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Everything posted by jimmykc

  1. As a marine biologist, I would not assume the whale was struck by a tree in the forest. The first thing to do is check the blowhole for a golf ball ...and did that make your Tuesday, Art Vandalay?
  2. He said all the right things about NU so I wish him well. He'll have a year to work on his shooting so , who knows? I doubt he will be a starter for ISU for two consecutive years though.
  3. Wonder how long it takes to "dot i's and cross t's" ? This stinks of bureaucratic lethargy to me with everyone on vacation and papers gathering dust on someone's desk. Someone needs to be put on a deadline because you know the NCAA likes to stall on their decision for as long as possible. The good news from the article is no mention of any problem with Palmer.
  4. If Celtics win three more I will plan to change my avatar to a classic Celts player. Torn between Jojo White and Hondo Havlicek (Bird would be too cliche). If they sweep the finals I will go with Bill Russell..
  5. Consistency within the game is all we can ask from the officials. Any human endeavor contains differences of opinion and as long as they are not egregious, they add to the ambience of the game for fans. Just witness the strike zone for each umpire and how disagreement from the fans adds atmosphere to the ballpark unless it becomes abusive, obscene or violent.Until we get robot officials, the inconsistencies will remain. But by then, the players will also be robots in all likelihood. And now I expect some up arrows for sticking "egregious" into a Sunday post.
  6. Too bad they can't just wave the Cavs and Warriors into the finals and skip the rest of the semis. Both teams are hitting on all cylinders at the right time and it should make a great rematch.
  7. I would like ours to be Rutgers. It would seem a natural since Danny Nee almost went there, and an excellent way to pick up another league victory every year. And the Sopranos was real popular out here too.
  8. For a minute I was afraid my wife had started this thread
  9. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Chirping+Sounds+at+Night&&view=detail&mid=5EB910E9A8D3A298E8725EB910E9A8D3A298E872&FORM=VRDGAR
  10. http://journalstar.com/entertainment/books/review-nebrasketball-by-scott-winter/article_6c6ac9a8-8738-52ff-b77c-04f7762cc8b9.html
  11. Indiana:Butler=KU:Wichita St.
  12. Dean: You need to rethink or re-spin your post. David Halberstam, Roger Angell, Frank Deford and hundreds of other writers who have written about "people playing games" might find your comments ludicrous if not downright insulting. I sort of see your point, but to denigrate an entire profession because of some bad examples is unfair. Remember, when it comes right down to it we all play games and anyone who writes well about human nature, whether on the playing field, the battlefield or in daily life, does us all a service.And now I shall get down from my own self important soapbox.
  13. Jacob: I, for one, am glad to have you here. At least you present a somewhat different point of view and are not a troll. Journalists are always welcome and usually have some bits of inside information unavailable to the rest of us. I'll even offer to lend you a "Walter" for an avatar. How about Walter "Boom-boom" Beck?
  14. Will this be his third or fourth school?
  15. Good luck to Ali-seems like a good guy. Obviously his three point stroke didn't rub off on anyone while he was here. The only person I can think of who got as much mileage out of one play (the KU shot) is Matt Davison.And he will always have a child with Lincoln,Nebraska on the birth certificate (like one of mine who has Waterville, Maine on his).
  16. Let's just hope Brase doesn't end up sleeping with the fishes.
  17. May I take a guess on Sipple's favorite movie? The Invisible Man starring Claude Raines (1933). Book? Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. Tape? Scotch.
  18. Seems an odd transition for one with his basketball pedigree. Where did you read this, and will this position be filled?
  19. Pretty astute observation for a first time poster.Is Barfy sending a subliminal message? Hmmmm...
  20. It's all good.
  21. Never heard of Jacob Padilla, but he makes some pretty good points.
  22. Tganks for the correction.
  23. Condolences to you and your family. Glad you had a glimpse of sunlight through the darkness of this day.
  24. Was he driving a cab?
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