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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/2012 in all areas

  1. I say we cut Andre some slack. He is all we've got in the post this year. so I propose a new nickname for him to make amends for all the snarky comments we have made and since the "Velvet Tower" never caught on. How about "the Vanilla Gorilla from Brazilla" or "the Tapirnator" for starts.
    2 points
  2. 49'r, I see you didn't have the guts to post a Barry Manilow video.......
    1 point
  3. DMVHusker


    As a member of the Red Zone I couldn't agree more!!!!
    1 point
  4. Jadler


    Some are nontraditional students that are slightly older than the normal Red Zoner. Which I don't get because I sort of fall into that category. Some are people that just don't want to join in the antics. Some are people who want to sit with friends that aren't students so they congregate in that B section.
    1 point
  5. Yes, it was. This was posted four days ago in a local newspaper: Drew learned earlier in the week that Bobby Capobianco, a 6-foot-10 junior transfer from Indiana, would need to undergo hernia surgery. The procedure took place Thursday, and Capobianco could miss up to a month. "He's doing well," Drew said. "The surgery went excellent. It will be a couple weeks until he can get back to doing things, but as soon as the doctor clears him he'll be ready to play."
    1 point
  6. Nebraska may take 5 recruits this year as well along with 2 PFs/Cs, so I doubt Vitto is going to change his mind to Nebraska given that NU is in the same recruiting situation that Wisconsin is in. This seems like a very pointless issue to discuss. I would say Nebraska has a better chance at getting Agau to change his mind than Vitto.
    1 point
  7. cip, in my opinion, we still need your threads for games with a music video and a theme. It just wouldn't seem the same without them. But with the live game chat now, maybe your threads should be the pre game thread? That way we'd have the cipsucks pre game threads, the post game chatter and report card threads for gamedays in addition to the live chat during the game?
    1 point
  8. I don't think Almeida is that bad. I think he is rusty right now. He does get called for quite a few fouls just because he is so big. I think we'll see his offensive game come on as we get through a few games here. If you watch his feet, he has some nice moves and can be pretty graceful in the post for a 350 lb man. I can't believe I just typed that.
    1 point
  9. OK, Creighton Fan, you needn't be a dumbass about this. You said you'd never heard anyone say that Thurman was better. And maybe he's not. I have no idea. But, I have seen someone who has some expertise in this area who has said there's a kid on Central's team (think it might have been Thurman but as I conveyed above, I'm not totally sure) who's better. So, it has been said. Feel free to disagree with Bruce Chubick. But take your disagreement up with him, not me.
    -1 points
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