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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. I hate the 2/tone design as well, but at least they gave me the state outline WITH the Star City, so I'll have to be happy with that.
  2. I'm not trying to be rude, but Peltz is a walk on. He's not taking up a scholorship and was probably brought on to help out this past year. His playing time will more than likely be pretty limited this next season. No need to shuffle him out of the program. Not trying to harsh on the kid either, just think he would have more success at a different level. As someone mentioned above Pitchford is the HUGE X factor.
  3. Peltz needs to contact Chadron St., and I've got a good feeling about this Fuller kid. Could this be the year when we break 100? ( As in points in a game)
  4. The Gophers used an NIT runner-up finish to springboard them to ............. 9th in the Big 10! Here's hoping the Hawks can fall even farther.
  5. Speaking of Kearney St., who was your All-time favorite Loper? Crale Bauer or Pete Anderson?
  6. Is this official? Has Rosenthal tweeted it yet? Is your post approved by the crazy hoops guy? Pure speculation on my part, but has the look & "feel" of a likely opponent.
  7. My comments certainly weren't directed to Mr. Peterson, but to that boob conducting the poll.
  8. That's the biggest crock of horses**t I've ever heard in my life.
  9. Drum roll please........................................ Wyoming! Solid program, good Conference & imminently doable.
  10. Here's hoping we meet them in the Tournament (I'm saying this with a straight face) and whupp their A**!
  11. Hoping Michigan wins so I can cash in here at work, but the Akoy/Louisville losing angle is appealing for all the obvious childish reasons ( which I'm certainly not above).
  12. Athlon had the Huskers dead last in the B1G (as did the sportswriters) and said we would be very lucky to win 10 games. This year not only exceeded that, it has given us HOPE, and as Andy DuFrain said, "That is maybe the best of all things".
  13. I had TOTALLY spaced this game. What a cool find!
  14. This speaks to a larger phenomenon. Naming Oklahoma City the "Thunder", "Legends" & "Leaders" and now the "American" Athletic Conference. Makes me think of all those "Acme" products Wy-Lee Coyote use to order and how hopelessly stunted our collective imaginations have become.
  15. Cuban is a shameless huckster, nothing more.
  16. What about Oladepo and Zeller at IU? Could their early exit bring them back for another run, or will the $$$ signs come calling?
  17. Teague & Ellis fancy themselves the smartest guys in the room, so this hire really isn't a surprise. Yes, Pitino is from the Smart/Grant Florida coaching tree, but one year at FIU isn't much to hang your hat on. Here's hoping he falls flat, and if you get a chance to hear Sid Hartman at the Presser, make an effort. His "genius" line never gets old.
  18. I live here in the Twin Cities and can assure you the locals are highly underwhelmed with this hire. They thought Shaka was realistic, and loved Flip as a fallback option. This hire seems like a stretch. If Richard's last name was Jones or Smith, even with his resume', this job goes to someone else.
  19. Souhan joked in the Trib today that Minnesotans are such rubes that if you've driven through the Twin Cities, or coached in MN (like Miles) they consider you one of their own. Teague is now grasping at straws because everyone, even Flip Saunders has turned him down.
  20. Granted Tubbys' spent time in Tulsa, but going from the Edina Country Club to Lubbock TX is beyond culture shock. I think Tubby will rue the day he jumped on the first job he was offered (which is what this looks like).
  21. I'm absolutely floored that Tubby took the Texas Tech job. I'm convinced he did it purely out of spite. You can't knock a guy though for parlaying a hopelessly mediocre stay at MN into a 5 million dollar winfall when you throw in his new money at TTech plus the buyout. All the locals up here are crying that Miles isn't available. How 'bout that?
  22. Certainly a loss, but there's no time to pout. Let's roll up our sleeves and get that Big we so richly deserve. And yes, when it comes to the SEC and recruiting, I only assume the worst.
  23. If you axe me, conversating is a lost art. And yes the subtleties and nuances of life are blurred in the " white noise" of the media, social and otherwise. Yet, I'll bet ya dollars to doughnuts Doc ends up in Lubbock before Tubby.
  24. Also saw today that fellow Dookie and Laettner BFF Bobby Hurley was hired to coach the Buffalo Bulls.
  25. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan was quoted as saying, "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but you're not entitled to your own facts".
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