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Everything posted by Blindcheck

  1. I actually think Doc is a good recruiter and has that reputation...his time at nebraska, he was saddled with some of the worst facilities and just has we were getting the new bells and whistles, he was let go. It is tough to compare Doc with Miles, because they were recruiting to totally different programs.
  2. I saw a mock draft Yesterday that had Roby going 51st.
  3. I think that was a common belief... After Hoiberg left Iowa State...I felt that there were only two jobs in college that he would come back to college....Iowa St and Nebraska... I have a lot of Iowa state friends and they all thought I was crazy...but it just seemed like a perfect fit for his family and his midwest roots.
  4. I had a conversation with a basketball coach and before the tournament, he asked me what teams I liked (style of play) that over achieved based on the recruits that they have attracted. I gave him Texas Tech and Virginia....but of course, when I filled out the brackets, I didn't have either past the sweet 16.
  5. I was talking with my nephew and he said they count by ones and twos because it is easier to keep track of...I said, if you can't count by 2s and 3s then you should probably attend more classes and play less basketball. I think old school pickup was all by 1s and when the three was first introduced, it morphed into 1s and 2s even though it makes absolutely no sense to do so...
  6. On Friday, I went over to the mall of america and watched about 6 games of the 3X3U tournament...to me the scoring of 2s and 1s really distorts the game and the shooting was so bad...as everyone was cranking 3s (2s) and it was pretty bad... There were a few guys that could shoot, but overall, it was one on one ball where whoever could hit a couple of shots was going to win...
  7. Unless you give up 91
  8. My dad was on the board of Directors at kemper in the early 1980's and (relating to another post), we listened the 1982 Missouri game in Columbia on the way back from one of those meetings...(i used to run around the campus while Dad would do his business). I went to the campus about 5 years ago and took pictures for My dad...they had turned part of it into a YMCA. Dad's Kemper roommate lived in Fulton and owned a funeral home in Fulton.
  9. I don't think so...I know of no relatives in Missouri....although my Dad did attend Kemper Military school in Booneville, MO.
  10. Has anyone attended the Final Four before or planning to go this year? My wife surprised me with Tickets since we live in the Minneapolis area and could attend cheaper than if we ever tried to attend when we would need to travel, hotel, etc. Other than the games, what are some of the can't miss events that you would recommend trying to see.
  11. In my lifetime, the 1982 win over #1 Missouri in Columbia is hard to beat. Winning on the road at the height of the Sit Down Norm era....makes it tough to beat.
  12. I may have misstated the Italy trips...if I remember correctly, you can only have these trips every four years. (I wasn't referring to the players)
  13. If he gets guys eligible to play next year...(transfers, jucos, 4 year guys etc)...can they play this summer in Italy or not? Or is this just for the players currently on the roster as of the end of this semester.
  14. Since you can have them only 4 years....and not sure who can come on the trip....I would think next year would have been better after you get some of your roster on board.
  15. I do think the best way to approach basketball is to have a great big that can dominate the Post....but since those are so hard to find, postionless basketball is much more effective than having a mediocre post player.
  16. I always was shocked watching him do so well in the Big Ten. IMO and if you read some comments from some Iowa fans, they noticed it as well...that he refused to go left. I have never had lateral quickness, heck quickness of any kind, so I have always had to figure out ways to play to cover up my deficiencies. What I will remember about that day is he blew by me a couple time with his right hand and so I just overplayed him and tried to force him to his left...probably helped that I didn't know who he was until after we played. Link From a Hawkeye fan: about why he didn't make it in the NBA Couldn't go left. Didn't have any quickness.Wasn't a great on- the -ball defender.Made big shots, but at best he was an average outside shooter.He got into the lane because of his size and strength, he had this low dribble where it was almost impossible to swipe at the ball. He would go right and everyone knew it, but you couldn't stop him.
  17. I was a freshman in college in the Spring of 1992 and playing pickup ball and was guarding an athletic guard who was unable to use his off hand. Multiple times I was able to steal the ball from him when I forced him to use his weaker hand. After we were done playing, a friend of mine told me that it was Andre Woolridge who would have just finished his Senior year of High school. That night, while talking on the phone with my dad, I told him that Woolridge should redshirt his freshman year and work on his game, because if I can figure out in 5 minutes of play that I need to force him to his weaker hand, the Big 8 coaches will figure it out too.... The best player i have ever faced was Joel Skinner (I think that was his name)...he played for Iowa and went to Law school at Creighton...we played them in an rec league playoff game and he absolutely torched us with his law school buddies.
  18. I coach sophomores in High school...You can tell when an official wishes he hadn't blown the whistle....but he is forced to make a call...sometimes he will call a foul or you can see him change his mind to travel or a jump....but that is often a penalty on the offensive player who didn't travel and a jump wasn't the right call either....a no call was the right call, but once the whistle is blown, you rarely see an official just admit that he missed it and had an inadvertent whistle. In Minnesota, we added the no charge Arc...and officials are struggling up here to adjust...often they don't know if a kid was within the Arc when you ask them (nicely of course) when a charge was called. the five second closely guarded call on dribblers which is a rule in high school (college there is no five second call on dribblers)...you often have to remind the officials to start the count
  19. I am ok with officials making calls whenever, but Like Royalfan said above...Be in position...and make sure you see what you call. I'd rather have late whistles than anticipation whistles....
  20. I have no issue with a foul called in that situation...it was said above to let the game play out in the last ten seconds...i disagree...if you think it is a foul, call it...regardless of time and score. To have a game decided because a ref decided to swallow his whistle is just as bad as a missed call in the last ten seconds.
  21. I love the ways these two teams play...
  22. I can't imagine that Mike Anderson would have been one of the 3 coaches that Moos had in his front desk drawer...at least not his top 3 as he said in his presser. I wouldn't mind Anderson, not my first choice, but I think he could be a good fit.
  23. If that is not a perfect landing spot for Tim Miles, I don't know what is.
  24. If the rumors are true...we Might end up with Doc Sadler as an assistant and pay him more as an assistant than he was paid as our head coach...
  25. I really like Roby and would love to have him back. My guess is he doesn't end up in the first round....(and if you go in the second round, that isn't much better than non drafted free agent) I think that he will be competing with guys that are similar and couple of years younger...and the NBA loves the young guys.
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