer. How many blocked shots did Stone have? Difference in the ball game was a dominant big man and no answer for it even more so than in the Purdue game.
  6. Sorry I don't have any suggestions but as you are considering who to hire, ask them the following question: What is 2+2? If they don't know, pass. If they say "4" then file them away as competent accountants. But if they go over and lock the door, pull down the shades and lean over and whisper "What do you want it to be?" that's a keeper!
  7. Not counting the anomaly of the NW game where someone who LOOKED like Benny was wearing his uniform, Benny is shooting only 31% from 3 in B1G play. While I agree that he should take SOME shots from there taking 5 shots as he did against Purdue is a mistake. If I were an opposing coach, I would let Benny throw them up and run the risk until he proves otherwise. Tai, on the other hand, would scare me. Over that same stretch of games, he is hitting 50% of his 3s. I know Tai is having great success with his game right now so changing that is probably a mistake. My real point in this is not to abuse Benny because I love having him on our team. I just think we are VERY close to being able to compete with and defeat Purdue in spite of their dominance inside.
  8. Between them, Benny and McVeigh were 2 for 10 on 3s. Benny either needs to start hitting that shot or stop taking it. If about half of Benny's shots were taken instead by White or Watson or Webster, it would be an improvement. And McVeigh was uncharacteristically poor yesterday. On the other side of the ledger they shot almost 60% on their 3s which was a killer on all those possessions where our interior D did its job well but their outside shot killed us! IMO we are VERY capable of playing with this Purdue team EVEN with Hammons having the outstanding game he had. Now a inquiry for those who are better BB gurus than me (which is just about all of you!): White is such an outstanding shooter beyond the arc why isn't he taking about 8-10 3s every game? What are teams doing to defend him and how should we go about countering that?
  9. Has Rosenthal tweeted anything yet?
  10. Faust had to learn that the Hard Way! That's because he didn't have Daniel Webster for his lawyer
  11. If tonight wasn't a brawl, I dont know what is! This is a nice scrum but hardly a BRAWL. I only saw a couple of punches thrown. The real punk in all of this was Samardzija. Now THESE are some decent basebrawls.
  12. Some other random cliches come to mind that have no real bearing on this discussion... We have not yet begun to fight. When the going gets tough the tough get going. At the end of the day... As welcome as a skunk at a lawn party. As horny as a three balled tomcat. Don't take any wooden nickels.
  13. We've had open scholarships so I wouldn't expect a bunch of new stuff to flip up. I don't know if it will be real public but at some point we're going to sign a post player Rental or Schapps shot. (that's 5th year and JUCO to those not familiar with the lingo) We're *ONLY* at 450 transfers for this year. Last year, it was 700+. No reason to be in a rush unless it's a guy you really really want. Hopefully that schnapps is zucchini flavored. If we're talking JUCO guys we're looking for more of a Rumplemintz than a Butterscotch Get rid of a bunch of letters and add an "a" and you've got "Runza" flavor
  14. I agree with all the sentiments of support for Petteway whatever choice he makes. I am just grateful to him for what he has meant to Husker basketball. Were he asking my opinion, I would advise him to stay at NU where he can continue to do the things he is accustomed to in an environment with people who know and care about him and can help him through the challenging days ahead. Adding additional change points to his life in addition to the loss of his mother will be a very difficult thing to do.
  15. Don't know what he will decide but I wish him all the best regardless and hope he stays.
  16. Dude is shooting 40% from 3, easily the best on the team in limited numbers. He had one game where he shot three 3s. The rest have been 1 or 2. I think we could handle 4-5 three point attempts from Benny where he rhythm catches and shoots...especially after penetration from TP/SS. Could potentially be 6 points per night (on 5 shots) and help to unclog the lane. This plus the fact that other teams seem to be leaving him alone to shoot that 3 unguarded. Agree that hitting just a few per game might make them come out thus making the lane easier for TP or Shavon to drive in.
  17. It seems that EVERYONE (evidenced by the Jay Bilas comments) dislikes Karl Hess (his name just makes me think of Nazis). Could someone explain how he survives in his profession? Since coaches can't critique refs without suffering consequences, who does evaluate them and how is that done? How do they get selected for the games they work? But, mostly, how do you get rid of egomaniacal refs who want to make the game about THEM? Perhaps someone needs to run a betting sting operation at him.
  18. I think college basketball, as opposed to the pro game, is the most entertaining sport there is to follow and the Huskers are my lifelong team through good or ill -- a LOT of ill -- and aside for the actual games, this is the best place and personalities to connect with. Also, sometimes I just need a place to unwind when time or Nebraska weather won't let me get in the wind.
  19. Who knows? But I think a regular season conference title is NOT out of the realm and it has been my wish more than just about anything that we could do that in my lifetime. I am now 56. If this is a dream please nobody wake me!
  20. Lots of good names. Carl Hayes would get my vote
  21. Follow up article from LJS on Paul Meyers.
  22. I think not, how about the announcement of Paul Meyers' resignation from the AD? THAT is MAJOR!! Here is a link to the Paul Meyers story in LJS.
  23. Too bad. I always kind of liked him. I wonder if they are expecting an IRS audit?
  24. Frank Haith leaving Missouri for Tulsa is a puzzler for me if this report is true. Would Tulsa would be considered a step up? This only makes sense to me if either Haith is a really good guy who is sick of MU and wants to get out or Haith is a real problem and MU wants him gone. I know MU has been plagued by issues with athletes in a variety of sports but it is still an historic basketball program in a major conference. How can you choose Tulsa over them if you don't feel like you HAVE to?
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