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    NoladrianSephier reacted to cornfed24-7 in Ahron Ulis is N   
    We needed a PG. We got a PG. And one that played in the Big Ten . Go ahead and put me in the "pretty stoked"  column.
  2. Upvote
    NoladrianSephier reacted to Norm Peterson in Ahron Ulis is N   
    OK, so he's a MUCH better perimeter shooter than Sallis. He's not a volume guy, so that's good. Won't mess with our chemistry in terms of guys being uptight about who's going to get the shots.
    He's not quite as good at the stripe as Sallis, but he's certainly respectable.  His assist:turnover ratio is much better.
    He started on an Iowa team that danced. He knows the Big Ten. Him vs. Sallis is a coinflip if you ask me.
    I'm comfortable with this.
  3. Upvote
    NoladrianSephier reacted to hskr4life in Keisei watch   
    We'll see if Deb and Pete are TRUE Nebrasketball fans or not!  Co-Sign NOW!
  4. Thanks
    NoladrianSephier got a reaction from jimmykc in Transfer Portal 2023   
    They are (if you're talking about the Torvik list). Oleg -0.2 and Dawson -0.9. You have to expand the list at the bottom to get to them or sort other ways.
  5. Upvote
    NoladrianSephier reacted to Faux Mike Peltz in Exhibition: Nebraska at Colorado: 5pm 10/30/2022   
    Man, some of you guys need to just stay away. And this is coming from a non kool-aid and rose colored glasses wearing fan. I’m typically pretty critical and vocal. But this is an exhibition game against a capable power 5 team that has big dance potential. One with good players and good size. And we ran a vanilla offense without Walker down low and stayed within striking distance until the final minute. Let’s let some things play out here fellas….
  6. Like
    NoladrianSephier reacted to hhcmatt in What do you suppose Hoiberg's (unwritten) metric was?   
    This is more of a street cred type organization
  7. Upvote
    NoladrianSephier reacted to busticket in Opening Night with Husker Hoops Set for October 1, 2021   
    I think we pretty much know who the starters are.  As far as reserves in the rotation, Wilhelm appears to be the top front court sub.  I can’t see a scenario where Tominaga doesn’t play.  Edwards and Wilcher gotta play, right?  Edwards is extremely athletic and has great skills.  Wilcher is another shooter and we are recruiting his superstar brother.  That puts us at 9, which is a large number.
    That leaves Kobe, Andre and Lakes on the outside looking in.  I think any of those three have the ability to be contributors if the need arises.  
    Man we look stacked.  Inexperienced, but very talented roster now.  It will be interesting to see how well this post ages because rarely does the rotation I expect to see preseason end up that way in reality.
  8. Upvote
    NoladrianSephier reacted to Fullbacksympathy in What will our rotation look like next year?   
    My dark horse is still Tominaga.  I think he's going to have heat checks given to him every night, and I would be shocked if there aren't a couple of games he takes over on the offensive end.  With Bryce, Trey, and Zo being able to get to the paint on just about anyone, I think Keisei and Lat are going to be deadly, especially if they're on the court at the same time.  
    Trey, Bryce, Keisei, Lat, and Walker in a 4 out is pretty formidable offensively.  
    I could see CJ filling that Keisei role as well, but if Keisei is at all open... that sucker is probably going in.  
  9. Upvote
    NoladrianSephier reacted to Huskerpapa in What will our rotation look like next year?   
    I am still scratching my head.   I am not yet convinced the rotation is close to being finalized.  Some players play better when part of group A versus group B.  Veterans grouped with newbies?, or not???
    I still believe playing time is wide open, as is starting roles.
  10. Upvote
    NoladrianSephier reacted to kldm64 in OT: Printed vs. Digital Tickets: The Debate   
    I used to think paper tickets but honestly since I went to digital tickets, I'd never go back to printed again.  My tickets are with me all the time and if I want to sell or transfer them to someone else, I can do that without having to leave my couch instead of having to meet up with the  person.  It's a huge cost saving for UNL to go with digital tickets and won't be much longer till paper tickets aren't even an option anymore.
  11. Like
    NoladrianSephier reacted to hskr4life in Seat Yourself Process   
    I am officially a season ticket holder for the first time in my life.  Pumped!
  12. Like
    NoladrianSephier reacted to HolyBobpilgrimage in Seat Yourself Process   
    This is all so encouraging. People getting on or re upping once again or the millionth time... All here for the same thing! Family. Love the husker family.
    Knock on wood ofc that old nasty uncle covid doesn't bite us this season again. Things not looking promising. Hope to get another booster or something in the coming months against delta, I think we all want, need our sports and other people. Lives are more important ofc, but goddamnit,  it's painful missing year after year of this. Need my nebraska🏀❤️GBR
  13. Like
    NoladrianSephier got a reaction from 49r in Seat Yourself Process   
    I also just snagged a couple in 317. Took some years off when I started having kids but now looking forward to bringing them along!
  14. Like
    NoladrianSephier got a reaction from HolyBobpilgrimage in Seat Yourself Process   
    I also just snagged a couple in 317. Took some years off when I started having kids but now looking forward to bringing them along!
  15. Upvote
    NoladrianSephier got a reaction from Norm Peterson in The Backups   
    I feel like you see these guys in the B1G all the time where you go "how is that guy beating us?" Keisei could be one of those guys for us. He can shoot, he's a crafty passer, and he's scrappy, which I think is a great combination.
  16. Upvote
    NoladrianSephier got a reaction from HB in The Backups   
    I feel like you see these guys in the B1G all the time where you go "how is that guy beating us?" Keisei could be one of those guys for us. He can shoot, he's a crafty passer, and he's scrappy, which I think is a great combination.
  17. Like
    NoladrianSephier reacted to hhcmatt in The Backups   
    It's a satchel 
  18. Like
    NoladrianSephier reacted to throwback in The Backups   
    Did you watch him holding his man away from the ball during the 3x3 tournament at the Olympics? He was performing similar to a Wisconsin-level defender (minus the jabs to the family jewels). He has this league figured out already.
  19. Upvote
    NoladrianSephier reacted to hhcmatt in Are satchel’s allowed on the court??   
    2018: Don't like the look of hoods on the practice uniforms
    2021: Let guys wear a satchel while playing
  20. Upvote
    NoladrianSephier reacted to Keenan9595 in Are satchel’s allowed on the court??   
    I truly feel like he’s a guy who went from “is he gonna be able to adjust and contribute?” To “this dudes gonna be a surprise and change the dynamic of this team a bit.” 
    watching his 3X3 games I was truly impressed with his physicality for his size, I think he’s going to be a baller for us.
  21. Like
    NoladrianSephier reacted to ShortDust in 3x3 Olympic Basketball Games   
    They are played outside. Saw a photo of the setup and its spectacular and I can see why someone would think it’s inside.
  22. Like
    NoladrianSephier reacted to Faux Mike Peltz in 3x3 Olympic Basketball Games   
    Watched the game. Nothing I saw made me less excited that he’s a Husker. He is savvy and has a pretty quick burst. And I think his shooting will come around. But his drive to the hoop is pretty good. 
  23. Like
    NoladrianSephier reacted to JBARGIE in 2021-2022 expectations   
    This ^ I think you are crazy if you don't think Alonzo is a day 1 starter.  We don't have the convenience of bringing him off the bench like he's Lou Williams.  Maybe CJ/Keon sneaks into the rotation by the end of the year but you have to assume Alonzo doesn't get beat out by one of them for the first game.
    (who's our leading scorer?  My money says Trey or Alonzo at 14 a piece)
  24. Like
    NoladrianSephier reacted to JBARGIE in Alonzo Verge Jr.   
    True, a COVID junior. We’ll see if he’s back for his extra year…
  25. Haha
    NoladrianSephier reacted to jayschool in Kobe is back...   
    One more note from the story:
    Thorbjarnarson, a native of Iceland, is 14 months older than Webster, however, and may be looking toward a professional career. That makes "The Hammer" 46 months older than recently departed Frenchman Yvan Ouedraogo, who, unbeknownst to almost everyone, played his entire first year at Nebraska as a 17-year old.
    OK. That last sentence was mine.
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