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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. You're putting the cart WAY ahead of the horse if you're already making generalizations about this team. As the season unfolds, roles will become defined, some players will surprise, others will disappoint. We have some firepower on this roster, including Petteway, it'll be our team defense though that will take us where we want to go...
  2. Defense is effort and "want to", we have too many talented players that need to bring an attitude when they walk on that floor. No excuse for what happened today.
  3. What's the deal with Gallegos? Is he hurt? Is he playing today against UAB? We need more from him AND Pitchford than we got yesterday.
  4. Pitchford needs to join the fray. Let's start knockin' down some 3s
  5. I'm ready to see a game where we get a "popped in the mouth", to see how we respond. I've got a feeling we'll learn alot about this team in the next few days, and I think we'll all be pleasantly surprised by our firepower, our ability to run with people and how salty we actually are.
  6. We've beaten every team ranked 5-10 in the B1G pre-season rankings at least once in the past two seasons. Those "shock the world" type games won't be. Michigan and OSU are very winnable games. I don't have a house, but I'd bet a hell of alot more than twenty dollars, that we finish 6th in the Conference with 20+ wins.
  7. Do you already hate Creighton?
  8. We need to make Dougie a jump shooter. I know he can fill it up from 3, but I'll take my chances there rather than have him camped out in the lane. (promise: last post about that school "up north" until game day)
  9. The Death Star is now fully operational.... 102-77 Cornhuskers
  10. Watched the Bluebirds play on TV last night, we can run Rivers, Shields, and maybe Petteway at the Golden boy all night and walk out with a win. Nobody else on that roster scares me, and they'll discover quickly that they CAN'T hang.
  11. Do they names Beau Reid & Eric Piatkowski ring a bell? We're stock piling talent boys, and this run away beer truck has just started rollin'!
  12. Oklahoma is the poor man's Texas, and that's NOT a compliment.
  13. It's amazing how different a team looks when you have more than 1 or 2 guys who can actually shoot the basketball. This of course withOUT Biggs & Gallegos. I wouldn't read too much into Fuller & Hawkins not playing, but with the return of the other two, you would assume one if not BOTH might redshirt. I had high hopes going in, but Friday night flat out lived up to the hype.
  14. Crushing the hopes & dreams of Jays fans never gets old, especially in McDermett's Senior year. Swapping out Evansville and Drake for Georgetown and Marquette will be a rude awakening for all those stuffed shirts on "the Hill".
  15. Stating the obvious, but the Women's team is LOADED. B1G Title and a deep tourney run, let's make it happen Ladies!
  16. I'm counting on all of you in attendance tonight to bring home the "W" for the rest of us displaced Huskers scattered hither & yarn. Won't be able to christen the new digs myself until the mighty Citadel rolls in on 12/21. Have a wonderful night everyone on this VERY special occasion, and never forget, HUSKER PRIDE-NATION WIDE!
  17. Is Jay Randolf available?
  18. These aren't message boards 'per say, but some thoughts from others regarding the Huskers. ESPN B1G beat writer has us last of course, and said "Mile's Huskers have the same old problems", whatever that means, depth/talent I guess. Ameila Rayno of the Star Trib had us last as well, citing the return of Drew Crawford @ NW, & Tim Frazier @ PSU as the sole reasons they will be better than us. Lazy, lazy journalism. Nobody ever mentions ANY of our players either returning or newcomers. Can't wait 'til we shut ALOT of people up.
  19. FIFY. Biggs is a junior. We only get him for 2 seasons. Thanks Norm, I thought I might have been wrong when I posted that. Stockpiling talent though is never a bad idea. Now if we can just keep them out of the sculpture gardern, and their pants UP.
  20. The benefit of having Biggs, Petteway and Pitchord for 3 years really can't be overstated. They will form the nucleus of what should be a dynamite squad when they along with Shields are Seniors. BTW, is it 11/8 yet? I'm ready for tip-off!
  21. At least 9 Non-Confernce & 10 yes TEN games in the B1G. Get those dancin' shoes out Huskers, you're headin' back to the Dance! ( and no I haven't been in the cough syrup, or hanging out with Carl Pelini)
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