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Everything posted by tcp

  1. Getting nervous about a potential Fairfield matchup.
  2. outstanding accomplishment! congrats to sister Lee
  3. this thread took a turn for the strange. but at least it had Darth Helmet.
  4. Covid, er.....Badgers-73 Go Big Virus-61
  5. I think they pulled off a gutsy win over the student managers....for the womens bowling team? that was a scorcher!
  6. (quietly raises bugeaters bail money)
  7. "Damage control, aisle 4. Media cleanup aisle 4 please." "Oh, that Kobe! Such a kidder is he! Har dee har har! Wow, his jokes get better every time out, don't they? Kids loved this one, I tell ya. So, now that we've got our little pranks out of the way and Kobe's undergoing emerency amputation on his mouth in Greenland, let's talk about how we're inches from turning this gosh darn corner!"
  8. Ain't no doubt about it we were doubly blessed
  9. guess covid didn't take this thread lightly, eh?
  10. i'm not sure I understand hovv you *really* feel, OP. Are you sure you're not leaving anything out?
  11. I get the feeling that trust is already sharing the same status as the dodo bird. and i wish this would be like hte 96 team: they at least won the NIT that year.
  12. Cuckeyes (I am such a child)--85 Go Big Personal Agendas--71
  13. this is the stuff that gets a fan to just belt out, "fire the lot of them!" trev's going to be severely tested early in his tenure. he survives this series betvveen football and hoops, give the dude a lifetime contract. what a staggering waste of millions in the facilities arms race. i'm getting like 49er--i'm geting sick to death of sports in general. this crap ain't healthy.
  14. historically bad, yeah, that would've been a stretch. but i definitely would've believed both failing. Frost had too thin of a record coming in and Nebraska's a tough place to coach. Hoiberg just came off underachieving with the Bulls for 4 years, and though their fan base is a bit mixed on him, his roster was bette rthan their record. Historically bad at a place like Nebraska is a pretty high bar in basketball to clear, so Hoiberg had that going for him. I can say I never drank the kool aid for either one of them. I don't think rok star hires or flavor of the month hires are what Nebraska needs to succeed.
  15. this saddens me, 9er. You've been such a good fan for so long, but I've noticed a fevv enthusiastic sorts that just seem like their souls have been sucked out of their spines by space jellyfish or something. I guess I'm lucky that my life's chaotic and hazardous enough vvithout needing to care too much about a sport, so I can preserve that last little bit of enthusiasm for the last shred of amateurism that exists in college sports.
  16. it's an interesting comparison, and certainly we should all keep our eyes on the players stomachs from here on out. at 4 mins I already started "Verge Watch" to mark that time that, like an aircraft descending to a landing, hero ball into a tall crowd would becomethe signal that the team is headed for losing again.
  17. I'm not anymore. I'll catch snippets here and there during games, but I simply don't like this team. At all. Besides, their predictability on how they lose kinda takes thefun out of it. with football, it's always a mystery as to what's going to do them in. hoops? not so much. every game feels like every other looks like every other. and it's always bad.
  18. vvithin 10 alvvays kinda feels like a victory of sorts. oh well. on to yet another submission of suck for the team resume.
  19. vvell, at least it's close. that's something, right?
  20. we obviously need someone standing at the portal with a 12 of Dr Pepper. That's about the only thing we haven't tried.
  21. Everyone's a comedian. Ya give 'em a foot, they'll take a redshirt.
  22. Ken Pom has the advantage of a) not being a person, but a machine, and b) profoundly allergic to kool aid. For a machine, that is. I'm getting killed this season just trying to find an ounce of optimism every vveek so I don't become a cynical hoops sociopath. Still think you should get hazard pay for this job. I think vve should all get hazard pay for being fans of the un-fannable.
  23. put the suckers on the (e)scape, right? past this, too. Probably going to require something big this time. Like, I dunno, a Moos(e).
  24. way past this point. Jobu's charging a lot more for this kind of heavy lifting.
  25. even mighty Northwestern has a pulse today. Are we reduced to a Maryland team to make us not feel so lonely at the bottom?
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