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Everything posted by Huskerpapa

  1. I get upset each and every time Lat passes on a 3 point shot and puts the ball on the floor. He the becomes a turnover machine. Bryce still looks either a step slow or tentative. I hope he is just tentative at this point. Wilhelm plays close to the floor. I don't mind that...but he has to get better at finding a body to box out. I am not 100% convinced CJ likes contact.
  2. I now scoff at any mention of progress! Am I frustrated, damn straight.
  3. IBack home from the game. * it is very wrong to point negative vibes at Colorado. They are going to be good team. It was NEBRASKA that took them out of their game plan. We rushed out hard on their 3's we collapsed back and prevented penetration and we seamlessly switched on defense. * We showed great team chemistry. The bench led the cheerleading. * It should be apparent to all that we will need both Alonso and Trey to play the point. * Worked out some of our issues, but a couple others still exist. * Shot the three ball much better. We should be fine at the free throw line. * Our spacing appeared amazing. * Those were Big Ten officials; yet I sure did not see many if any calls go our way. But we may see a lot of that this year. I would say we are "pesky" and as a result we are going to see a lot of ticky-tack calls. * Our depth seems to keep us out detrimental foul trouble.
  4. I will agree that we are better when Alonzo runs the point. But Trey does a good job as well, especially on defense.
  5. Good...but I hope 12,000 to 15,000 hardy souls join me at the Vault to watch in person
  6. Delano looks to be a solid pro at this point. He has opportunities to further his game, and if he does, he could be pretty special. Yes...I am a bit surprised. He has unique tools for his size, but he didn't seem to step out last season as a NBA type talent. Good for him!!
  7. Welcome to huskerland Jamarques. Hopefully your years here will be fantastic!
  8. The DJ was okay...that was a bit awkward though when he first yelled "go big red" and the crowd sort of under reacted. I will also be interested in the fan reaction to the playing of the unification song and then the national anthem. I kind of liked it, but the stretch is sort of lengthy. I wonder if all college basketball is going to handle it the same way?
  9. Keon had a better three ball than I expected. ***any guesses as to which player drew the biggest crowd buzz when he entered the game??? If you guessed a certain Japanese sniper, you would be correct.
  10. We will need both of them during the season; yet I liked the start of the second half when they shared the floor.
  11. Yeah...the fact that many of us were able to attend a live basketball game was the best take away of the night. I will be honest, the crowd went through a preseason as well. At times it even felt a bit awkward; yet fantastic, if that makes any sense at all. This was an exhibition game against an inferior opponent who had a bit of spit and vinegar, a couple local players and a good night beyond the arc. That said, here are a few of my takeaways: - Verge is a playa. Think Cam with a shot and a desire to play all around ball. My initial gut reaction is that he makes the team much better. - The McGowens brothers may have pressed a bit tonight. They are going to put together some shows. Bryce may get bounced around a bit as he becomes the super dude we all expect. - Our bigs have hands...let me repeat that...our bigs have hands. We will actually have a solid inside game. - Let me add, I really like that Briedenbach kid :) - oh...and if Andre is #3 in the big man rotation, that tells me we have a pretty decent rotation... - THIS WAS ONLY AN EXHIBITION!!! - BUT methinks we are going to be pretty good and/or very much improved.
  12. Observations from the vault...love Verge and Walker tandem. The McGowan brothers are struggling a bit...struggling at the 3 both offensively and defensively.
  13. I am going to guess 8k for tonight and a 30 point win.
  14. I have always thought our local writers were fair and unbiased in general. Of course they will be a bit more biased as they are the ones in the trenches with the program, day in and day out. What is interesting is when they are critical; then their readers split into love/hate factions. As to receiving observations from regional or national media, we will see more of that once we become relevant. Here-to-fore our irrelevance has been deafening.
  15. Dream big...
  16. Once again, I have no clue how the scoring system works, nor do I want to learn how it works. I simply guess with my heart and not my brain...so winning this seems to be totally outside reality. That said, I guess each game religiously and truly appreciate your efforts in making this happen. Thank you!
  17. Starting five may be close to the same group but I will argue that a year more maturity and understanding the system will make them better. We should be be better on the perimeter this year. I liked Delano, but the dude really struggled on the perimeter. Good teams and the entire Big Ten could take advantage of a weakness like that. My hope is no such weakness exists this year. We still have a bucket load of slashers despite the loss of Delano; and that should be a continued strength of ours. Our interior game should be greatly enhanced this year. Yvan simply was a wasteland with the ball in his hands. Sorry...but true. Defensively we will miss Delano and Yvan. But Teddy was sort of a steal or bust defender. So I am guessing that as long as Doc is near, we will be a solid if not a way above average defensive team. But hey, here is a revelation, other teams have improved as well. I fully EXPECT us to be in the top half of the Big Ten...if so, fact so, playing in the dance.
  18. I've heard that was a focus of his...perhaps he is now just bad rather than terrible
  19. Good lord. Basketball can't start soon enough. That game figuratively made me sick to my stomach The first half was downright embarrassing. Mannnn.
  20. Again, starters versus finishers. Walker sometimes got into early foul trouble which took him out of games; at least to a certain extent. He also is mature enough to understand and embrace his role on the team. This arguably makes the team stronger. I again make the argument that the rotation is much more important than who starts. Shoot, one of the best players of all time was best known as the 6th man on his team. I also believe many people underestimated the talent Wilhelm Breidenbach brought to Lincoln. He is able to open the floor with his outside game, use either hand seamlessly while in the paint, bang with big boys, box out, set picks (and roll or pop) defend, run, handle the ball and rebound. Yes, I am somewhat geeked over his talent and potential.
  21. I've had mine...electronically. works fantastic for football.
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