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Everything posted by trickey

  1. http://www.sportingnews.com/ncaa-basketball/story/2014-01-07/best-states-college-basketball-rankings-ohio-kansas-kentucky-iowa-california/slide/25
  2. Does anybody have an insight on this offer?
  3. Here is a small bit of good news...to warm us during our cold streak.
  4. I enjoyed looking at this as it has so much more than referee data. Stats on virtually every team you may care about...including the Huskers, in a format easier to search than others. Thanks for the site. http://huskersupdate.com/nebraska-basketball/stats
  5. doesn't matter when you lose by 10 But it sure does when you lose by 3, 2 or 1...and we are getting closer to the day!
  6. I got this directly from Miles' mouth so don't anyone ask me for a link or anything. Norm, If they want a link , I found one you were missing!
  7. Yes, It went to account suspended...that is from the server provider I would guess. I believe Dimes would be the one to tell you about what that techno stuff meant.
  8. And perhaps even more playing time for AA with Kevin Ware shutting it down for the year. http://www.cbssports.com/collegebasketball/eye-on-college-basketball/24391995/kevin-ware-to-possibly-redshirt-rest-of-season
  9. Now that Louisville has dismissed Chane Behanan from the team...perhaps AA's minutes will pick up and all will be right in his world! Or not as only time and AA will tell. http://www.cbssports.com/collegebasketball/eye-on-college-basketball/24391971/chane-behanan-dismissed-from-louisville
  10. I think this is TM's advertising that if you are a big man out there...think you can play in the B1G... and want immediate playing time...NU is where you need to be...as you won't be riding pine behind anybody.
  11. 6 wins 1. Michigan State 2. Ohio State 3. Wisconsin 4. Iowa 5. Indiana 6. Michigan 7. Illinois 8. Minnesota 9. Purdue 10. Nebraska 11. Penn State 12. Northwestern
  12. "But perhaps my wife could...better ears?...closer to the action?...What the hey, Jose?!"
  13. NU 60 cu 73 Please prove me wrong.
  14. Thank god we don't have to put up with our own not very good players who are preseason All-Americans by the Associated Press and 2nd team on USA Today.
  15. So ...this is the first game I missed this year...and I believe it will be the last. I note, In this article http://journalstar.com/sports/huskers/life-in-the-red/talking-body-language/article_3d721304-69c7-11e3-b380-001a4bcf887a.html mention is made of negative body language...which we have had more than enough of... Can somebody tell me the players having the symptoms? I assume TP is one... based on past performance...but tell me if I am wrong...but somebody, please fill me in.
  16. Could lead to a mid season transfer???
  17. Hey, I did not vouch for the quality of the information....I just told you it was there! Next time, do you want me to shut the F^*k up?
  18. http://www.huskers.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=100&ATCLID=209344336
  19. Here is my preseason post on amounts of wins in the regular season...it still seems realistic and I am sticking to it. trickey Junior Members 464 posts LocationOmaha Posted 07 November 2013 - 09:10 PM 16...sneakin' into the NIT and win a few.
  20. Here is a new article put out today with an outsider's view of what is happening in Lincoln and where we are headed...On the cusp of the NIT http://www.btpowerhouse.com/2013/12/18/5223954/what-can-make-this-a-successful-year-for-nebraska-basketball
  21. Once you compare the Duke tuition requirement before you get to the "free" tickets...You may consider the UNL price a bargain! The real problem exists for both students and non...There is a reason why the Bob was called the Library...It is going to take some time to get traditions going...for instance the "threeeee" is picking up, yet more need to join in...we just need a lot more traditions...and students tend to be creative...give them some time. Perhaps they could sit down with whoever came up with all the volleyball standards.
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