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Everything posted by Blindcheck

  1. I was listening to the Iowa State game on XM radio on a random drive across the city and the announcers for Iowa State mentioned that Jacobsen at that point (a couple of games ago) had eclipsed his high in scoring at Nebraska in every game so far. I expect he will have a very good year and the best thing that probably happened to him is not so much the transfer but sitting out a year as the transfer to work on his game and his body.
  2. Update: Jacobsen's first 7 games at Iowa state 17 PPG 7.7 Rebounds 65% FG% 36% 3pt Morrow first 6 games 3.7 PPG 1.6 rebounds 52% FG% No 3 pt attempts
  3. Nebraska 86 Texas Tech 72 Number of players scoring 10....4
  4. One of the developments of AAU basketball and the current youth basketball programs is that they play a ton of games with not as much time to practice. In the practice time, you have to put in an offense, a defense, special plays, inbound plays, presses, press breakers, etc...because you need these strategies to be coherent as a team in a game.... when you had a game a week when I played youth basketball and had 3 or 4 practices for every game, instead of 2 practices to 5 game ratio...coaches could devote a lot more time to skill work and breaking down a shot. Summers used to be for working on skills, now they have more games in the summer than they have during basketball season. So kids have to really learn their shot on their own or be lucky and play for a coach that devotes time to building this skill.
  5. I think sometimes we make too much of who is starting and who is not...It is really about total minutes given to a player rather than who is starting...(although you have to make sure the egos on the team can handle not starting)... As an example if you started Borchart and gave him the same minutes he is getting now and Allen continued to get the same minutes but wasn't starting...Does it gain anything for you...it might mean more time for Allen without all the other 4 buys getting starter minutes on the court...which might help the team offensively if Allen is on the court at different times.
  6. Also the shot clock was introduced during Hoppen and Carr's career...that changed the game quite a bit (although 45 seconds really didn't help the defense as much as the 30 seconds does now)...but it did eliminate the four corners stall offense for the last 10 minutes of games.
  7. Brian Carr played only one season with the 3 point line...I would loved to see him having the 3 point line his whole career how that would have made Dave Hoppen even more dominant. He shot 37% that first year making 58 on 157 attempts.... Brian Carr helped lead Moe Iba's last team to the NCAA tournament after losing Dave Hoppen to injury 19 games into that season....
  8. The shot clock can be one of the most effective defenders...anytime you can force a team to take a shot that they don't want (and most shots with less than 3 seconds on the shot clock are usually this) than you will boost your defensive effectiveness.
  9. I agree...you trade a freshman year for a fifth year senior year. I do hope the NCAA adds a redshirt rule like football and allow 12 games played in a year and still allow a kid to redshirt...
  10. My thought is MJ is the type of kid that always finds playing time...you can line him up in a gym and he might get picked later than most, but as a coach, a guy that boxes out, rebounds, and does the little things...always ends up getting playing time. It would be fabulous to have him for 20 minutes a game for us this year.
  11. Nebraska 89-62 non conference wins 9 overall 21
  12. Ok, but if in theory all the 5 star basketball players go to the G league....and only 4 star players are available...I still think the same schools will get those recruits...which tells me that the name on the front is still more important to revenue generation than the name on the back. What will tell us if the players hold the value is if fans start following the G league instead of high end college basketball, because the top players start choosing the G league instead of Duke, Kansas, etc. I personally think the players that go to Duke or Kansas in the end get more from the university than they would get without that showcase.
  13. I agree that you are worth what someone will pay...but let me rephrase it. Does an individual player add value to the University more than someone else? Example if you don't sign player A that you were willing to pay 1 million dollars, and you sign player B of Zero....is the University going to have less revenue because they were unable to sign Player A (Basically is he actually accretive to revenue)... My belief is that it is a very rare occasion that any individual is accretive to revenue?
  14. The question i have is do the top players actually have market value? Using kansas as an example, if they get a top 10 recruit .... does their revenue increase...if they don't get him...does it decrease? If the top 25 recruits go to the NBA G league...and kansas now gets recruit 35 instead of recruit 10...does it affect the revenue streams of KU. Also, if these players are so valuable...I imagine that the G league would see a dramatic increase in revenue. IMO, Fans generally root for their schools not individuals, until they wear the jersey of their team. Do the players add value, yes...but how much, that is a tough number to figure...and it may or may not be higher than the value of a scholarship.
  15. 23-4 19th
  16. That is why they need to hammer them. 5 years no NCAA Tournmanents and 2 years of no non conference home games.
  17. Gosh, time flies...It is hard to believe that Miles is starting his 7th year.
  18. IF the NCAA ever gets around to investigating and punishing these schools...it needs to be significant...IMO, it needs to turn programs like Kansas into SMU football....If they have cheated like this, they built their prestige on a lie, and need to get hammered.
  19. Is this a good get or settling on a recruit...I get mixed signals from this site... We will never get another good recruit unless we extend Miles to 5 years or more or This recruit that just committed is the best thing since sliced bread.
  20. Sweet, i was getting worried, because we just moved and I chose Comcast over Dish/Directv
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