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Everything posted by tcp

  1. this movie's beginning to look entirely too familiar
  2. glad holtman took the to. be nice if fred settled his guys down, too. someday, i suppose
  3. these guys flirting with the old habits. verge has to stop taking those shots. he has to.
  4. this is really astonishing. and they've held this lead the entire half. this is not the same team I grew to despise.
  5. who the hell are these guys? granted I haven't watched a game in quite awhile, but who kidnapped the 2022 Huskers and replaced them with, well, basketball players?
  6. Is it ever possible to be kinda close AND have the cigar, too? i get more tired watching this team than they probably get playing.
  7. any scheme can work if it's executed well enough and better than an opponent can execute theirs. this is especially true in college. scheme's are only important inasmuch as they represent a moment of innovation. after that, all schemes lose their unique magic as all schemes can be and will be "solved". there are limitations to this notion if you intentionally go looking for historical extremes, but in the realm of reality, schemes have limited utility in and of themselves. I think most programs choose schemes primarily as a result of what 'system' may give them the best chance at victory relative to the types of recruits they're able to draw, hence playing Doc Ball against superior athletes, or Pistons ball against teams shy of physical contact, etc. As pretty much most others have remarked, I don't really have an issue with Hoiberg's scheme per se, I have an issue with his total inability to recruit players to make it work OR his utter inability to coach it properly.
  8. what's next? dogs and cats sleeping together? sigh.
  9. i've never quit in season before this one. I'm done picking these dudes for anything. just want this season of horrors to end.
  10. oh look, they lose again. sigh. just glad I'm not stuck having to see it. Kudos to you hanging tough still. You're better fans than I am. Everyone have a great night!
  11. i hate you all.....lol. hey, poverty ain't easy if the va's being cheap (double u)ith the disability and the disabiity's gotten (double effing u again, jerks)orse. i have a proper keyboard, but it's a pain to connect to this for posts so unless i'm going to type for a bit, i don't go thru the hassle of connecting it. i just typed this to help matt out. and notice i've avoided the dreaded (double e(double u)e) for the most part until I decided to turn this into a puzzle. cya for game time, but yeah, i'll keep it bad letter free as much as possible!
  12. hey matt, might vvant to change the date time stuff at the top of the post. you got the Iovva game up there.
  13. first, i'm sorry for doc. second, i'm not on the f**king mailing list for nevvs 800 miles avvay, so i'll shovv you the same respect you just shovved me. d**k.
  14. This team almost makes me vvish I got my undergrad at Duke or something. I'm so ashamed...
  15. he checked out earlier this year. trouble in river city, indeed. kudos to all of you vvho gritted this one out. i just checked the score vvhile doing some chores. it'll end soon. i don't even care vvho the nevv coach is.
  16. i've seen enough. same old NU.
  17. oh dear. got here just in time for a stomp run. lovely.
  18. they look bad? trying to decide if I vvant to jump in and vvatch or not....
  19. nice thing about rock bottom is that it doesn't matter the person you hire. a kardashian?
  20. Seriously, dude, I live near Stillvvater. If they can get athletes, any place can get athletes. Trust me on this one. The "Lincoln sucks" is literally the vvorts excuse ever and only someone that hasn't been to too many college tovvns could believe it.
  21. Fitting it starts vvith Zevon. D, you're a genius. I think it needs to be bookended vvith more Z: Detox Mansion? 'Cause that's vvhere this is gonna end up. Gophers-87 NU-Forfeited.....or maybe just 77
  22. i'm increasingly convinced this experiment's already over. and I suspect some of the principals already knovv, hence the effort. i hope i'm right. this is the lousiest program i've seen at NU in my adult lifetime.
  23. i'm done vvith this one. tired of this dedication to suck.
  24. boatraced by a not too good Kitty team at home. Guess there's a bigger bottom than I thought for this squad.
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