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Everything posted by trickey

  1. We could use a guy like that bad. Yes we could....I hope his name is Jacob Hammond!
  2. Dang those Spartans...#11 is hot!
  3. For somebody that knows the rules: Is a mid-season transfer eligible once the first semester is over...or does the second semester need to begin?
  4. Take it from a criminal defense attorney...it is not the first swing...but rather, it is the credability of the witnesses...Now, I will grant you that if the other side strikes first, your story should carry the day...since it is the truth. Yet, the truth doesn't always prevale...(see O.J. and Zimmerman) Mafia types gather up their trusted guys...and knock the snot/life out of some *&^%$#@!!!*...it may be impossible to prosecute. Hence, why organized crime gets caught so rarely. As for GG, I imagine that Instant Karma will get him one of these days. And in the BigE...perhaps sooner than he thinks! Yet, not as soon as I desire. * "of course", I must issue this strong disclaimer...I am a known follower of Ghandi, King and Mandela....I would prefer non violence to solve all of life's situations, if it will work...yet it is not the solution, it may be possible Nelson was right about that next step!
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=EUeeHtYtpNw&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DEUeeHtYtpNw%26feature%3Dyoutu.be&app=desktop
  6. I agree that was a very fair assessment of how the Jays are playing. What many Jaybackers are just starting to realize is how much they are missing Greg E...(or some one like him!) They are starting to realize how much a good 5 player means to a team. Major conference teams typically have 2 or 3 strong 5s on each team... Thank god, we have one this year...and hopefully, at least 3 next year and each year thereafter if we are to be relevant. Most talented 5s want to play in power conferences against the future draft competition. ( something like if you want to be the best you have to play the best!) The Jays were used to getting by with discipline, team work and shooting solid 3s...then the Jays had GE (while serendipitously havng him play at the same time as CU's best player since Korver)...and life was good! Today, this difference in the center position is why NU has a chance to win ( I lament... I predicted we would lose in the HHCC thread)...but if Smith can be the player of the game... we have a decent chance to win. While last year, it was virtually impossible due to the 4/5 combinations... so it is great to hear TM say Smith is healthy. Interestingly enough, both NU and Creighton are both now trying to take a large step up to becoming a complete team....by recruitng quality 5s...whoever wins this race rules Nebraska. As for the CU rivalry... my view is CU should win every game they play... except when the blue boys play the Huskers... This is identical to my old view of my view of our past NU v OU football rivalry ...play the best...beat the best! I wanted Ten and 0 v 10 & Oh every year. When I win the match-up...I feel great! Go Jays! Yet, GO HUSKERS...quite a bit more!!
  7. NU 68 cu 75 I would be more than happy to do poorly in this weeks HHCC results.
  8. OK...Here is another good tweet re Jayskers
  9. Rivals will tell you (for free)...The HUSKERS are still not satisfied. http://nebraska.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1584095
  10. http://www.huskers.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=100&ATCLID=209290485 2013-14 Network Stations Station Location Day Time KXVO Omaha Sun. 10 p.m. KOLN/KGIN Lincoln/Grand Island Sun. 10:35 p.m. KSNB Lincoln/Kearney/Hastings Sun. 9:30 p.m. KNPL North Platte Sun. 10:35 p.m. Great Plains Cable Across Nebraska Wed. 6 p.m. Thurs. 6 p.m. & 10:30 p.m. Sat. 9:30 a.m. Cox Communications Omaha Fri. 5 p.m. Sat. 10:30 p.m. Mon. 9 a.m. Spencer Utilities Spencer, Iowa Mon. 10:30 p.m. Wed. 10:30 a.m. Fri. 10:30 p.m. KPTH-DT2 Fox Sioux City, Iowa Sun. 9 p.m.
  11. This is an article from the rag about Brandon http://www.dailynebraskan.com/sports/former-husker-basketball-player-brandon-ubel-adapts-to-life-in/article_28aa90e0-5d74-11e3-8fbf-001a4bcf6878.html Interesting that he found that "Amsterdam, his favorite city he’s been to so far, sticks out to him. “We got a couple days in a row off and got to take a trip up there,” Ubel said, “and it was a great city with a very different and interesting vibe that I enjoyed a lot.” Yeah, I guess a few on here might agree
  12. here is a 5 minute ESPN/Miles interview from earlier this week. http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=10070238
  13. Not sure where to put this link to a free rival article about Miles...so it is with the presser. I thought we had a media thread...but I lost where. http://nebraska.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1583047
  14. Here is a link to a free rivals article about Smith: http://nebraska.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1582640 Not much that seems new...but nice.
  15. That made me laugh out loud, very loud and made the dog jump off my lap.From where I sit it looks like he shoots a knuckle ball. Does anybody else see that? It's a fairly flat shot, not a lot of arc, but I have not been able to observe the rotation from where I sit. AJB, you hit the nail on the head. We know the basket diameter is approximately twice the size of the ball's diameter. With a ball falling down from a high projectory there is 4 to 5 inches margin of error on an unguarded FREE throw to wander from center. When you shoot a flat free throw the margin for error can be cut to a significantly smaller margin.... Right now, Tia shoots this lower percentage shot....while getting 1/3 the points he should score. Once Tia uses more wrist and he allows the ball to approach the hoop from up high... he will make it so he can participate in the future end games. We need him to be able to participate in the end game for his creative offense...yet he will kill us if the opponent can just fouls him to get the disaster that is his current foul shot. It is not that hard to fix...when he does, it may be hard to recall he had the problem. Until he does, it will be hard to think of anything else when he is on the floor in the end game. Seriously, he may want to watch the women practice...and ask Rachel for a few pointers!
  16. 98% chance of Runza....don't sell those tickets for a $!
  17. They are never delivered until they turn down the $$$...think Bubba Starling
  18. I was at the Omaha lunch with Coach Miles...He expanded on the much reported meeting where Smith got up to talk. While he mentioned no players by name (it will be easy to figure out) he discussed other players sharing their thoughts. At the meeting another player got up and admitted he had not yet bought into the system, as he was used to starting and he was still dealing with the switch so he had not fully bought in. Another player stood up and stated he was aware he was shooting way to much and he needed to work more within the system. He was surprised (eyes opened) when he reviewed the stats sheet. So, it was not so much one player calling others out as it was a group "therapy session" that ended on a very positive note. Smith may have started the boulder down the hill...but others kept it rolling. Miles had intended to read them the riot act of what they needed to know and the players proceeded to stand up and tell him they already knew. Acknowledging out-loud helped them on Sunday to act on their beliefs. The problems worked themselves out. We will see if it is a lesson learned and retained or if some continued reminders need to be given. On a separate subject, I asked Coach Miles about using zone. He stated they did not want to show it before Charleston but they had worked on it quite a bit. It is obvious he is a man defense proponent but he recognizes the need for zone given our lack of big depth and the new rules re:block/charge (which he deplores). He characterizes his zone as a 2-2-1, as he does not want the guards to have to be moving as much as a 2-3 requires, so the forwards come up to assist on the wings. I would characterize it as he accepts it as a necessary evil to be used when necessary, yet avoided as much as possible. (So much for us being the Syracuse of the Plains!) I say, if you learn and remember this much as a team by participating in one tournament it has been a huge success!
  19. To get that low would mean they had made a shot so the least number of shots would be 25...which seems extremely unlikely at the 8 minute mark...I looked at the stats on http://espn.go.com/ncw/playbyplay?gameId=400509276 it appears it even went a little lower after the timeout...That had to be painful!
  20. Interesting. Doubt many do know that rule. Not that it matters as someone always fouls first so they should make that judgement call and decide who it was. It is so close to being impossible for 2 guys to foul at the exact same time that it would be a cop out to make that call. Even if someone fouled a billionth of a second sooner which will always be the case. Refs need to make the determination IMO and not reward someone with 4 FT because they were unwilling to make the determination. I agree....they should never make this call... Well, unless we are behind by 3 or 4 at the end of the game and are fouled...then they have to call it.
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