Don't even try to argue with me. I mean, I guess you can try.
But then find another university that could get 92,000 people to show up for a women's volleyball match.
You can't.
Find another university that consistently gets 15,000 people to show up for a 10-22 men's basketball team.
You can't.
Find another university that has the nation's longest sellout streak in football.
Well, OK, there's obviously only one of those (and it's us) but still.
"Oh, yeah, well, some big boosters buy up the unsold tickets every game to keep the streak alive. So there. Nanny nanny boo boo."
Really? OK, so which university is in 2nd place and with how many consecutive sellout crowds?
Oh, so you can find someone on Twitter or Nebraska Rivals board who said something crappy about our coaches or our players or the opposing team or their coaches. Sure. Great. Doesn't disprove my point. It's not like we have the ability to kick anyone out of the Husker fan club. And anyone can pretend to be a Husker fan online. Besides, they're probably jayskers, so it doesn't really count.
And find another university where the fans who sit over the visiting team's tunnel traditionally have ALWAYS given a standing ovation to the visiting team leaving the field, win or lose.
Can you find ANY of that anywhere else? Can you find ALL of that anywhere else?
Didn't think so.
Leave me now and go back to your snooty bar in Dundee with your "craft" IPA that, truth be told, you couldn't distinguish from Bud Light in a blind taste test, you only think you like it because someone told you you should. You know who you are.
Go Big Red. We're clearly the best fan base on earth. Top five in the universe. I'm not wrong.