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Everything posted by Huskerpapa

  1. Walk-on's versus scholarships.
  2. Not keeping Nebraska kids has been prevalent for much longer than twenty years. Bob Boozer, G. Sayers and others escaped our grasp. What affected us more was scholarship limitations, the demise/changes of the Big 8, TV saturation and a few lazy ass coaching staffs. That said, what Rose said has grown legs, especially when we haven't landed top Nebraska/Omaha talent in several years. Let me ask a question...and I apologize as it is slanted towards football...but Okie State just plucked a QB from Gretna. Nebraska does have a QB from central Nebraska on the roster. But generally speaking, we recruit our QB's elsewhere. We used to live on RB's from Omaha. Two questions, should we have taken the Gretna QB this cycle or are you happy with the east coast kid that we secured??? Why can't we find a home grown RB any longer? It sort of seems to me that the Omaha metro coaches no longer filter their talent our direction. So going back to Rose...I would say it is our inability rather than our unwillingness.
  3. My source said huskers or professional...perhaps you or your source heard different specifics???
  4. I will be stunned if Trey transfers. I believe he is weighing two choices; pro ball or husker basketball. We will soon know his choice. I also believe Lat is eyeing a pro contract in Australia. We shall see if that happens.
  5. http://www.hudl.com/v/2HCKw2
  6. https://twitter.com/HuskerHoops/status/1521649333892009984?t=poIbkzZ_W0G38wAzRg8CBg&s=19
  7. Siggghhhh, It is time that this thread is put to bed. ALTHOUGH, it is important to note that he has NOT YET removed his name from the NBA draft list. In a subversive/stealth move, he may leave Creighton wondering what could have happened if he chooses to jump!
  8. There is only one ball. Creighton seems to flourish by playing team ball. Sooo, it may end up being an interesting dynamic if Baylor insists on playing hero ball. Hey, I am sure they will make it happen...right?
  9. I am definitely not a proponent for cheating. But good lord, if you are going to cheat...WIN. It was a fair penalty.
  10. NBA question. Who is better, Baylor or Bryce? I know there are hundreds of other players; but between the two, which player does a GM pick?
  11. Perhaps our State slogans now have a slightly different twist... "Nebraska, the good life", and "Honestly, it's not for everyone" Okay, that is sort of stupid...
  12. I spent a few moments this morning looking through various nba mock drafts. I was thinking that recent player decisions may have knocked Bryce out of a first round opportunity. He was absent from some, but in a few as well. Maybe some fodder for conjecture and discussion... https://nbadraftroom.com/p/2022-nba-mock-draft/
  13. If the NCAA cannot control the dispersal of NIL money, can it gain more control by restricting and/or penalizing player movement; i.e. the transfer portal and eligibility limitations? I would also argue that Matt A was superfluous prior to NIL coming into being...
  14. https://www.google.com/search?q=Have+Gun+Will+Travel&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&inm=vs#imgrc=SdXeNy509plODM&tts=0
  15. Pretty impressive... https://twitter.com/BigGameBoomer/status/1520832732288495616?t=S-NHxTNpxFrBjW86m0QvqA&s=19
  16. It is a different pressure.
  17. I will say this once again; these players better grow up quick...with money comes increased expectations. With big money comes even higher expectations...and oh yeah, pressure to lead and exceed!
  18. https://www.dailyindependent.com/sports/howard-settling-in-as-husker/article_36d7fe7a-c82b-11ec-9669-2fcc1250f89a.html Just sharing an article that popped up.
  19. ..and Taylor-Britt goes #60 to Cincinnati...
  20. Congrats to Cam Jurgens drafted by the Eagles @ #51 Wan'Dale drafted by the Giants also in the 2nd. Interestingly ESPN showed half of his footage during his husker years.
  21. ...and yet she was good enough to play here???
  22. Well. That sort of stinks. The goophers must have the academic program that she was looking for. I wish her well other than against the huskers.
  23. This is an article relating to West Virginia sports but it does sort of answer your question. It does shut the door on anyone intending to play next season...but that is about it. It doesn't "force" players like Trey or Lat to finalize their decision. Although I personally believe those decisions will be announced within the next several days My sole concern is IF Trey stays and Baylor decides on Nebraska then somebody draws the short straw. https://www.wvgazettemail.com/sports/wvu/ncaa-transfer-portal-deadline-looms/article_70fa2a0c-082f-5cc1-8464-128bb647e8ac.html
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