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Everything posted by hskr4life

  1. Up by two in this one? Probably not. 15-14 overall? Also probably not.
  2. Hi All! I started watching when it was 17-14 so I take the blame for this one!
  3. I seem to remember a game at MSU recently that really got our tourney run started. Can we start another tonight?
  4. ESPN has the spread at 13.
  5. I get the angst among people that say it could be the same thing next year. However, I think it's only a fair assessment if we have the same jockey. We have the horses to compete next year (as long as we can add a big man), and I don't think that the horses should be in question. If you want to question the jockey though, I think that is totally fair.
  6. We're right where we were at this year heading into next year.... a big man away. It seems that our transfers best years (Petteway, Pitchford, Palmer) are their first year back after sitting a year, so Burke should be a good to go. I agree that Miles has built a solid foundation to work with. I think the biggest question for the admin is going to be "will he be able to do the job with the tools he's recruited?"
  7. I would also say that making the dance so early probably gave him some grace around the 5 year mark where people thought he could still get it done.
  8. Must... Stay... Above.... KenPom!
  9. You do have to give kudos to the kid for going in the direction that he wanted to go. Parents can be a challenging thing and if they were truly pushing him hard to go here, it's nice to see that he chose his own path.
  10. But I thought throwing money at it always solved all of our problems?
  11. I almost stopped reading at “Bigger game than our conference games.” However, I kept reading to see if you made some valid points. The whole post reads “it’s bigger than conference games because we should beat Creighton and we haven’t.” Unfortunately, I just don’t see it, but to each their own.
  12. Remember the name. Not much about the player.
  13. Completely flipped from last year. We almost had too many tough games.
  14. Does this take into account games that are still going? If so, OKST, Creighton, Clemson and Seton are all struggling which kind of kills us.
  15. If open, would much rather have player 1 take it than risk the extra pass. Player 2 will still be there to clean up the rebound if player 1 misses and it eliminates the possibility of a turnover.
  16. This. Also, question number three that kind of but doesn't necessarily have to do with us... Since the NIT is all about trying out new things and since the NIT doesn't really matter, I think it would be cool to let teams experiment with Redshirts and/or transfers without losing a year of eligibility. Thoughts?
  17. Thats fine and dandy. But at the end of the day, it’s still one game. No one every complains that Miles is 0-2 against Bill Self, has a losing record against how many Big 10 coaches? Almost all those games are equally if not more important.
  18. Why do people (not just you) use wins against McDermott as a measure of success? It drives me crazy how much emphasis some people place on that ONE game every single year. In your post, you make it sound like only beating McDermott once in 7 years isn’t earning his paycheck. I could give a damn if we get a coach that doesn’t even beat Creighton once as long as we win other games. I hope... if we get a new coach... people stop using beating Creighton as a “measure of success.” Is it a more fun, more passionate game? Usually, yes. But a measure of success? Not at all.
  19. Gave one away unfortunately.
  20. Oh gee... look.... another NEW coach shortcoming thread. Why why why do we keep starting a new thread to hash out the same old stuff.
  21. More impressive than the win is holding them to 1 run. We get O going like in week 1 and our Pitching continues, we could be alright.
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