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Handy Johnson

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Everything posted by Handy Johnson

  1. As another year comes to an end, let's take a moment to reflect on the not so distant past. Twas not long ago that we were not only picked to finish last, too often we WERE last. We now have a program brimming with hope and promise and I urge all of the Cornhusker faithful to lift your hands to the heavens and embrace the NOW. Or, to quote former Viking great Mike Tice, "Enjoy the Season", Basketball and otherwise...
  2. Let's win this thing and get the Big Boys back in time for Conference play!
  3. I live in Mpls., and back in the day we put a beating on the Gophers. All I heard the next day was how some "walk-on" from Lincoln had lit them up. His name: Andrew Drevo.
  4. I'm guessing it was back when you could still buy RC cola in a glass bottle..... historically, even when we weren't very good, we always took care of our Non-conference business at home. Granted the schedule wasn't stuffed with top shelf programs, but losing 3 in a row THIS season would be sobering indeed.
  5. Until he just quits coaching, I will never believe that a Tim Miles squad will accept the fate that the whole is only as good as the sum of it's parts. Revisionist sour grapes. We led that Buckeye team by 18 in the 2nd half (hardly a fluke) & that Baylor team SMOKED their next opponent that hails from up the road. Everyone just wants to pile on right now...
  6. Ws over the Bearcats & Rainbow Warriors (they're still called that, right?) will go a LONG ways towards curing what ails us.
  7. I have visions of Maryland Baltimore-County......... I'm sure we all heard Miles postgame: "Time to get the Big Boy pants on" & he's right , Cincinnati isn't going to come into Lincoln on Saturday and feel sorry for us.
  8. No Moses for awhile, but I still wouldn't be surprised if Smith is starting sooner rather than later...
  9. Smith & Abraham will start against the Bearcats, along with TP, Shavon and yes Walt. This gives us 3 shooters, a Center, and a legit PG. You'll still get a productive Benny off the bench, Rivers and if you want to play Fuller & Hammond more than Tai, I'm ok with that too.
  10. The last 10 years have soured me as much as anybody when it comes to the Jays, so I have to hang my hat on something (25-23).That being said, I believe we have a far greater upside then Creighton. Conference, coaching, facilities, talent etc. etc., we'll get this thing turned around quickly and go back to padding our All-time lead...
  11. Fuller must be such a GIANT liability on the defensive end that Miles won't even let him sniff the court. I thought this kid was supposed to be the next Troy Piatkowski?
  12. As long as we lead the All-time series, 25 - 23 now, all the Creighton fans can do is chirp (pun intended).
  13. It's not about proficiency, it's about interest. I sit at Twins games and there is an unending stream of tweets on the ribbon board. I don't CARE what every dumba** up and down the street has to say about anything...
  14. "Do these balloons blow up into funny shapes? They do if you think round is funny".
  15. I don't believe this Bearcat squad is quite as salty as last years. This SHOULD be a W at home for the Red!
  16. Was going to say the happiest people in Nebraska right now are Creighton people. We just took our own crowd out of the game I'm afraid. They can trot out the Shim Shams in bikinis and it's certainly not going to effect the level I'm going yell at during that game. I'm all in favor of making a Shim Sham reference whenever possible, that being said, those Bluebirds are in for a MAN sized beating.
  17. See above post, just trying to add some clarity. I still have an 8-track player for Christ's sake, so all of this social media fascination mystifies me.
  18. I was speaking to a different phenomenon mainly regarding the Football program. Anyone tweeting to a stranger half your own age and following a recruit on the twitter is REALLY beyond help though... just 1 old man's take
  19. "Funny" when you're winning no one EVER mentions the age of a student/athlete, but when you're losing it's, "hey what do you expect they're only 18 & 19 year old kids". Maybe we should just powder their a** and give 'em a cupcake...
  20. Rachel T. MIGHT just be the best pure shooter in the State...
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