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Everything posted by royalfan

  1. The thing is we need to error on the side of athletic IMO. They also need to be projected to be able to shoot the ball. Miles and his staff are good talent developers. Make errors on the aggressive side is how we can best brew a monster potentially.
  2. My post was in not meant to be in poor taste towards Doc. I appreciate his efforts here. Was just being honest. Meant to be a pro Miles post but I need to be more careful.
  3. Bad BCS teams draw pretty well. A crap Miami team will bring in a crowd. Not so much talking about that. Was hoping for a perception boost for our program on a national level.
  4. Would I have loved to grab him? Yes. Is he a bit overrated from what I saw of him? Yes.
  5. Yeah good point. Miles is the far superior talent developer. Not saying Doc would have ruined him, but I doubt he would be this good right now with previous staff.
  6. For me it doesn't matter but for most it certainly does. The more casual the fan the more the new arena matters.
  7. The good news for you guys is that any game doesn't matter too much. You are going dancing if you win your tourney. You are not going dancing if you don't. Hope to see you dancing and dunking again this year. Good luck.
  8. yep he needs to be able to shoot an uncontested three at a 40 percent clip.
  9. Who thinks Doug isn't that good? Possibly overrated slightly but I don't think anyone thinks he isn't good. Now back to regularly scheduled Husker discussion. You aren't needed.
  10. What does Dooley's wife look like?
  11. Easily my favorite message board of any I have ever been involved with in any sport or topic. Great posters like Norm, 49r and many others make it a great board.
  12. At least we are more athletic.
  13. He is a good Missouri Valley guard. IN MY OPINION, he is nowhere even close to resembling the best point guard in the nation. Not super fast or quick and not a great shooter. He is a crafty guy that knows how to play. But he is not on the radar of best point in the nation. You will enjoy watching better teams come to town. You will quickly realize I am correct.
  14. The whole thing is rather obvious. They know we are at least a threat to make a lot of progress. They are super threatened as they know who is boss in this state if both teams are good. They cannot handle that thought so they try to bad mouth us and our recent problems as much as they possibly can. Going to be hilarious if we get good and they start to struggle. Going to have some people lose their minds. People like double douche/Creighton fan or whatever else he goes by.
  15. Can this kid shoot? Or does he have the type of game that could turn into being a good shooter?
  16. Use Vegas numbers to be your guide, not RPI. Nebraska certainly got better during the year and Creighton worse according to them. And yes being soft is obviously a negative trait. And no Wisconsin is not anywhere in the same stratosphere of sotfness as they typical Creighton team has been. It has what has held Creighton back from being an elite team instead of a pretty damn good one of late. Yeah, I know Creighton beat Wisconsin so you can save it. Wisconsin was finding their way with lot of new guys early on. And that is when Creighton was playing some of their best ball of the season, before hitting tough times against awful Valley competition.
  17. I'd suggest you actually read a post before flying off the handle. If there are words in that post that you can't understand, try utilizing dictionary.com rather than just skipping right over them. You'll probably find that you'll end up in less disagreements, both on message boards and in life, if you follow this relatively elementary advice. I'm sure your abrasive personality has nothing to do with the fact that you do not have a typical job where you may occasionally have to work with others. Fly off the handle? That is hilarious. I just told you to use common sense sometimes, it works. I didn't even suggest you didn't have any, just that you should use it. Seems you flew off the handle and got chased yet again for the third or fourth time. Probably for the best. You really don't belong here.
  18. Why would I think that Nebraska would be favored in the game? That is absurd. Creighton would be a significant favorite if the game were played today.
  19. Let common sense be your guide from time to time. It works
  20. This seems like a nice try at spin. Creighton certainly didn't get worse. In fact, the Nebraska game was one of its worst scoring nights of the year and the team couldn't shoot in the first half (I think the figure was around 35%, which for a team that led the entire nation in shooting percentage, was remarkably horrid). Further, one could legitimately argue about the extent of Nebraska's improvement afterward as well because there were several games where Nebraska played worse or just as poorly, sometimes against lesser opponents or opponents that Creighton had already beaten. Nebraska ended the year ranked 335 out of something like 345 schools when it comes to scoring offense, so I'd say that statistically, Nebraska's performance that game was right in line with their performance for the entire season against ranked teams. I know Norm likes to emphasize Echenique when talking about last year's game, but the real problem was that Nebraska couldn't shoot, even missing several wide open jumpers at times (after Peltz's first airball, Creighton didn't even try to defend him and he still went 0-fer on the few times he even tried to shoot). When you shoot 33% for the game (25% from three including a stunning 18% in the first half) and you do not have many guys capable of driving the basketball to draw fouls, you will get blown out more times than not. Truth be told, that was Nebraska's problem all of last year, not just in the Creighton game, and the season statistics bear that out. I certainly expect Nebraska to be better this year. From a scoring perspective, it is almost literally impossible to be worse (only about 10 teams were). You obviously lost any and all credibility by not thinking Nebraska improved during the season. You have said a lot of idiotic things, but this just shows you really don't have a clue. You really do not belong on a Nebraska basketball board with this level of stupidity on the subject. I didn't spin anything.
  21. One game is a small sample size. Nebraska played about as bad as they were capable of. Creighton played a hell of a game and brought good defensive intensity. Things sort of snowballed. A good Creighton team got rolling and kicked our ass. Doesn't necessarily mean that is the gauge of how both teams were. Nebraska improved a hell of a lot throughout the season. Creighton may have gotten worse. Certainly at the defensive end they did.
  22. Now that the offshores have largely been blocked by the US government, combined with the fact that credit card companies by and large will not handle transactions to or from them, I guess I'd like to know what kind of sports based gambling one can still do in Omaha legally. (I assume your gambling is legal since you indicated you report it on your taxes; I understand that there are illegal bookies at about every bar one could frequent, but assume you aren't doing that sort of betting ). How do you even book your bets from Omaha at this point? I'd also be curious as to what type of gambling you specialize in that Vegas doesn't handle. Do you not have any sort of income other than gambling income? Offshore wagering is not illegal as worded in laws. It is more of a grey area. The local action I have done is probably not legal. Although I do believe the transaction takes place offshore with many of the computerized joints. In any event, the local is at risk, not the gambler. And the amount of local gambling in Omaha is unbelievable. Since far less offshore gambling going on now, locals and agents have become incredibly mainstream. No other income other than investment income like many others.
  23. Royal if you don't mind me asking....what do you specialize in? I like to gamble for the fun of it but am by no means an expert. I just hit a $100 bet on Jimmy Walker to win the Fry Open at 20-1 Odds. Probably something I'll never ever be able to do again in my lifetime on a golf bet. Prop bets. Back in the day books did so much business that they didn't really care much about getting their ass whipped by a guy like me. Now limits cut severely at most places and outright stiffed by quite a few joints. Pretty much banned by all the computerized local books. Miss the old days of being able to bet several thousand on a little league game and winning 10k on Dumb and Dumberer going under at the box office with no risk at all. Damn government had to ruin it. Since books do way less business now, they cannot afford to let guys beat them up for large amounts on obscure wagers. I hate the government telling me what I can and cannot do. Yet it is okay to allow Keno so people can ruin lives getting hammered every night because they get a cut. And people like me that pay taxes on the up and up actually cost them money anyway. Albeit not a lot as many probably don't claim any or all of their winnings.
  24. We will be streaky early on. We have the talent to compete with a lot of teams on a lot of courts. But it is going to be streaky, especially early on. Going to take Miles some time to figure out what rotation gives him the best chance. More options and more guys that bring different skill sets than a year ago. Way more. So it is going to be a challenge for him to get it figured out. What gives us the best chance to win. Hopefully he finds the solution sooner than later.
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