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The Nebraska women's basketball team will begin preparations soon for its summer tour of Greece


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This not new or a surprise, but thought it was a good read:  (maybe you all have seen it a lot already)


The Nebraska women's basketball team will begin preparations soon for its summer tour of Greece, July 30 through August 9. The nearly two-week trip will include visits to the legendary city of Athens, the Gulf of Corinth and Heraklion, Crete before concluding on the Athenian Riviera.

All-Big Ten guard Jaz Shelley and All-Big Ten center Alexis Markowski will lead the Huskers during the three-game tour, while seeing the sites of the Acropolis, the Parthenon, Olympia, the ancient site of Delphi, Knossos Palace and much more.

Returning Husker starters Allison Weidner and Maddie Krull, along with significant contributors Annika Stewart, Kendall Moriarty, Kendall Coley and Callin Hake will be joined by graduate transfer Darian White and incoming freshmen Logan Nissley and Natalie Potts to complete Nebraska's roster on the trip. Weidner, who is recovering from injury, will travel but is not expected to play.


In the picture it doesn't show Logan Missy or Natalie Potts (really want to see her play...has great credentials), but they are mentioned in article.  Can use them in absence of Weidner.

Want to see team play ! Wonder how we might see them play....Youtube ?




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  • 1 month later...

Watched it ....the girls seemed ready to go. A nice warm up game to get into a flow. Looks like about the whole new roster can contribute this year.. Hope Weidner can recover and make a go of it. A good way to get some gym time as a new squad. 


We'll be a bit different next season. Really liked the two freshmen. Good BBall IQ's... and good skill sets. They looked like they will be able to contribute pretty quickly.  Potts started, but probably means little. She's got some get up and go though... no fear....either of the newbies.


Three shooting was prevalent, and we did pretty well.  Lots of subbing as would be expected.


Small gym....looked like a small school gym. :)





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1 hour ago, 12dozen said:

I noticed Weidner walking off the court at the end. The leg was wrapped, and she appeared to favor it.  I hope her rehab is going well.  Fingers crossed.  It is just the first week in August.  

Hard and probably unfair to speculate.  Each injury and the recovery from injury can be sooo different.  I take the stance that she will likely play this season; however, I do not anticipate that she will 100% until next year.

Again, that is simply an opinion.  But that said, there are likely few people that will outwork her in the rehabilitation process.

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Maybe I'm stretching and it's way to  early....biased of course .....but from what little I've seen of the two new freshman, they kind of give off that same vibe Weidner had when she was a true freshman.


Hustle, aggressiveness, High BBall IQ, and like I mentioned a couple of posts ago...no fear.


What's not to like? High on them already obviously...look like good recruits......so we'll see.

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2 hours ago, redsteve said:

Maybe I'm stretching and it's way to  early....biased of course .....but from what little I've seen of the two new freshman, they kind of give off that same vibe Weidner had when she was a true freshman.


Hustle, aggressiveness, High BBall IQ, and like I mentioned a couple of posts ago...no fear.


What's not to like? High on them already obviously...look like good recruits......so we'll see.

I watched the game.  Glad is was streamed but hard to see some of the plays.  What struck me was that if you didn't know ahead of time who  the freshmen were and who were the upper classmen it would be hard to tell by how they played.  Lot's of great competition especially when you throw in the 3 players who didn't play.  It was only one game but it got me feeling that our recruiting is getting better.  Looks like coach has the speed to use the press some this year.  I loved seeing Potts and White pressing the other teams guards in their back court.  


As I was typing this Karl beat me to the post about the press.  I agree totally. 

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38 minutes ago, HUD said:

I watched the game.  Glad is was streamed but hard to see some of the plays.  What struck me was that if you didn't know ahead of time who  the freshmen were and who were the upper classmen it would be hard to tell by how they played.  Lot's of great competition especially when you throw in the 3 players who didn't play.  It was only one game but it got me feeling that our recruiting is getting better.  Looks like coach has the speed to use the press some this year.  I loved seeing Potts and White pressing the other teams guards in their back court.  


As I was typing this Karl beat me to the post about the press.  I agree totally. 

# 22 is looonnnggg!!!!

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16 hours ago, KarlHessEatMy.... said:

In the last decade of being a season ticket holder. Not sure we have ever had a team to full court press as I am watching this back now. That kind of excites me to see them do a little of this. Feel like we have lacked that part of our defense to get momentum going on our side!



More full court pressing, for example, could be a result of new asst. coaches and their input to overall schemes.  Hope so, and we might see some new approaches/opportunities. (pretty sure, from videos seen) the freshman played using presses in high school)


Yes Karl,  This "newest" roster may be part of the reason, but just as  likely... just change, or adding to new asst. coaching thinking and/or philosophies.

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2ND Greek game:


The girls seem to really like the faster play on offense, fast breaks, etc. .......and full court man defense sometimes.  


Newbie White is a ball court demon...in a good way !  Is a great add to the team.


Moriarty looks really good today. She likes the quick tempo...most of the squad seems to as far as that goes.



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