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Red Rum

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Red Rum last won the day on June 22 2015

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  1. Meh from what I heard the student section was yelling F Dan Hurley all night soooooo but ya still could be insecure. Whatever, he's got 2 rings. How many does Creighton have?
  2. New jersey alert
  3. I don't know if its doghouse or matchup issues or maybe a little bit of both, but I listened to the post game presser on the way home, Fred specifically mentioned Meah when he said we need to be ready for the next week's games. I just wish we were better at pick and roll with him. Thats basically what he does on the offensive side of the ball. That being said, victory beers taste better that sympathy beers.
  4. Might have to make a baseball road trip this year since its not looking good for another basketball roadie
  5. just when i almost forgot about the zooperstars...
  6. I don't like Creighton, or any sport they play, or their fans. I will never route for them no matter who they are playing. I don't like blue jays as a bird, they are natures a-holes.
  7. Just gonna throw this out there, it could be that the "oops" was on the person animating that new floor video and not what the floor will actually look like. Also I'd rather have the state outline floor back.
  8. Like the last year at the Bob? I don't hate the current floor design but I'd rather have kept the state outline one.
  9. Feb 2013. I'm not sure which game was my last. I missed the last one for sure but I think I also missed the second to last one due to prior obligations. I think that game against Iowa got moved up a day because of weather. Unfortunately they seats I sat in no longer exist. I think they're a suite now.
  10. Not sure if its a glitch or what but I got an email saying scrimmage tickets were now available. Even though the tweet said it would be tomorrow. I got mine.
  11. Men's passes went on sale yesterday. I got a Green parking garage pass for $231, same as last year check that, it went up $1
  12. Schedule's out
  13. also
  14. I keep forgetting I can watch Nortwoods League games on ESPN+. I was gonna look and see who plays on what teams but I'll just watch the Loggers.
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