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Everything posted by hskr4life

  1. If that’s the tweet he was referring too, I don’t think it’s weird at all. An honor for Cope to have his name and number out there on Sr day.
  2. Don’t see a tweet?
  3. Not a terrible path to make a run though.
  4. The problem is that I think he wants to be a star. He forces some shots when he is out there. Especially during conference play. To me, it looks like he is trying to "get his" while he is on the floor.
  5. I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. Did you seriously hear this? If so, oof.
  6. I think Miles not getting an extension more or less sold him on his decision, but it wasn't the deciding factor. I think a Miles extension and raise could have gotten him to stay, but you can play the what if game for everything. The only thing that truly matters is the "what happened" game.
  7. Donovan tweeted recently that Tim is his guy. Hopefully that stays if Tim isn't here.
  8. My guess is that we won't see Nana suited up in red again. Just my guess.
  9. Off topic from the off topic... we were officially mentioned today it looks like.
  10. Oh my goodness. We were mentioned. Is this a bad thing? I feel like it's bad.
  11. I am not so sure that you can call it a "false narrative." You see, we don't know what happened had we extended Miles more. Could he have stayed? Yes. Could he still have left? Yes.
  12. I am officially changing my prediction Bobby Hurley- Monday March 18th.
  13. Do ya really want to chance that? ?
  14. I was going to say... if we want to make a run... that bracket is far more likely.
  15. Well... we're probably looking at the last 8 days of the Miles era coming up.
  16. Michigan State was so flabbergasted that they let Palmer drive right by for two. We should try this approach more often.
  17. I would love this one. For the guys and for Tim. No matter what happens the rest of the season.
  18. I'd tell you a guy that would still have a job in a month. ?
  19. Please tell me we win 5 in a row starting a week from tomorrow?
  20. Up by two in this one? Probably not. 15-14 overall? Also probably not.
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