Not keeping Nebraska kids has been prevalent for much longer than twenty years. Bob Boozer, G. Sayers and others escaped our grasp.
What affected us more was scholarship limitations, the demise/changes of the Big 8, TV saturation and a few lazy ass coaching staffs.
That said, what Rose said has grown legs, especially when we haven't landed top Nebraska/Omaha talent in several years.
Let me ask a question...and I apologize as it is slanted towards football...but Okie State just plucked a QB from Gretna. Nebraska does have a QB from central Nebraska on the roster. But generally speaking, we recruit our QB's elsewhere. We used to live on RB's from Omaha.
Two questions, should we have taken the Gretna QB this cycle or are you happy with the east coast kid that we secured??? Why can't we find a home grown RB any longer?
It sort of seems to me that the Omaha metro coaches no longer filter their talent our direction. So going back to Rose...I would say it is our inability rather than our unwillingness.